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Bully door Yvonne Coppard

Beoordeling 6.7
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Bully
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vmbo | 450 woorden
  • 22 april 2013
  • 17 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.7
17 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Bully
Bully door Yvonne Coppard
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English book questions


- Bully


- Yvone Coppard

KB: Describe the title:

- The title is really fitting with the book, because the book is called ‘Bully’. The main character is being bullied.

Who are the main characters?

- the main characters are:





Describe the characters:

- Kerry is a girl that is bullied at her new school because they have a lame leg. She is a normally girl on her old school she has it not easy.

Billy is one of the guys that Kerry are bullying. The bullying of Billy is because Kerry discovered something about Billy what Billy didn't like known.

Wayne is also one of the guys that Kerry bullied.

Wayne begins only with the "serious" bullying as Kerry has discovered something about Billy so that Billy no longer bullying June

June is the best and only friend of Kerry at school. Kerry tells June about the bullying and that she has discovered what about Billy

What is the time the book is written in?

Where does the story of the book happen?

- The story is in this time. I can’t read where its happened or where they are. I think it’s in this time. But I know it’s in the United Kingdom.


- Kerry Hollis is a girl. Her leg is broken by a car accident and the doctors tell her that she never can walk normally.

Kerry was a gymnast who was very good but by the accident is gymnast no longer possible.

Kerry has moved to a new neighbourhood and she have a new school.

At school she has no friends and is even bullied by three guys: Billy, Wayne and Fats. Kerry is very unhappy at school. Her mother is a worried type who thinks it is her fault that Kerry is so unhappy because she drive the car.

The teachers think that something is with Kerry and one of the teachers decide to talk with Kerry. At school she meets June, and June gonna be her best friend. And later in the book comes Kerry behind the secret of Billy that mother has cancer. later in the book would Kerry take revenge on Wayne.

What is your opinion of the book?

- I think the book is very interesting I have read this because my friend said to me that this book be a fun book to read it.

I did and thought it was indeed very nice to read.

Would you recommend the book to others? Why or why not?

- i would recommend this book to people who have ever bullied or bullying.


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