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Beoordeling 5.4
Foto van een scholier
  • Betoog door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 408 woorden
  • 24 november 2004
  • 34 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.4
34 keer beoordeeld

Nieuw seizoen Studententijd de podcast!

Studenten Joes, Tess en Annemoon zijn terug en bespreken alles wat jij wilt weten over het studentenleven. Ze hebben het onder andere over lentekriebels, studeren, backpacken, porno kijken, datediners, overthinken, break-ups en nog veel meer. Vanaf nu te luisteren via Spotify en andere podcast-apps! 

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I think that if people are already addicted to smoke, it does not matter so much how much such a pack of cigarettes cost. That is why I think that if you are not yet a smoker it does matter. If the packs of cigarettes would be more expensive then there would be fewer people who will start to smoke, especially youngsters. Most of the youngsters do not have or make enough money to buy a new pack of cigarettes every time. It also matters if the parents or friends of the person are smokers. Because if they do not smoke, you want it less faster then if they are smokers. So it is not only the price of a pack of cigarettes, that you start to smoke or not, but also the people you hang around with. For example your parents or friends could become really ill of the chemicals that are in a cigarette. I think everybody must know for him- or herself if they want to be a smoker or not. However, I think that smokers or people who want to start smoking should know the consequences on short- and long terms. On short terms for example: That you can get a bad physical condition, often have to cough and that you can get a nicotine deposit on your body and in your house. The smell of smoking is will get everywhere. I think that the consequences of long-term smoking are far worse. Take for example the fact that: smoking is very bad for your heart- and blood vessels, it can cause asthmatic complaints and bronchitis. It could also cause long cancer and other different kinds of cancer, that can influence the fertility of men and woman in a negative way. People who do not smoke themselves but are constant in the smoke of smokers can also get complaints about their health. So it is clear that if you are a smoker the chance that you die earlier is big. These short- and long terms consequences should be made public to smokers and non-smokers through commercials on television or radio, or free pamphlets. My conclusion is that people should be more informed about the consequences of smoking. I think the price of cigarettes does not make a difference to addictive smokers, but it does to people who have not yet begun smoking. So I think the price of cigarettes prevents people from starting the habbit.


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