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Interview Wonderwall - Interview

Interview Wonderwall - Interview

Ken je Wonderwall? De meiden Ela, Kati en Jule (oorspronkelijk uit Duitsland) razen door Europa, in het voorprogramma van Ronan Keating. De band speelt ontspannen popmuziek, erg middle-of-the-road maar borrelend van enthousiasme. Vrijdags om half vier krijgen we Ela (20), een van de drie zangeressen van Wonderwall aan de lijn. Ze logeert in het Hilton Hotel in Dresden, en geeft giechelend antwoord op vijf vragen van Scholieren.com.

Hi. I'd like to ask you five questions please, if that's ok.
No, it isn't! ... Hahaha, yes, of course it is! Please go ahead, hahahaha.

[image:1:center:Praten met tovermeisje Ela.]
Can you describe your music as you would describe a painting?
Well, that's difficult! I don't know, maybe very colorful. Sometimes one of us writes songs, sometimes we all work together: every song is a different color. Sometimes happy, sometimes very sad.

You became very popular in a relatively short time. Where will Wonderwall be in five years from now?
Oh, haha, I don't know, really! We're making music now, we don't think too far ahead. If we don't like making music in five years we'll stop. I might even have children! So I can't really say. We're very excited about being so successful suddenly. Touring with Ronan is incredible, I can't believe it myself! But it's great.

Your album is called Witchcraft. Do you believe in the occult?
No, not really. When we played our songs, people used to say "Wow, it sounds like witchcraft!". So we made it the title of our first album. Witchcraft in this case doesn't mean hokus-pokus or magic. It's also referring to our friendship, three girls in a band.

What's in your CD player right now?
Ehm... Right now? "Xavier Naidoo - Zwischenspiel", but you probably don't know that. I'm also a big fan of The Beatles and BB King. We never had many idols, we tried to do our own thing from the beginning. I think it worked out pretty good.

Het album Witchcraft ligt 22 Oktober in de winkel. Gepubliceerd op 25 oktober 2002
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