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Blue-eyed Devil door Lisa Kleypas

Beoordeling 10
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Blue-eyed Devil
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 1742 woorden
  • 2 juni 2009
  • 2 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 10
2 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Blue-eyed Devil
Blue-eyed Devil door Lisa Kleypas
Nieuw seizoen Studententijd de podcast!

Studenten Joes, Tess en Annemoon zijn terug en bespreken alles wat jij wilt weten over het studentenleven. Ze hebben het onder andere over lentekriebels, studeren, backpacken, porno kijken, datediners, overthinken, break-ups en nog veel meer. Vanaf nu te luisteren via Spotify en andere podcast-apps! 

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The story begins with a marriage between Liberty and Gage Travis. The sister of Gage is also present. Her name is Haven Marie Travis, she is the headcharacter of the story. The wedding is huge, the Travis family has given a great contribution. The Travis family is very rich. Haven will also get married with her boyfriend. His name is Nick. At the wedding they’re talking about getting married, and Nick goes to Haven's father, Churchill Travis, to ask for his daughters hand. Churchill admits but, because he doesn’t like Nick, he won’t give them any money. Haven walks to the wine cellar, it's dark. Nick is also there, they kiss. But then she discovers that he doesn’t kisses like Nick does. This man kisses too passionate. It isn’t Nick!

“God, I’m sorry,“ I said through chattering teeth. “I Th-thought you were my boyfriend.” He sounded rueful. “At the moment, I wish the hell I was.”

They talk for a while in the wine cellar and they decide to don’t tell each other their name. Later that evening Haven’s being presented to the old boyfriend of Liberty, Hardy Cates. She recognizes him immediately. He’s the man from the wine cellar. Life goes on and Haven marries her boyfriend Nick. But the marriage isn’t as it should be. It starts with that Haven isn’t longer allowed to work from Nick. She must stay home and cook and wash, like it should be. Then they go out, together with some old friends of Nick.

“By the way,” Nick said abruptly, “just so you won’t be surprised, I’ve told people your name is Marie.” “Why didn’t you tell them my first name?” I managed to ask. Nick didn’t look at me. “Because it makes you sound like a hick”

Nick expects things from Haven what are outrageous. He is always aggressive and blames Haven for everything. Yet he wants to make her pregnant, “to get their marriage back on track”. But Haven’s still swallowing the pill, she doesn’t want a child of Nick. Haven isn’t good in household chores and she accidentally burns Nick’s shirt. She hides the shirt but then Nick finds it…

“I was slow to comprehend that Nick had hit me. I stood swaying, blank, using my fingertips to explore where the heat had turned to numbness. I couldn’t see through the blur in my eyes, but I heard Nick’s voice, thick with disgust. “Look what you made me do.”

The situation’s becoming worse, Haven gets beaten every time she does something wrong. Getting a child becomes Nick's obsession. It goes so far that he rapes Haven. While she doesn’t want to. Not much later Nick finds the pills which Haven’s still swallowing. He beats the crap out of Haven. When Nick leaves to work the next day, Haven calls her brother Gage. She’s obtained by Oliver, the driver of the Travis'. He brings her with a private jet back to where her family lives. Haven’s going back to work, she now works in one of the offices of the Travis family. Her boss called Vanessa. Jack Travis, her other brother, asks her out. It takes a long time before she considering a move, because she has a trauma. She goes into a bar with Jack and Heidi. If they leave the bar she accidentally let fall her purse, a nice man picks it up.

“As the guy straightened and handed me the purse, I looked up into a pair of blue eyes, and everything stopped, the sound of voices, the background music, every footstep, blink, breath, heartbeat. Only one person I’d ever met had eyes that color.”

It is Hardy Cates. She has a good talk with him. She tells him that she used to be a real tom-boy, and always asks for a tool-kit for her birthday, but she never gets one. She always gets ballerina outfits and dolls. Hardy bids to bring her home, but she refuses. When they’re outside, it’s cold and he handed her his coat. She forgets to give him back when the taxi drives her home. She calls her friend Todd and tells him about the meeting with Hardy Cates and that she’s has been wearing his coat all day long. How insane is that? Haven works for company which gives tours through for sale apartments at 1800 Main. There’s just a vacant apartment. Because Vanessa isn’t at the office, Haven gives the new customer a tour. You guess: the men is Hardy Cates. After the meeting, she receives a gift of Hardy, she opens it. It is a toolkit. Vanessa sees that Haven has received a gift from him and is jealous. Haven goes to thank him and they have a date in The Harrisburg. There’s Haven's family too. The Travis family hasn’t a good relationship with Hardy Cates, because he was the former lover of Liberty. He gets in touch with Churchill Travis, they talk about the apartment at 1800 Main.

“A slight smile touched Hardy’s lips. “Travises aren’t the only ones who want a view from the top floor.” All right ,” he said to Hardy. “You paid your respect to the big dog, you can go along now.” “Thank you. But you’re not the Travis I came to see.” And Hardy looked at me.

Jack and Joe, Haven's brothers talk to her. They say she shouldn’t be with Hardy, because, they say, he's nothing but trouble. Haven walks back to Hardy and finds him talking with Vanessa. He walks to Haven, and she sees Vanessa’s scowl. Together they go to the hall and kiss. Hardy wants to go further, but Haven has a trauma of Nick. Every time he touches her she thinks of the time that Nick raped her. At her work she gets a message from Hardy, wherein he apologizes about what happened last night, even though he has no idea why she did hold back. Haven takes the elevator down but it trapped, and the elevator gets full of water. She calls 911 but this line is overloaded. With the last of the forces from her cell phone’s battery she calls Hardy. He comes to get her out of the elevator.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t have sex with you.” I heard his low laugh. “I am too. But honey, there are a couple of maintenance guys with me who can hear every word we’re saying.” “I don’t care,” I said desperately. “Get me out of here and I swear I’ll sleep with you.” I heard one of the maintenance guys volunteer in a Spanish accent, “I’ll pull her out.” “This one’s mine, amigo,” Hardy said affably, and he leaned farther into the elevator cab, one long arm extended. “Can you reach my hand, Haven?”

Haven escapes from the elevator and the next day she returns to her work. But her brother Jack doesn’t want her working. Certainly not after what had happened. Haven and Hardy have a date at 6 pm. Just before six o’clock the doorbell rings. Haven opens it. But it isn’t Hardy who’s standing in the doorpost. It's Nick. He wants to talk. Then Hardy comes in with roses. Nick and Hardy discuss while Haven sets the roses in a vase. She cuts herself on a thorn. Nick leaves and she stays behind with Hardy. There is blood on his shirt from her finger. She does his shirt off and they look at each other. Haven tells about her problems she had with Nick and they decide to do it easy, not overwhelming. They make love that night. The next day they speak again, at a business party. Hardy gets a deal offered of T.J., that’s Haven's uncle. The days that follow, Hardy ignores Haven. On Haven's work everything don’t goes well also. Samantha's grandfather died and the flowers of the funeral, which were arranged by Vanessa were deducted of Samantha’s pay. Haven decides to say something about it. But Vanessa doesn’t listen to her, until Haven calls the name of her brother, who’s the boss of the company.

“You spoiled bitch,” She said, her voice talking on a crisp edge. “Nick’s told me all about you… how you use people, how selfish you are. How you lie and manipulate to get your way. Lazy, cheating, whiny little parasite-“ “Yeah that’s my PR from Nick.” I wondered if she had actually gone out with my ex-husband. “Are you going to give the money back, or should I go to Jack?” “You dare say one word to him, and I’ll unload. By the time I finish telling him what you really are…” “Vanessa,” I said quietly, “He’s my brother. Are you really so arrogant that you think you could turn him against me? You think he’ll take your side over mine? Jack is loyal. You can trash me all you want, and it won’t do any good with him.”

When she walks back from Vanessa’s office all of her colleagues are looking her way. The intercom was on. Jack has heard everything also and dismisses Vanessa. Then back at Havens apartment, she sits on the bench when the door opens. It is Nick, Vanessa has given him the security code. He has a bracelet with him, what Haven had left behind. But that’s not the only thing he brought, he also bring a gun. He threatens Haven, but there comes someone else inside. It is Hardy. He and Nick start a fight and Nick shoots Hardy in his stomach. But Hardy is strong and he knocked Nick knock-out. Hardy tells haven that must ignore Haven because of the deal he had with T.J., otherwise he won’t get the deal. But he can’t live without her and has canceled the deal. At the end of the book Haven Travis and Hardy Cates get married. And they both want to get a child.

“The doctor said I’m perfectly healthy and good to go,” I tell him. “Now the rest is up to you.” He laughs and grips me closer. “When do we start?”


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