Heart of darkness door Joseph Conrad

Beoordeling 3.6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Heart of darkness
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 509 woorden
  • 12 augustus 2004
  • 65 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 3.6
65 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Heart of darkness
Heart of darkness door Joseph Conrad
Personal Opinion My first impression is that I like the book. It’s an old book. My favourite part of the story is when Mr Marlow meets the local People. He doesn’t know them, and he won’t know them. In the story, there is only one important character, Mr Marlow. I like him, but he hasn’t a lot emotions. Summary It’s an old book from 1902. It was one of the first successful books from Joseph Conrad. The story goes about a man, Mr Marlow, who is looking for Kurts. Mr Marlow is an old British seaman. He has a boat and he’ looking for Mr Kurts in Africa. Kurts was an important British person in the heart of Africa. Mr Marlow goes to Africa for the British government. When he game in Africa, he meet a lot of African people. He can’t believe his eyes when he saw how the people life’s. In Africa he experiences a lot of adventure in the primeval forest. Explanation of the title The not discover part of Africa is the Darkness. Kurts is missing in the Heart of Africa. That’s why the title is Heart of Darkness.
Setting The Story takes place in the primeval forest of Africa. In the Heart of the country. The story takes place when many years before people discover Africa. Main Character The main character in the book was Mr Marlow. He’s a seaman, and he is old. He hasn’t any emotion and he life for his selves. He’s looking for Kurts in Africa. Minor Characters The story hasn’t any minor characters. Theme or Message I think the writer won’t try to get a message across to the reader. It’s a normal adventure story, which you reading for fun. Writer’s Info Joseph Conrad was born in Ukraine in 1857. His parent’s were kilt when he was a child. His uncle Tadeusz Bobrowski brings up Joseph. In 1874 Joseph may go into the navigation. Conrad travel to Marseille. In 1878 he was going with a British ship. Eight years later he stopped sailing and was going to be a writer. In 1895 he makes his first Roman, Almaver’s Follie. In 1896 he married whit Jessie George. He writes a lot of Romans. Like: Youth, Typhoon, Nostromo, Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, The Secret Agent and Under Western Eyes. In 1924 he died. English was his third language. Final Personal Literary Evaluation I found the book relatively hard, because it’s a very old book whit a lot of old English words. The book was what I had expected of it, because I thought, it will be an adventure story, and it was. I have learnt from the book, that it’s easier to read a book from now, not an old book. I gave the book a 7. I wouldn't recommend this book to anybody else, because the very old words.
Comments I like the book, but I found it very difficult. The next time I read a modern book.


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