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Wasp Reporter Nr. 1 Volume 4

Beoordeling 7.1
Foto van een scholier
  • Antwoorden door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 1264 woorden
  • 7 februari 2009
  • 19 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.1
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Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

Misschien is de studie Politicologie wel wat voor jou! Tijdens deze bachelor ga je aan de slag met grote en kleine vraagstukken en bestudeer je politieke machtsverhoudingen. Wil jij erachter komen of deze studie bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan student Wouter. 

Meer informatie
HD : WaspReporter/number1/volume 4/September 2005

Name: Esther Form: Teacher: BJ Date of submission: October 2005

Assignment 1:
Onderwerp presentatie: Titel van artikel: Geen artikel:
1. Discriminatie It’s a man’s game
2. Oorlog In Irak When war takes a parent
3. Blindheid X
4. Spijbelen The £1 billion question
5. Wapengebruik Teens under fire
6. Madonna X
7. 9/11 Case closed?
8. Samenzweringen Case closed?

9. Naomi Campbell X
10. Vrouwenvoetbal It’s a man’s game

Assignment 2:
1. Six kids from a Texas highschool have lost a parent in the Iraq war.
2. Scores of others have had mothers or fathers come home with catastrophic
3. Ford Hood is the nation’s largest army post.
4. Jessica has moved from Georgia to Texas only two months before her father died.
5. Jessica formed a support group to offer grieving kids friendships and tell her
6. Leeza’s step father was killed by a bomb in Baghdad.
7. Leeza found it hard to go back at school, because everyone knew what happend and
wanted to ask questions.
8. Jessica and Leeza talk about their dads, and all manner of teen talk.
9. Jessica’s mother is called Linnie.

10. Rohan’s mother was killed by a rocket fire.
11. Sometimes Rohan and his mother went outside and play basketball.
12. Rohan went to school the next day and told his teacher he “might have a bad day
because his mom was killed in Iraq yesterday”.
13. The army sent a casuality assistance officer to council them.
14. Rohan stopped crying because he told himself that he had to be strong for his
15. When Leeza, Jessica and Rohan get together, the conversation centers on school.
16. Leeza complains about the spring prom, because she can’t bring her boyfriend.
17. Jessica doesn’t want to go back to the restaurant where she had a meal with her
18. Rohan wears the bracelet his mother was wearing when she died.
19. Most Americans say they oppose the war, but polls show that they support the
U.S. troops.

20. Iraq was supporters say it’s a fight for freedom and a war against tyranny and
21. Of the Americans killed in the Iraq war, more than 2 in 5 were married.
22. A wartime death presents unique problems for children because it happens in a
far-off country.
23. Jessica Cawvey’s daughter made her mum pinkie-swear she wouldn’t die.
24. Psychologists have learned it’s best to avoid unnecessary changes in a child’s daily
25. David imagines joining the army someday to “go over there and tell everyone it’s
just not worth it.”

Assignment 3:
1. Start
2. Declare
3. Enter
4. Prevent
5. Take part in
6. Cause
7. Bring an end to
8. Lose
9. Survive
10. Win

1. Warbaby
2. Armyservice
3. Militarypolice
4. A live bomb
5. Battledress
6. Airspy

Assignment 6:
1. Siblings
2. Amazing
3. Taking the mickey out of ...
4. Perks
5. Weird
6. Esthablished
7. Bossing around

8. Rubbish

Assignment 7:
1. They had 2 completely different styles.
3. He has got a lot of money
5. Yes. Estelle says: She’s my youngest sister.

Assignment 8:
Name: Age: Jealous? Occupation:
Kate 18 no Student
Ruth 23 no Model
Nia 18 no Student
Mark ? no Stage-school owner
Haidara 17 no Singer
Estelle ? no Singer
Kylie ? ? Pop singer
Danii ? ? Pop singer
Posh ? ? Pop singer
Lou ? ? Stay-at-home mum
Britney ? ? Singer
Jamie Lynn ? ? Actress

Assignment 10:
1. Depressed
2. Frustrated
3. Discontented
4. Cross
5. Fed-up

1. With For
2. By
3. With
4. With
5. About

Assignment 11:
1. September
2. Sir

3. Madam
4. as
5. career
6. beautiful
7. sense
8. tall
9. average
10. you
11. hear
12. faithfully

Assignment 14:
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. F 11. T 12. F

Assignment 15:
1. Bomb, that’s a weapon of massdestruction.
2. Drug trafficing, it has nothing to do with real traffic.
3. Terrorist, it’s not a punishment.
4. Bribery, it has nothing to do with stealing.
5. Shoot, it doesn’t necessarily kills someone.
6. Community service, it has nothing to do with the court.
7. Verdict, it has nothing to do with finding the suspect.

8. Massacre, it has nothing to do with the court.

Assignment 27:
1. everybody = parents
2. is = isn’t
3. literally = figurally
4. minority = majority
5. thin = fat
6. nutritious = unhealty
7. less = more
8. extenxive = narrow
9. no = now
10. healthy = unpalatable
11. impressed = unimpressed
12. slight = big
13. less = more
14. budget = price
15. slows = improves
16. angry = glad

Assignment 29:
1. L 2. L 3. L 4. E 5. G 6. B 7. J 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. I 12. F 13. M 14. H 15. N 16. K

Assignment 32:
1. Because women are already mentioned.
2. Her performances have made her a figure of hate to religious fanatics.
3. Not very tolerant and not multicultural.

4. She grew into a sexual person.
5. The far right speaks out his opinion, the conservative Muslim community doesn’t.
6. difficult
7. Expressing their feelings.

Assignment 33G:
1. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet = You have seen nothing yet
2. Nobody hurt no one = Nobody can hurt anyone
3. It’s a little unrational = It’s a little bit unrational
4. Simular to the sun = Similar to the sun
5. We done come a longs way = We have come a long way
6. If reindeers really know how to fly = If reindeers really knew how to fly
7. I rechted down beside me = I reached down beside me
8. Ain’t nobody = Nobody is
9. Don’t want you no more = Don’t want you anymore
10. Me and Julio down by the schoolyard = Julio and me at the schoolyard
11. She do just what she feel = She just does what she feels

12. I’m goin too fast cuz my mind is racing = I’m going too fast because my mind is racing
13. If this ain’t healthy it is some kinda clean = If this isn’t healthy it’s some kind of
14. Now I’ve been waitin fo’ the chance fo’ me to do my thang = Now I’ve been waiting
for the chance for me to do my thing
15. You better buckle down ‘cos I know what’s right! = You’d better buckle down because
I know what’s right!

Assignment 36:
2. Because you’re given the wrong information about certain events.
4. To show how stupid some ideas are.
6. He investigates unusual cases in the “X-files”.
8. It’s not only about these times, it’s also about the times of Jesus.
10. As suicides and murders by the CIA or other hitmen.
12. – JFK promised they would land on the moon before the end of the sixties, but
NASA realised the goal was unreachable.
- There is footage on the Internet of the rehearsel of Armstrong’s one small step

14. Logic and cynicism can be employed to silence much of the paranoid conspiracy talk
on the net.
16. – The idea that the CIA might have tried to dethrone President Castro of Cuba by
poisoning this food and make his beard fall out would sound ridiculous if American
agents hadn’t admitted it was true.
- Many war historians now believe that the sinking of American ships in the Gulf of
Tonkin, which triggered a further escalation of conflict in the Vietnam War in
1964, never actuaaly took place, but was in fact a triumph of military spin.
18. Once you succumb to the enticing lure of conspiranoia, everything you once believed
to be true is called into question.
20. – When individual men are catapulted into crisis by giant forces beyond their
- Pan back through the surreal scenarios of assassiantions and corruption, and you
eventuelly arrive at an impulse shared by humanity since the dawn of organised

- What links all but the most bizarre conspiracy theories is a sense of outrage, of
injustice, of the ruthless arrogance of power.
22. Fear
24. In paragraph 3
26. In paragraph 5

Assignment 37:
3 6 7 10 1 5 9 2 4 8

Assignment 41:
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. F

Assignment 42:
1. superlieutenant
2. superbelieve
3. supernatural/superior
4. supermarket
5. superb
6. supervision
7. supersensitive
8. superfluous
9. superficial
10. supervice

1. as
2. into
3. pose
5. out of

Assignment 43:
1. distinct
2. allure
3. premise
4. flock
5. deemed
6. crooked
7. required
8. dismissed
9. sensible
10. presuming

11. appalling
12. rife
13. acute
14. secluded
15. aspiring

Assignment 48:
1. Absence
2. Tolerant
3. Exceptional
4. Decline
5. Sin

4. Geen vlieg kwaad doen
5. Op het nippertje

3. but I’m sure he would never harm a hair on anybody’s head.
4. that they tore one’s hair out over.
5. but he managed to escape by a hair’s breadth.




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