Getting free door Nigel Hinton

Beoordeling 5.1
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Getting free
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 426 woorden
  • 7 november 2004
  • 17 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.1
17 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Getting free
Getting free door Nigel Hinton
The main characters of this book are Jo and her boyfriend Pete. Jo is 15 years old and Pete 16 years old. They met each other on a climb expedition from Jo's school. He was the climb instructor. After that, Jo was pregnant. She called Pete if he could come to her, but she didn’t told him that she was pregnant. Later on, they met each other in a pub, and there she told him that she was pregnant. He was shocked, but he wasn't angry. She told him that they couldn't stay any longer, and that they had to leave there home. Pete disagreed with this. He found that they had to tell their parents about it. Jo disagreed with this, so she told it to her parents. Her father was very angry and her mother said nothing about it. Pete couldn't tell it to his mother, because she was very busy with her new boyfriend. Jo and Pete met each other by her home, to talk about this and everything. Jo's father wouldn't listen and said that Jo should have an abortion. But Jo and Pete wouldn't do anything like that. Now, Pete agreed with Jo that they had to leave home and that it was the only way. They haven't solved their problem. They had left home and they went to London. They came by a man, but after a few weeks they had to leave. Because he thinks that Jo has killed his cat. After a few days they came in an apartment with some other people. But Pete didn’t liked the people who live here. Every day he had a quarrel with them. After a while he like them and didn’t had any quarrels with them. The next day, Jo and Pete were in a news paper. So they had to leave the apartment and keep searching for an other home to stay. After 2 years they went to go home. When they came home Pete was arrested by Jo's father. He couldn't stay by Jo.
Opinion: I've never been in a situation like this. Because I have never been pregnant. I don't know what I would do when I would be pregnant when I'm 15 years old. I think I'm too young to be a good mother for the baby. You don't know how your boyfriend, parents and friends think about this. And you don't know if you have to do an abortion or something else. You can't finish your school and you're too young to be a mother I think.


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