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Alice in Wonderland door Lewis Carroll

Beoordeling 7
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Alice in Wonderland
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 792 woorden
  • 24 oktober 2002
  • 68 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7
68 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland door Lewis Carroll
Laat van je horen: schrijf een brief en kom in de krant 📰

Ook dit jaar organiseert Nieuws in de Klas een schrijfwedstrijd waarbij het winnende verhaal wordt gepubliceerd in de krant. Schrijf jij het meest vlammende betoog, best onderbouwde of scherpste opinie over wat er nu speelt in de wereld, dichtbij of ver weg? Of het nu gaat over het milieu, geloof, vluchtelingen of het nieuwe kabinet, AI of gender-issues, alle meningen zijn welkom. 

Doe mee!
Contents Alice is very sleepy when she was sitting in the grass with her sister. And suddenly she falls a sleep. In her dream she sees a white rabbit, passing her by. The rabbit looks normal but it’s talking to itself and it looks at it’s watch. Alice follows the rabbit inside his hole. She falls down the hole, deeper and deeper. When she finally lands on the ground she doesn’t see the rabbit anymore. But she is standing in a hall and she sees a table and a door. On the table lies a key, she looks at through the little door and sees a beautiful garden on the other side. She can’t get through the door because it’s to small and when she looks at the table there is a little bottle standing on it, it says ‘DRINK ME’. Alice drinks from the bottle and she is getting smaller. She could go through the door now, but she doesn’t have the key. The key is still on the table. When she looks around her she sees a bow with ‘EAT ME’ on it. She eates the cake and she starts to grow and she growd sow big that she couldn’t stand up in the hall. She starts crying and crying and suddenly the rabbit passes her by. She calls him but he is afraid from her. Suddenly Alice is shrinking. The many tears she cried turned into a sea. When she gets on the land she does a race with the birds and the animals to make themselves warm again. But when Alice starts talking about her cat they disappear. When she stands there all alone she sees the rabbit and the rabbit asks her to get his cloves and a fan. She runs to the first house she sees and goes upstairs. There are some gloves and a fan lying on a table. She takes them and when she goes downstairs again she sees a little bottle. She drinks of the bottle and she start getting bigger and bigger and bigger until she doesn’t fit in the house anymore. When the rabbit comes to his house he can’t get in and he and other animals are throwing rocks at her. When Alice takes a better look at these rocks she sees that it are little cakes. She eats one of the cakes and she is getting smaller again. As soon as she is small enough she runs out of the house into the forest. In the forest she sees a door. She walks through the door and sees a caterpillar that is sitting on a mushroom. The caterpillar isn’t very nice but he tells her that one side of the mushroom can make her smaller and the other side can make her bigger. She walks away from the caterpillar and when she turns around she sees a little house.There is a lot of noise coming out of the house. She is much to big for the house so she eats some mushroom. When she enters the room Duchess is sitting in a chair with a baby in her arms and the cook is making a very peppery soup. When Alice walks out of the noisy house the Duchess asks if Alice doesn’t want to take care of the baby when Alice takes a better look she sees that the baby is a pig. When she is back to the forest she sees a Cheshire Cat sitting in a tree. The cat tells her where she could go to.Alice chooses to go to the March Hare. But the March Hare and the Hatter aren’t very normal at all and Alice runs away from them to a beautiful garden where she sees three gardeners working. They are painting the roses red for the Queen Of Hearts, because the Queen doesn’t like white roses. When the Queen sees Alice she asks if Alice doesn’t want to play with them, they are going to play Croquet. Alice accepts. When the game is over the King and Queen of Hearts annoce that there is going to be a trial. When the judge (the King) asks for Alice to be a witnesses and while he was asking her things she started to grow. She got bigger and bigger and suddenly all the “people” where a lot smaller then her. The King and Queen attacked Alice because she wasn’t afraid and because she was sow big, but suddenly Alice opened up her eyes. She was still lying in the grass and her sister was still sitting next to her. All the strange things that happened where all a dream.




hallo.. ik hoop dat je boekverslag helpt...
ajuuz ewald

21 jaar geleden



ik heb hem goed gebruikt....

21 jaar geleden

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