A clean environment

Beoordeling 5.6
Foto van een scholier
  • Betoog door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 522 woorden
  • 9 mei 2002
  • 70 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.6
70 keer beoordeeld

A clean environment: I can help?
Some futurists say we are entering the "environmental century," and this will probably turn out to be right for a lot of reasons -- some good and some bad. The good news is, more and more people begin to understand that a healthy environment is essential for everything we do. The bad news is that we have more garbage every year and that the earth begins to protest. How long can it stand our pollution and exploitation?
This doesn't mean the future is going to be terrible -- far from it. It only means that it’s high time to change some habits. First of all, start with yourself: reduce the quantity of garbage by recycling and re-using things.

When we reduce the amount of energy we consume in our homes by switching off electrical appliances we aren't using (lights, TV, radio, computer…) or when we walk or cycle instead of taking the car, we use less fossil fuels, that damage the forests through acid rain.
Nowadays, we use a lot of throw-away stuff: it’ s very easy and clean but in the meanwhile we forget that we are producing an enormous quantity of garbage. Why is it so difficult for pupils to use refillable lunch containers or cloth napkins?
When we recycle products like paper, we prevent new trees from being cut down. By recycling and supporting companies that produce products with recycled material, we're saving trees. Every ton of recycled paper saves approximately 17 trees and saves 4,100 kilowatt hours of electricity - enough energy to heat the average home for six months!
But the earth will need bigger changes to survive: new and efficient arrangements! The deforestation is one of the biggest problems in the whole world. Trees are historical symbols with great ecological and economic significance. They are an incredibly important natural resource, that must never be taken for granted. It has taken centuries to produce all those beautiful, old forests that exist in the world and although we can replant trees in areas where they have been cut down, we can never replace the fragile ecosystem of an old forest once it has been destroyed. Our once vast forests are disappearing.
All around the world, trees are being cut down too quickly for Earth to regenerate new forests. And in the case of tropical rain forests, where biological diversity is at its highest, we are losing species that we don't even know about and haven't had a chance to identify. It’ s high time that we realise that we need the earth and that we have to take care of it. We rely on healthy forests every day. We have to breathe, we have to eat and I hope my (grand)children will have enough oxygen to survive in a healthy way. So it is in our best interest to appreciate, respect and preserve them so that the future generations of humans and wildlife can have a healthy life.
The future begins now; we have to take care of our planet, our nature, our health. Everyone can help to create a cleaner environment!





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