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The old man and the sea door Ernest Hemingway

Beoordeling 7.5
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The old man and the sea
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 794 woorden
  • 5 oktober 2015
  • 8 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.5
8 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The old man and the sea
The old man and the sea door Ernest Hemingway
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The story is about an old man, who hasn’t caught a fish for eighty-four days. In the first forty of those days, a boy had been with him. After that the parents of the boy told him that the man was definitely doomed, or just very unlucky, SALAO. There is a boy, who helps the old man a lot. For example: He makes sure the old man eats properly and has an extra blanket in winter etc.  

One day the old man goes fishing on his own. He hookes a giant fish, which pulls the skiff. (The old man and his skiff are some kind of drag.)

The old man feels sorrow for the great fish because he has such wonderful and great behavior.The old man manages to eventually kill the fish. It is too big and too heavy for on the skiff. Because the fish is bleeding sharks come. They eat all of the fish but the skeleton.

When the old man comes back from sea, the boys says they will fish together again. “The hell with luck.”---> which refers to the old man being doomed and the boy loving him anyway and he stills wants to fish with the old man even though they won’t catch any great fish..


The old man: Santiago

The old Spanish Santiago thin and has deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. He has also brown blotches on his cheeks from the benevolend skin cancer. Deep-creased scars were in his hands. But they weren’t fresh. “They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.” He hasn’t much luck fishing.

Not everything about Santiago was old. His eyes were about the same colour as the sea and had something unbeaten and cheerful in them.

He was poor, but always hopefull. He used to have a wife. She probably died or something, because seeing her picture makes him feeling even more lonely. He’d always thought of the sea as La mar. Which is what they call her when they love her, in Spanish.

Every day the old man goes fishing very early in the morning, looking for his big fish again and again. His big fish must be somewhere, it must, right? Catching that fish, is the thing he was born for, so he thinks…

The old man loves the boy. He loves baseball too, but that is some different kind of love ofcourse.

Santiago dreams about Africa a lot. When he was younger he went to Africa and saw lions walking on the wonderfull white beaches. That is what he dreams about. The story ends with that too.


The boy: Manolin

The old man taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him. He was five when the old man took him first in a boat. After his dad told him the old man was saloa, he had to go with a lucky boat, which caught three fish a week. He always helped the old man carry his stuff home. He wanted to help him… I could empathize with Manolin a little, because I love my grandmother very very very much and I would even want to go fish with her for ages if she wanted me too. Even if we would never catch even a shell.



It is a very original story. It’s is not a stupid and silly story about something special or exciting, as every other book. It’s just about an old, poor, ‘salao’ fisherman.. It’s wonderfull to read how much he loves the sea, even though the sea doesn’t give him much luck fishing. He does hook a great fish, as he dreamed about and wished for, but he does not have luck enough to show it to everyone at home. Only his skeleton is left of the fish when the old man gets home. There isn’t one clear clue. But nothing in the book could have been better written. It’s not such a big story, it’s about little things, but even the little things are enjoyable, so is taught me now. I loved the little part about the birds, for example. It was so wonderfully small written but with so much passion. I could not stop reading it over and over again. Reading the book brought some kind of peace and calmness with it. I actually expected it to be a bit boring. It absolutely wasn’t! It’s just minimalistic written. This means that the writer is saying a lot by using a very few words.





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