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David Copperfield door Charles Dickens

Beoordeling 7.1
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover David Copperfield
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas havo | 601 woorden
  • 22 december 1999
  • 113 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.1
113 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover David Copperfield

'Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show'. Dickens' epic, exuberant novel is one of the greatest coming-of-age stories in literature. It chronicles David Copperfield's extraordinary journey through life, as he encounters villains, saviours, eccentrics and grotes…

'Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show'. Dickens' epic, exuberant novel is…

'Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show'. Dickens' epic, exuberant novel is one of the greatest coming-of-age stories in literature. It chronicles David Copperfield's extraordinary journey through life, as he encounters villains, saviours, eccentrics and grotesques, including the wicked Mr Murdstone, stout-hearted Peggotty, formidable Betsey Trotwood, impecunious Micawber and odious Uriah Heep. Dickens' great Bildungsroman (based, in part, on his own boyhood, and which he described as a 'favourite child') is a work filled with life, both comic and tragic. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

David Copperfield door Charles Dickens

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Writer Charles Dickens (simplified by Nigel Grimshaw) Title of the book David Copperfield Theme Drama Main characters David Copperfield
A boy who lives with his mother before she died and who travelled with no money and food. David\'s mother
David\'s mother who married Mr. Murdstone when she was a widow. Mr. Murdstone
A man who married David\'s mother and who doesn\'t like David at all. Mrs. Murdstone
Mr. Murdstone\'s sister who managed the house of David\'s mother. Peggotty

The servant of David\'s mother. She was always very kind to David and his mother. Mr. Peggotty
Peggotty\'s brother who is a fisherman. Ham
Mr. Peggotty\'s cousin who married Emily
A pretty girl who her parent\'s died. Her mother was a sister of Mr. Peggotty. She also lives with Mr. Peggotty. Mrs. Gummidge
A widow who\'s living with Mr. Peggotty. Mr. Mills
A poor teacher of David\'s school. Steerforth
A school friend of David. He died at the end of the story in sea. He was very rich. Traddles
A school friend of David. He was poor. Mr. Creakle
The owner of the school who beats the schoolboys. Barkis
A man who drives a cart to a lot of places. He married Peggotty but he died after that. Mr. Micawber
A poor man who always borrows money of people what he can\'t pay back. When David works he stays with Mr. Micawber. Mr. Wickfield

A lawyer who drank to much. Agnes
Mr. Wickfield\'s daughter. At the end she married David. Betsey Trotwood
David\'s aunt. He stays with her after he runs away of his work. Uriah Heep
A humble man who learned to be a lawyer. After that he helped Mr. Wickfield with his work. Without Mr. Wickfield\'s knowing he stole money of people who left it by Mr. Wickfield. Dora Spenlow
The girl of David\'s dreams. She became David\'s wife but she past away. Place Mostly London. Time Round 1955 Who tells the story David Copperfield Summary David was born when his father was already dead. After a few years David\'s mother married Mr. Murdstone. Mrs. Murdstone came to manage the house. The Murdstone\'s send David to school. David made there two friends, Steerforth and Traddles. When his mother past away he may come home and after a while he had to work in London. He stayed by the Micawber\'s. When the Micawber\'s moved out, David decides to run away with no money. He went to his aunt, Betsey Trotwood, and he went to school there. While he was going to school he stayed by Mr. Wickfield and his daughter Agnes. When David finished his education, he went to Yarmouth, where his friends live (Mr. Peggotty, Peggotty, Mrs. Grummidge, Emily and Ham). After that he went back to London and he met his girl of his dreams: Dora. After some hard years of no money he married her. They went in a house but Dora couldn\'t manage it. Dora became sick after a few years and she died. David went to Yarmouth. Steerforth and Ham died at sea. David went on travelling to forget everything. After a while he knew that he loved Agnes. He went to London again and he married Agnes. My opinion I think this story is a great story when the book isn\'t simplified. The words happy and unhappy where used too much. In the beginning I didn\'t like the book at all because it was so sad. Later it became a happier book and I like reading it. The end was the best cause he married Agnes who can do a lot (Managing the house, cooking, etc.).




Super!! Ik heb de personen gebruikt, want het zijn er echt veel, dus ik heb er een schema van gemaakt!! Bedankt!!

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