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Twilight (2008)

Beoordeling 4
Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 5e klas aso | 12490 woorden
  • 4 juni 2012
  • 16 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4
16 keer beoordeeld

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1. Table of contents  

2. Preface 


4. An autobiography                                                                                                                

4.1 Early life
4.2 To become a writer 
4.3 Inspiration from her dream
4.4 Other works 

5. Genre of Twilight

5.1 Introduction: Gothic
5.2 History of the Goths
5.3 History of the gothic
5.4 The gothic literature
5.5 Elements of the Gothic Novel 

6. A. The book Twilight

6. A.1 About the book
6. A.2 The cover
6. A.3 The main characters
6. A.4 The other characters
6. A.5 The content

6. B. The book New Moon

6. B.1 About the book
6. B.2 The cover
6. B.3 The main characters
6. B.4 The other characters
6. B.5 The new characters in New Moon
6. B.6 The content 

6. C. The book Eclipse

6. C.1 About the book
6. C.2 The cover
6. C.3 The main characters
6. C.4 The other characters
6. C.5 The new characters in New Moon
6. C.6 The new characters in Eclipse 
6. C.7 The content

7. A. The film Twilight
7. A.1 The content

7. B. The film New Moon
7. B.1 The content

7. C. The film Eclipse
7. C.1 The content

8. Comparing the books and the films
8.1 Twilight
8.2 New Moon
8.3 Eclipse

9. Conclusion 

10. References 


2. Preface

This thesis is made in the context of research competence. This assignment has given us the opportunity to read every day an English book namely Twilight.

The Twilight series are written by Stephenie Meyer.  She is one of the most famous writers in the world.

In the first instance, we thank Mrs. De Bouvere, as a teacher of English of the school Lucernacollege, Melle. She helped us to choose the subject, at the council of making the research competence and improve our research.

Furthermore, we also want to thank us student counselor Sema Er for her support and encouragement.

We also thank the students of Lucernacollege Melle, of the sixth year, namely Yasmina Lamarti and Rümeysa Matışlı. They helped us at the boarding school with the pronunciation of a word and for the word selection.

Finally we thank our parents for their faithful and affectionate- and financial support.

3. Introduction

Beginning this school year we started an investigation about the Twilight series. Under the title Twilight.

Our investigation is divided into four several sub-questions. We described in the first sub-question the author of the book. She is namely Stephenie Meyer. She had not planned to become a writer, because she likes more to read a book than write a one. After she had seen a dream, she begins to write.

In the second sub-question we described the genre of the book Twilight. The genre is Gothic novel. We have search the definition of Gothic novel. Gothic novel is a literary movement of the 12th to 16th century.

In the third sub-question we described the three books. The books are Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. We have written what the books are about.

In the forth sub-question we described the three films. The films are Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. We have only written the content.

To conclude, we have described the different between the book and the film.

4. An autobiography

4.1Early life

Stephenie Meyer is born on Monday the 24th of December 1973. She is born in Hartford, Connecticut. Her nationality is American. She grows up in Phoenix. She has five siblings. Their names are Seth, Emily, Jacob, Paul and Heidi. The name of her father is Stephen Morgan and her mother is Candy Morgan. The name of Stephenie is derived from the name of her father Stephen + ie. She has studied in Scottsdale, Arizona the High School Chaparral. After that she studied in Provo, Utah Brigham Young University. She graduated in 1997 and received a B.A, Bachelor of Arts. 

Meyer met her husband when she was 4 years old and growing up in Arizona. The name of her husband is Christiaan, nicknamed ‘Pancho’. They married in 1994 when they both were 21. They have three sons together. Their names are Gabe, Seth and Eli. Christiaan Meyer, formerly an auditor, has now retired to take care of the children. Now they live in Cave Creek, Arizona and also own a house on Marrowstone Island, Washington. Stephenie is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She stated that she believes in God. She does not drink alcohol or smoke.

4.2To become a writer

Stephenie Meyer had never planned to become a writer because she was more interested to read a book than write one. As a child, her favorite books were ‘Gone with the Wind’, ‘Little Women’, and ‘The Sword of Shannara’.

Stephenie Meyer had never written a book before the world famous book ‘Twilight’. She doubts to study law. Because she thought that she had not a chance as a writer. Before becoming an author, Meyer's only professional work was as a receptionist in a property company. But the birth of her oldest son has changed her mind. The Twilight series is worldwide success and has won many literary awards. Her books have been translated into 37 languages and there are more than 85 million units sold.


4.3Inspiration from her dream

Stephenie Meyer had her inspiration from a dream. She woke up the second of June from a very vivid dream. She had seen two people who had an intense conversation. One of these people is a beautiful, sparkly vampire. The other one was a normal girl. They were to speak about problems that were a fact. They fell in love while the vampire was attracted to the scent of her blood. Although he had much to do she stayed in her bed and thought about her dream. She tended to call her friend to tell the dream. But she got up and wrote her dream. Because she would not forgot the dream. From that moment she wrote every day a bit more for. Usually she wrote in the night because her children sleep then. So, she had the time to concentrate. It took her a long time to find names for this duo. To conclude, she referred the girl Isabella (Bella) and the vampire the name Edward. She chooses Isabella because it would have been the name she would have chosen for her daughter if she had one.

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4.4 Other works

With the success of Twilight, she continues her book with New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. She wrote Twilight in 2005, New Moon in 2006, Eclipse in 2007 and Breaking Dawn in 2008. The Twilight series is also made in to a film and they were also successful.





5. Genre of Twilight:

The Gothic Novel


5.1 Introduction: Gothic

The term gothic can actually have different meanings. It can  refer to a certain type of music or it can also mean a style of art, for example in the form of novels, paintings or architecture.

It means originally ‘relating to, or resembling the Goths,’[1] their language or their civilization.

Today, the term gothic describes actually in the first place, a style of European architecture which developed from the twelfth through the sixteenth centuries, but the word seems actually to have referred to any non-classical (Greek or Roman) architecture.[2] Gothic architecture used flying buttresses, narrow towers, stained glass windows, decorative brick work in gothic windows, pointed arches and vaults and varied details.

5.2 History of the Goths

The word gothic was used in the Renaissance to show the style of art in the Middle-Ages. It is actually named after the German tribe, namely the Goths. The Goths, so one of the many Germanic tribes have had numerous battles for centuries with the Roman Empire. The Goths had in the 15th century the idea of rebirth or renaissance. The Italians gave the debt to the Goths for bringing an end to the Roman Empire. That is why they called the style of the art gothic, which meant they are cruel and violent.


5.3 History of the gothic

The word Gothic has a negative connotation for the Italians, meaning barbaric. The term gothic dates from the time of the late Middle-Ages and is used for the construction of art and style to indicate as a response to the Roman style that happened before. The reaction of the Gothic romanticism was that of "We no longer fear God, we should praise him." The churches emerged so by their flying buttresses, high spires and large windows in place of the dark churches. The Goths have also a different dress, with pointed sleeves, long trains, long dresses with embellishments and so on. And this clothing style is both for men and women. The gothic style had quickly become applier and expanded further into the art. In the period between the 12th and the 16th century there are many paintings and sculptures created in this style. The gothic remained having a negative connotation, so the faith got an increasing influence in the gothic art.

The gothic came again out around 1800, so around 19th century. In 1800 the word gothic was the word more linked to the supernatural, the mysterious. Then in the 20th century, the gothic style came again in fashion and many churches were built in that style to remember “the century of the faith”. The gothic literature was a combination of terror, horror and the mysterious side of life and death. But now, in this time, a vampire is has a place in life. Gothic occurred actually during the years 1980. It is a seen as the counterpart of punk. It arose from the same thought. Something extremes. time for something news. Something that is not each day.

In recent years, gothic is for the general public again emerged and accessible. As with all currents you have ' real ' Goths and wannabe’s, people who wish to participate. Goths see gothic not as a fashion phenomenon, but as something where they feel at home. Today, gothic means a subculture. Mostly, it is used by teenagers. They do black clothes on, because black color is the favorite color of the gothic’s.




5.4 The gothic literature

The Gothic Novel is a literary genre and has prominent features such as: mystery, old buildings with ghosts, madness, hereditary curses, doom, decay, terror, the supernatural, death, trapdoors, castles, and so on.[3] In the year 1764 the gothic literature was born when Horace Walpole published “The Castle of Otranto.” It is considered to be the first gothic novel ever written. Gothic literature was originally written as a reaction to the age of reason, order, and the politics of eighteenth-century England. Gothic literature explored the tension between what we fear and what we desire. Usually, the stories were set in some kind of castle or old building that showed human decay and created an atmosphere of suspense and mystery. One of the main characters would often be a damsel in distress who is threatened by some men. The words that were chosen in the short stories and in these novels were very descriptive. Often, the overwrought emotion, feelings of gloom and horror get created.[4] Also, within the plot, some sort of ancient prophecy, along with omens and visions, could usually be found. The most important elements to the structure of canonical gothic literature are supernatural and unexplainable events.

A large part of the plot in “The Castle of Otranto” surrounds an unexplainable incident: a gigantic black helmet falls on Prince Conrad and eventually dies. As a result of the death of Prince Conrad his father Manfred captures a passing farmer named Theodore, and pursues the fiancée of prince Conrad, so Isabella. Later learned that Jerome, the father is of Theodore. If the helmet had never fallen on Conrad, Manfred cases never stopped with Theodore and Jerome would never have found his lost son. Manfred still believes that Theodore is guilty of dropping the helmet by sorcery. At this point in the story, Isabella's long lost father appears which halts Theodore's execution. It is later learned that Isabella's father found her because a dream he had led him to a monk, who led him to Otranto[5].



For most modern readers “The Castle of Otranto” is boring to read. Because the characters are dull, the action moves with a speed of clip with no emphasis or tension. But modern readers find the novel original and exciting. With the medieval attributes and the use of the supernatural. All of which are often haunted, but bad haunted so they have become stereotypes. The genre takes its name from Otranto's medieval–or Gothic–setting. The Gothic novelists of the past tended to set their novels in remote times like the Middle- Ages and in remote places like Italy (Matthew Lewis's The Monk, 1796) or the Middle-East (William Beckford's Vathek, 1786)[6].


5.5 Elements of The Gothic Novel

  1. Setting in a castle: A part of the story takes place in and around an abandoned, old Castle. The castle can be near caves or even connected to caves. In the castle there can be secret rooms. Dark and hidden staircases are to be located.


  1. An atmosphere of mystery and suspense: Oftenthe plot is built around a mystery, such as unknown parentage, a disappearance, or some other inexplicable event.


  1. An ancient prophecy: The prophecy is usually confusing or partial. It is connected with the castle or her inhabitants.


  1. Omens, visions and ancestral curses: A character may have a disturbing dream, vision, or some phenomenon may be seen as a portent of coming events. For example, if the statue of the lord of the manor falls over, it may portend his death.


  1. Supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events: Dramatic, amazing events occur, such as ghosts or giants walking, or inanimate objects (such as a suit of armor or painting) coming to life.


  1. High, even overwrought emotion: The characters are often overcome by anger, sorrow, surprise, and especially, terror. Panic and breathlessness are common. Emotional speeches and crying are frequent. The characters suffer raw nerves and screaming is common in the filmed gothic.


  1. Women in distress: The women screaming are terrified and sobbing faintly falling in most events. A lonely, pensive, and oppressed heroine is often the central figure of the novel.


  1. Women threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male: One or more male characters have the power, as king,  father, or guardian, to demand that one or more of the female characters do something intolerable. The woman may be commanded to marry someone she does not love.


  1. The metonymy of gloom and horror: Metonymy is a subtype of metaphor, in which something (like rain) is used to stand for something else (like sorrow).


10. The vocabulary of the gothic: Using the right words maintains the dark-and       stimulated feel that defines the gothic. Here as an example is some of the words (in several categories) that help make up the vocabulary of the gothic in The Castle of Otranto[7].


Walpole also has these elements used in the story "The Castle of Orlanto". Here is an excerpt that makes clear.

 The servant "came running back breathless, in a frantic manner, his eyes staring, and foaming at the mouth. He said nothing but pointed to the court. The company were struck with terror and amazement."

These elements come for in novels, poetry, plays, movies and TV series[8]. 

6. A. The book Twilight


6. A.1 About the book

The title of the book is Twilight. The author is Stephenie Meyer. The book was first published in Great Britain in 2006 by Atom.

6. A.2 The cover

On the cover of the book Twilight is an apple shown. An apple represents the ‘forbidden fruit’ from the book Genesis. In this book the apple represents the   forbidden love between Isabella (Bella) and Edward. Isabella is the fruit and her blood

is forbidden for Edward. In the beginning of the book there is a quote of Genesis 2:17 because Stephenie loved the phrase:

But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,

thou shalt not eat of it:

for in the day thou eatest thereof

thou shalt surely die.


6. A.3 The main characters


  • Isabella Swan is a 17-years-old girl. She prefers to be called Bella. She has a fair skin so everyone knows that she is not from Forks. She has long, straight dark brown hair. The color of her eyes is chocolate brown. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair. She leaves Phoenix and lives now with her father in Forks. She leaves Phoenix because Isabella (Bella) lived with her mother Renée and stepfather Phil in Phoenix. Phil Dwyer is a minor league baseball player. By his work they travel a lot. Therefore


decided Bella to live with her father Charlie, Charlie Swan. It is a girl who does not likes bad weather. She falls in a love with a vampire. The book is narrated by Bella.


  • Edward Cullen is a superb boy. He is namely the vampire who also loves Bella. Edward is adopted by Carlisle Cullen. Edward nearly died by the Spanish flu. His father Carlisle Cullen bit him in his neck and he became a vampire.

Normally he is 104 years old but everybody knows that he is 17 years old. He has a pale and a cold skin and also dark eyes. He is very strong, fast and handsome.


6. A.4 The other characters


  • Jacob Black is a friend of Bella. They are friends from childhood. Jacob told to Bella that the family Cullen are vampires. Jacobs’s nickname is Jake. He has black hear and brown eyes.


  • Charlie Swan is the father of Bella. He is the police chief from forks where he lives. Charlie does not like that Bella called her father by his name. Overall, Charlie Swan is a guy's guy. He likes sports, watches TV, and enjoys hanging out with his friends, including Billy Black, father of Jacob Black.


  • Renée is the mother of Bella. She loves, dispersed and reckless. She is worried about Bella. She is married with Phil Dwyer. He is a minor league baseball player.


  • Mike Newton is a friendly boy who has initially a crush on Bella, but Bella gives no attention to him. He is described as a cute, baby-faced boy with carefully spiked pale blond hair. He is also jealous over Bella and Edward’s relationship.


  • Angela Weber is a friend and classmate of Bella Swan. She is described as a shy, quiet, tall, and very kind and considerate girl. She has brown eyes and light brown hair. She respects the space of others and has a very gentle nature.


  • Jessica Stanley is a classmate of Bella and her first friend in Forks. On the first day of Bella on the school, Jessica informs her about the Cullen’s family. She is sometimes jealous of Mike’s attention toward Bella. She is described as a small chatterbox with curly dark hair.



  • The family Cullen (the vampires)


  • Carlisle Cullen is the adoptive father of Edward, Alice, Emmett Cullen and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. He is married with Esme. Carlisle is a doctor in the hospital of Forks.


  • Esme Cullen is the adoptive mother. She loves her adoptive children and also likes Bella.


  • Alice Cullen is the second adoptive child of the family Cullen. She is optimistic and loves shopping and make-up. She is married to Jasper Hale. Alice has a special feature; she can namely see the future.  


  • Jasper Hale is her adoptive brother and her lover. Jasper and Rosalie have the same surname but they are not family. The family Cullen has given the surname Hale also to Jasper. As Rosalie and Jasper are twins for the outside world. Because they are similar.


  • Emmett Cullen is the third adoptive child of the family Cullen. Emmett is tall, strong and very muscled. He is married to Rosalie Hale. He makes lots of jokes. He likes Bella but in the beginning he stays on the background because Rosalie could not agree with Bella.


  • Rosalie Hale is also an adoptive child of the family Cullen. Rosalie is described as the most beautiful woman in the world. She is slim and has wavy blonde hair.

6. A.5 The content


Isabella (Bella) lived with her mother Renée and stepfather Phil in Phoenix. Phil Dwyer is a minor league baseball player. By his work they travel a lot. Therefore decided Bella to live with her father Charlie, Charlie Swan. Phoenix is a warm city and that likes Bella. Contrary, it rains a lot of in Forks. But she has not another choice, even though her mother Renée says that she ought not to do. She will still go and miss Phoenix and the good weather. Bella flew of the airplane from Phoenix to Port Angeles and from there it was still an hour away by car to Forks.


Arrived in Port Angeles, such as it was always raining. Her father, Charlie came to pick up Bella with the cruiser. Charlie is the police chief of forks. Bella would like a car although she lacks money. Because she would not drive around with a cruiser in Forks. She received as a welcome gift a car from her father. Bella was very happy.


When they got home showed Charlie the bathroom and the room where she stayed when she was little. Nothing had changed in the room except the bed is changing and there is a desk and a computer comes. Charlie left him alone in her room so that she can unpack her bags. Bella likes this character of her father.


Charlie has Bella already registered at the college of Forks. The next morning, she had been going to school. Charlie and Bella sat together at the breakfast. Charlie wished a good day to Bella and goes to his works. Bella did not want to go to school early but

she drew her jacket and went outside. It was raining. She got on her pick-up and drove to school. When she arrived at school she parked her pick-up for the building of the secretariat. She went inside the building and went to the counter. The women who stood at the counter knew that the girl was Bella and gave her a map and a class schedule.


Passing along the cafeteria she went to building three to follow the lesions.

She went into the classroom and without present them, she had to sit behind. After the ring come a student namely Eric and they went to the next lesion. After few days at school, she could recognize some faces. She sat with a big group of friends in the cafeteria. On a corner of the cafeteria she saw a group. Bella asked to a friend who they were. The girl began to tell him. They are the family Cullen. The family Cullen has adopted them. Edward, Emmet, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper are step- siblings. They are very pretty, have a white skin and are perfect.


In biology came Bella sitting next to Edward because there was not another place. Edward was common. Immediately after the ring, Edward was in a fraction disappeared. After a few days Edward excused to Bella and began to present them.


The next morning, when she arrived at school, she moved from her pick-up and stood behind her car. Suddenly there came a strange sound of brakes. A car could not stop by the ice on the parking. The car came closer to Bella. When Edward that saw he saves Bella in a fraction of a second. Edward ensured that Bella is still alive to stop the car with his hand. From that moment, Bella knew that Edward is a special person.



Bella has today again biology. They were going to do a blood analysis but Bella feels faint. With the help of Mike she went to the emergency department. But then Edward


took Bella over from Mike. When Bella is feeling a bit better, Edward is determined to drive her home. During the car ride, Edward asks question about her mother Renée. But Bella tries to get Edward talk about his family. But he does not say too much.


At the weekend, Bella, Jessica, Mike, Eric, Tyler and with other friends for school to the beach in La Push. At the beach meets Bella Jacob. Jacob is the son of Charlie’s friend Billy. A girl on the beach makes a remark that the family Cullen not come to here. Bella wanted to know what the girl means with that. She asked to Jacob for walking around. So, she hoped for learning something more about the family Cullen. Jacob asks to Bella of she heard about the story where they are from (the Quileute’s). Jacob told to Bella that they according to a legend descended from wolves and those wolves still their ‘brothers’. Jacob told also that they are fed by blood.



Bella told to her father that she had a lot of homework to do and that she would not eat anything. She goes to her bedroom and locked the door. She had listened with her headphones to the CD that Phil had given to her for Christmas. She listened to the CD until she fell asleep. That night she saw a nightmare. She saw that she was in the wood with Jacob. She asks to Jacob what happened. Then she heard the voice of Mike “run Bella run!” Jacob feels something dangerous and seems to become a red-brown wolf. Edward appears, revealing vampire fangs while and telling Bella to trust him. The wolf leaps at Edward to protect Bella. After that nightmare she wakes up with screaming, “No!” To able from her nightmare she takes a shower. After her shower, she would search information about vampire. Because she thought that Edward is a vampire. But her internet is so slow that she goes to the kitchen to eat cereal. After she returned to her room, she starts to give the word ‘vampire’ on the Internet. She fined the site ‘Vampire A-Z’. Two quotes greeted her on the home page:






Throughout the vast shadowy world of ghosts and demons there is no figure so terrible, no figure so dreaded and abhorred, yet dight with such fearful fascination, as

the vampire, who is himself neither ghost nor demon, but yet who partakes the dark natures and possesses the mysterious and terrible qualities of both.


Rev. Montague Summers


If there is in this world a well-attested account, it is that of the vampires. Nothing is lacking: official reports, affidavits of well-known people, of surgeons, of priests, of magistrates; the judicial proof is most complete. And with all that, who is there who believes in vampires?



She surfed on the Internet and made a list in her head. Speed, strength, beauty, pale skin, eyes that shift color; and then Jacob’s criteria: blood drinkers, enemies of the werewolf, cold-skinned, and immortal. She fined that there were very few myths that matched even one factor. She went that night into the forest and spent long hours.


Next day when she went to the school, her eyes searched Edward first in the cafeteria but he was not there and during biology he was also not there. Jessica asked to Bella if she would come with Angela, Lauren and her to Port Angeles to go dress shopping for the dance. The next day after school, they went to Port Angeles with Jessica, Angela and Bella. The girls ask in the car to Bella if she ever had a boyfriend. Bella answered them in a convincing voice, that she has not boyfriend and had not gone to a dance in Phoenix. While they were talking they found the most suitable shop for party clothes. After purchasing, Bella decided to go to a bookstore. But she knew not witch book she want. She agreed the girls to meet with them to the Italian restaurant. When she was walking to a bookstore she was followed by boys and harassed on o corner. At that moment a shiny, silver Volvo comes around the corner driving right at her. But the silver car come unexpectedly and opens the passenger door just a few feet from her. A furious voice commanded “Get in”.  It was Edward who follows Bella. They were together to the Italian restaurant. When they arrived, Angela and Jessica had already

eaten and went back to Forks. At the restaurant, asks Bella few questions to Edward but he do not given an answer to her.


When they return to Forks, Bella began again to ask questions to Edward in the car.

Edward said to her that he find her with her smell. Then she asked how he can mind-reading, if he is the only one who can do that. Edward answers to her questions.

He said that he is the only one and that he can read the mind. At a moment begins Edward to drive 150 km/h. Bella cried him to drive slower. Meanwhile, Bella asks some more questions. Finally, decided Bella that Edward is a vampire and that she is in love with him.


The next morning was it foggy and dark outside, absolutely perfect. Edward had no a reason not to be in school today. It was so foggy that she only saw a silver Volvo. It was Edward. Edward asks to Bella to ride with him today and she said yes. Under the shelter of the cafeteria roof’s overhang, Jessica was waiting, her eyes about to bug out of their sockets. Over her arm, bless her, was Bella’s jacket. Jessica gives her jacket. She shifted her wide eyes to Bella, trying to gather her jumbled thoughts. She gave


Bella a meaningful look, and Bella surprised a sigh. Bella did not know what she needs to tell to Jessica.


When they had mathematics, sad Jessica behind the classroom and called to Bella. She immediately began attack her with different questions about Edward en her. But it was not so easy to answer the questions. Bella concedes to Jessica that she likes Edward "too much, more than he likes her". At lunch sat Edward and Bella together. At that moment was Edward listening to the thoughts of Jessica. Jessica thought that Bella not so much loves Edward. Bella found it impossible to be with Edward. Because he was a vampire and Bella a normal person. Meanwhile, they talk about their plans for the


weekend.  Edward asks himself if Bella wants to go to Seattle. He wants to be alone with her. Because it will be a sunny day and he wants to show to Bella that he can stay in the sun. But she not loves really the idea.


This time asks Edward questions to Bella, but she does not understand so well how Edward was interested in a normal human life. The classmates of Bella found it very strange, how they can be together, because they were previously hostile to each other. Jacob and his father Billy went to visit Charlie. Bella reminded her father. Even though, she had forgotten the name of Jacob’s father’s. Billy was shocked to see Bella and Edward together.


After they were inside asked Bella if they had hungry his father asked ‘yes’. She went to the kitchen and made sandwiches. Meanwhile comes Jacob behind her. They brought the sandwiches to her father. She pretended that she watched to the league but she wanted to avoid Billy to avoid anything about Edward to his father. When the league was over they went to home. Bella end Edward went together with the car of Edward to school. But Edward had to return home, because he went hunting with Alice. So, Edward went after the pick-up of Bella. She saw a note in her car namely ‘be careful’. This weekend was she not going to Seattle. In the morning she went with Edward to walking around.

They were across a meadow under the sun. Edward’s skin sparkles as though it is encrusted with diamonds.  He admits to Bella that when he Bella first saw or rather smelt her, he had to fight the urge to drink her blood because it was so alluring to him. He carries her from the meadow to her truck on his back, running so fast that it makes

her feel queasy. They both admit that they are in love with each other and kiss for the first time.

Bella asks Edward about his past and about the Cullen family. He tells her that his vampire father Carlisle made him a vampire in 1918, when Edward was 17 and dying

from influenza. He and the other Cullen’s have decided to rise above their basic instincts and retain as much as humanity as they can by abstaining from human blood. His vampire sister Alice has the gift of premonition and his vampire brother Jasper can manipulate the emotions of those around him. Edward sneaks into Bella’s bedroom without the knowledge of her dad and they spend the night together. He tells her he finds her sexually attractive but can’t sleep with her because he might crush her by accident.


Bella and Edward spend the day at the Edward’s house so she can get to know the family. ‘The parents’, Carlisle and Esme, and Edward’s sister Alice are very nice to her. But Edward says his sister Rosalie is jealous of her because she’s human. Edward plays the piano for Bella and after that shows Edward Bella around the house.

He tells her the story of Carlisle, who was a minister’s son until he discovered a coven of vampires. One of the vampires bit him, which made him transform into a vampire.


Edward was continued with the story of Carlisle. He tells Bella how, horrified by what he had become, Carlisle tried several ways to kill himself but failed, as it is very difficult to kill a vampire. Once Carlisle discovered that he could survive on animal blood alone, he went to Italy to study medicine so he

could do some good in the world.

Carlisle eventually left Italy to start a coven of vampires that would follow his lifestyle and abstain from drinking human blood. It was while working as a doctor that Carlisle discovered him and transformed him into a vampire. He stayed with Carlisle for a while but went his own way for about ten years. In that period, he hunted humans but only that intent on committing an intense crime, which he used his mind-reading skills to decode.



Billy had suggested to Bella that she need to stay away from Edward but she tells him that he knows what he is and that he hasn’t harmed anyone. Bella tells Charlie that


Edward is her boyfriend and introduces them to each other. Edward had taken Bella to watch a baseball game between him and his family. The game was much faster than a


human version would be and Bella found it hard

to keep up with the play.

Suddenly Alice foresees the imminent arrival of a pack of vampires that are passing through the area. Unfortunately, they are not the vegetarian kind. The Cullens had no time to remove Bella to safety so they decided to try to block her smell and pretended she’s one of them.



The visiting vampires were Laurent, James and Victoria. Laurent seemed to be the leader of the pack. He expressed an interest in

visiting the home of the Cullens and promises not to hunt in their territory.

The vampires pick up Bella’s smell and realize she’s human. James seems greedy to attack her but Edward jumps in front of her in a protective stance. Laurent, though surprised by the existence of a human, assures the Cullens that none of them will harm her. However, that night Edward reveals to Bella that he knows, from listening to James's thoughts, that James is an expert tracker and is intent on hunting Bella.


He agrees to take Bella home so she can tell her dad she’s going to Phoenix, where her mother lives.


Bella pretended to break up with Edward in front of Charlie and storms out of the house, telling him she hates Forks and is moving back to Phoenix. Edward drived her to the Cullen house, where Laurent is visiting. Laurent reveals that James is the real leader of the pack and one of the most dangerous vampires he’s ever known. He will stop at nothing to kill Bella. The Cullens decided they have to kill James first. Edward, Carlisle and Emmet plan to hunt him while Bella hides out in a hotel room in Phoenix

with Alice and Jasper.




Bella waked up in a hotel room in Phoenix with Alice and Jasper watching her every move. They secured her that the other members of the Cullen family are safe but she can’t stop worrying about them,

especially about Edward.

In response to Bella’s questions, Alice explains that vampires can turn humans into vampires by injecting them with their venom.

 Edward called to say he and the others have lost track of James. Alice has a vision of James sitting alone in a mirrored room, which Bella realizes is similar to the dance

studio she used to go to when she was younger which is around the angle from her mother’s house.


Alice had another premonition and this time sees James at the house of Bella’s mum. Bella is distraught. She was getting ready to go to the airport to meet Edward when she got a phone call from James. He told her that he has her mother and will kill her if she does not get away from the Cullens and come to her mother’s house alone. Bella had written a letter to Edward telling him that she loves him and asking him not to go after James for killing her.


Bella gives the Cullens the slip at the airport and gets a cab to her mother’s house. James tells her on the phone to go to the dance studio. When she arrives there, she finds out that he’s taken a video from her house and used it to trick her

into believing he had her mother. She is relieved to know her mother is safe.

James is recording Bella's final moments. He promises her a slow and agonizing death. He attacks her, felling her face and breaking her leg, until she finally passes out.



Bella returned to awareness to found Edward and the other Cullens in the room with her. She complained that her hand is on fire and the Cullens realized that James has bitten her. Edward sucks the venom out to stop it spreading and transforming her into a vampire.


Bella waked up in hospital and finds Edward beside her once again. He reprimanded her for going to James alone even though he understands her decision. He tells her that she would be safer without him and, distressed at the thought of his absence, Bella tries to make him promise that he will never

leave her.

Bella asks Edward why he did not allow her to transform into a vampire when he discovered that James had bitten her. He grows angry and says he will never allow her to become a vampire even though Alice has provide her transformation. Bella feels certain that Alice’s

prediction will come true.



6. B. The book New Moon


6. B.1 About the book

The title of the book is New Moon. The author is Stephenie Meyer. The book was first              published in United States in 2007 by Little Brown.


6. B.2 The cover

The cover art of the book New Moon is designed by Gail Doobinin and photographed by John Grant. Stephenie Meyer has never had a choice of the drawings on the covers and said that she does not like it. For the cover of this book, she first described “a very lovely ruffled tulip that means nothing at all”. Than she suggested a clock image, because “time” was one of the most important themes of the novel. But the artwork team that described the cover chose the image of a tulip that losing one of its petals, with the aim to represent a drop of the blood that Bella loses.


The title of the book New Moon refers to “a darkest kind of night, a night with no moon”, so it refers to the darkest period of Bella’s life.

6. B.3 The main characters


  • Isabella Swan is a 17-years-old girl. She prefers to be called Bella. She has a fair skin so everyone knows that she is not from Forks. She has long, straight dark brown hair. The color of her eyes is chocolate brown. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair. She leaves Phoenix and lives now with her father in Forks. She leaves Phoenix because Isabella (Bella) lived with her mother Renée and stepfather Phil in Phoenix. Phil Dwyer is a minor league baseball player. By his work they travel a lot. Therefore



decided Bella to live with her father Charlie, Charlie Swan. It is a girl who does not likes bad weather. She falls in a love with a vampire. The book is narrated by Bella.


  • Edward Cullen is a superb boy. He is namely the vampire who also loves Bella. Edward is adopted by Carlisle Cullen. Edward nearly died by the Spanish flu. His father Carlisle Cullen bit him in his neck and he became a vampire.

Normally he is 104 years old but everybody knows that he is 17 years old. He has a pale and a cold skin and also dark eyes. He is very strong, fast and handsome.


6. B.4 The other characters


  • Jacob Black is a friend of Bella. They are friends from childhood. Jacob told to Bella that the family Cullen is vampires. Jacobs’s nickname is Jake. He has black hear and brown eyes.


  • Charlie Swan is the father of Bella. He is the police chief from forks where he lives. Charlie does not like that Bella called her father by his name. Overall, Charlie Swan is a guy's guy. He likes sports, watches TV, and enjoys hanging out with his friends, including Billy Black, father of Jacob Black.


  • Renée is the mother of Bella. She loves, dispersed and reckless. She is worried about Bella. She is married with Phil Dwyer. He is a minor league baseball player.



  • Mike Newton is a friendly boy who has initially a crush on Bella, but Bella gives no attention to him. He is described as a cute, baby-faced boy with carefully spiked pale blond hair. He is also jealous over Bella and Edward’s relationship.



  • Angela Weber is a friend and classmate of Bella Swan. She is described as a shy, quiet, tall, and very kind and considerate girl. She has brown eyes and light brown hair. She respects the space of others and has a very gentle nature.


  • Jessica Stanley is a classmate of Bella and her first friend in Forks. On the first day of Bella on the school, Jessica informs her about the Cullen’s family. She is sometimes

jealous of Mike’s attention toward Bella. She is described as a small chatterbox with curly dark hair.



  • The family Cullen (the vampires)


  • Carlisle Cullen is the adoptive father of Edward, Alice, Emmett Cullen and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. He is married with Esme. Carlisle is a doctor in the hospital of Forks.


  • Esme Cullen is the adoptive mother. She loves her adoptive children and also likes Bella.


  • Alice Cullen is the second adoptive child of the family Cullen. She is optimistic and loves shopping and make-up. She is married to Jasper Hale. Alice has a special feature; she can namely see the future. 


  • Jasper Hale is her adoptive brother and her lover. Jasper and Rosalie have the same surname but they are not family. The family Cullen has given the surname Hale also to Jasper. As Rosalie and Jasper are twins for the outside world. Because they are similar.



  • Emmett Cullen is the third adoptive child of the family Cullen. Emmett is tall, strong and very muscled. He is married to Rosalie Hale. He makes lots of


jokes. He likes Bella but in the beginning he stays on the background because Rosalie could not agree with Bella.


  • Rosalie Hale is also an adoptive child of the family Cullen. Rosalie is described as the most beautiful woman in the world. She is slim and has wavy blonde hair.


6. B.5 The new characters in New Moon


  • The werewolves


  • Quil Ateara is one of the five wolves of the pack to imprint during the saga, so he is a member of the werewolf pack and Jacob's "wing man". Quil has dark skin, black hair, an impish grin, a buzz cut, and is tall and burly. As a wolf he has chocolate brown fur.


  • Sam Uley is pure black and the largest wolf since he transformed first before the rest of the pack. He is also described as the calmest and most mature of his pack brothers. His father, Joshua Uley and his mother abandoned him when he was young and Sam was so forced to assume much adult responsibility at an early age.


  • Embry Call is another one of Jacob’s best friends, and he is a wolf with gray fur and dark spots on his back. He is sixteen when he first appears in New Moon, and he is described as thin, tall and shy. He calls Bella "vampire girl" because of her relationship with the Cullens. Embry’s mother was of the



Makah tribe, not the Quileute’s. He was the half-brother of Quil Ateara, Jacob Black, or Sam Uley.


  • Seth Clearwater is friends with the vampires unlike the rest of the pack and she respects also the Cullen a lot more than any other member of the pack and is willing to stand up to anyone who speaks ill of them. In the battle for the leadership of the werewolves, Seth leaves Sam's pack to become and Jacob’s Alpha is second. Jacob calls Seth a "Happy little punk." Seth and all of the werewolves stand with the Cullens when the Volturi arrive to destroy them as it could mean the end of the werewolves as well. Bella describes Seth as "tall (human with a), gangly build" and a "huge, happy grin." As a werewolf Seth is still tall and gangly and has sandy colored fur.



  • Leah Clearwater is the daughter of Sue and Harry Clearwater. She is the ex-girlfriend of Sam Uley and is the older sister of Seth Clearwater. She is the only female member of the La Push werewolf pack. Leah is described as beautiful in an exotic way with perfect copper skin, glistening black hair, and eyelashes. Edward describes Leah as a “smaller grey wolf”. As a result of her broken heart is Leah angry and bitter after Sam imprinted on her second cousin, called ‘Emily’.


  • The humans


  • Harry Clearwater was an elder of the Quileute tribe who died of a heart attack in New Moon. He left behind a wife, Sue, a daughter Leah, and a son, Seth. Harry was a close friend of Charlie Swan.


  • Emily Young is the second cousin of Leah Clearwater and the fiancée of Sam Uley’s. She has copper skin and black hair. She has also along the right of her


face and along her arms disfiguring scars as a result of Sam’s phasing into a wolf to close her. The left side of her face is extremely beautiful, so it is her former beauty before the scars. These scars pull one of the eyes of her down and distorted one side of her mouth. Emily works for Sam and other members of the wolf pack. She cooks them meals and supports them.


3. B.6 The content


The story of New Moon begins on the 18th birthday of Bella, in the house of the Cullen’s family. That is the family of the vampire where Bella is in love. When Bella opened one of her gifts, she cut her finger through the wrapping paper and so got Jasper, the newest vampire, the lust to attack Bella. But than Edward jumps between them to save Bella. A bit later, Edward and his family decided to leave Forks, because it is dangerous for Bella and also to calm down Jasper a bit. Than Bella went to more with Jacob Black, the son of a good friend of Bella’s father Charlie.

Bella and Jacob came well with each other and Bella found out that she heard the voice of Edward when she found herself in a dangerous situation. This found she quite amazing and went more and more dangerous things to do to hear the voice of Edward. She bought among other two motorcycles with Jacob to learn riding a motor.

Jacob began to change, and Bella wondered what it is, since the beginning of their contact. Jacob turned out to be a werewolf, but that was a major problem because werewolves are the greatest enemies of the vampires. Bella also discovered that Jacob is in love with her, and that brought Bella a little bit confused.

Victoria was also back in Forks. She searched a revenge to the Cullen’s, because they had murdered her friend James and the werewolves, who from Jacob and his friends existence, protected Bella.



Because Bella was always desperate for the voice of Edward, she decided to go cliff diving. The sister of Edward, Alice, and the one who gets visions of the future saw that and decided to go to Forks to see if Bella was dead. When Edward also heard by his sister Rosalie that Bella was dead, he went to the Volturi Tower in Italy. The Volturi is a family who kept the peace among the vampires and who also are capable of killing Edward.

Bella was not dead and went with Alice to the Volturi Tower to stop Edward. It was them just in time succeeded, but Bella heard that she had to change in a vampire or she died, because she knows of the existence of the vampires. Edward explained on the way back to Forks, that he did it only, because he did not want to live without her and than Bella forgave him. The Cullen family in Forks decided that Bella is a vampire after her graduation and not before, but Edward was not agree with them. 


6. C. Eclipse


6. C.1 About the book

The title of the book is Twilight. The author is Stephenie Meyer. The book is first published in Great Britain in 2007 by Atom.

6. C.2 The cover

On the cover of the book Eclipse is a broken ribbon shown. A broken ribbon represents a choice. In this book represents a broken ribbon the choice of Bella. She must choose between her love for the vampire Edward Cullen and her friendship with the werewolf Jacob Black. In the beginning of the book there is a poem from an American poet Robert Frost ‘Fire and ice’:

Some say the world will end in fire, some say on ice.

From what I have tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.


Robert Frost





6. C.3 The main characters


  • Isabella Swan is a 17-years-old girl. She prefers to be called Bella. She has a fair skin that everyone can know that she is not from Forks. She has long, straight dark brown hair. The color of her eyes are chocolate brown. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair. She leaves Phoenix and lives now with her father in Forks. It is a girl who not

 likes bad weather. She falls in a love with a vampire. The book is narrated by Bella and sometimes by Jacob black.


  • Edward Cullen is a superb boy. Namely he is the vampire who also loves Bella. Edward is adopted by Carlisle Cullen. Edward nearly died by the Spanish flu. His father Carlisle Cullen bite him in his halls and he become as a vampire.

Normally he is 104 years old but everybody knows that he is 17 years old. He has a pale and a cold skin and also dark eyes. He is very strong and fast.


  • Jacob Black is a friend of Bella. They are friends from the childhood. Jacob told to Bella that the family Cullen is vampires. Jacobs’s nickname is Jake. He has black hear and brown eyes. He is a member of the Quileute. He is as well as in wolf form and human form very fast and strong and he will never be over.


6. C.4 The other characters


  • Charlie Swan is the father of Bella. He is a police chief from forks where he lives. Charlie would not that Bella her father called by his name. A good feature of Charlie is that he not hung to you.


  • Renée is the mother of Bella. She is loving, dispersed and reckless. She is worried about Bella. She is married with Phil Dwyer. He is a minor league baseball player.



  • The family Cullen (the vampires)


  • Carlisle Cullen is the adoptive father of Edward, Alice, Emmett Cullen and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. He is married with Esme. Carlisle is a doctor of the hospital of Forks.


  • Esme Cullen is the adoptive mother. She loves lot of her adoptive children and also from Bella.


  • Alice Cullen is the second adoptive child of the family Cullen. She is optimistic and love shopping and make-up. She is married with Jasper Hale. Jasper Hale is her adoptive brother and her lover. Alice has a special feature, she can see the feature.


  • Emmett Cullen is the third adoptive child of the family Cullen. Emmett is long, strong and very muscled. He is married with Rosalie Hale. He makes lots of jokes. He likes Bella but in the beginning he stays at the background because Rosalie could not agree with Bella.


  • Rosalie Hale is also adoptive child of the family Cullen. Rosalie is described as the most beautiful woman in the world. She is slim, long and has wavy blonde hair.


  • Jasper and Rosalie have the same surname but they are not family. The family Cullen has given the surname Hale also to Jasper. As Rosalie and Jasper are twins. Because their appearance look similar to each other.


6. C.5 The new characters in New Moon



  • The werewolves


  • Quil Ateara is one of the five wolves of the pack to imprint during the saga, so he is a member of the werewolf pack and Jacob's "wing man". Quil has dark


skin, black hair, an impish grin, a buzz cut, and is tall and burly. As a wolf he has chocolate brown fur.


  • Sam Uley is pure black and the largest wolf since he transformed first before the rest of the pack. He is also described as the calmest and most mature of his pack brothers. His father, Joshua Uley and his mother abandoned him when he was young and Sam was so forced to assume much adult responsibility at an early age.


  • Embry Call is another one of Jacob’s best friends, and he is a wolf with gray fur and dark spots on his back. He is sixteen when he first appears in New Moon, and he is described as thin, tall and shy. He calls Bella "vampire girl" because of her relationship with the Cullens. Embry’s mother was of the Makah tribe, not the Quileutes. He was the half-brother of Quil Ateara, Jacob Black, or Sam Uley.


  • Seth Clearwater is friends with the vampires unlike the rest of the pack and she respects also the Cullens a lot more than any other member of the pack and is willing to stand up to anyone who speaks ill of them. In the battle for the leadership of the werewolves, Seth leaves Sam's pack to become and Jacob’s Alpha is second. Jacob calls Seth a "Happy little punk." Seth and all of the werewolves stand with the Cullens when the Volturi arrive to destroy them as it could mean the end of the werewolves as well. Bella describes Seth as "tall (human with a), gangly build" and a "huge, happy grin." As a werewolf Seth is still tall and gangly and has sandy colored fur.





  • Leah Clearwater is the daughter of Sue and Harry Clearwater. She is the ex-girlfriend of Sam Uley and is the older sister of Seth Clearwater. She is the

only female member of the La Push werewolf pack. Leah is described as beautiful in an exotic way with perfect copper skin, glistening black hair, and eyelashes. Edward describes Leah as a “smaller grey wolf”. As a result of her broken heart is Leah angry and bitter after Sam imprinted on her second cousin, called ‘Emily’.


  • The humans


  • Harry Clearwater was an elder of the Quileute tribe who died of a heart attack in New Moon. He left behind a wife, Sue, a daughter Leah, and a son, Seth. Harry was a close friend of Charlie Swan.


  • Emily Young is the second cousin of Leah Clearwater and the fiancée of Sam Uley’s. She has copper skin and black hair. She has also along the right of her face and along her arms disfiguring scars as a result of Sam’s phasing into a wolf to close her. The left side of her face is extremely beautiful, so it is her former beauty before the scars. These scars pull one of the eyes of her down and distorted one side of her mouth. Emily works for Sam and other members of the wolf pack. She cooks them meals and supports them.


6. C.6 The New characters in Eclipse

  • The most important


  • Victoria is a vampire who wants to kill Bella to avenge her mate James. The color of her hair is brilliant orange. She has red eye. She has a pale skin. She has basic vampire abilities and she has a good self- control.




6. C.7 The content


In Seattle there are some people died. Edward suspected that the killings were done by young vampires who thirst for blood could not stop.  At the end of the school years were Edward and Bella very successful. Together they filled their application in to the universities. Meanwhile Bella want to see her friend Jacob. After a lot nagging, Bella convinced Edward to see Jacob. Bella told to Edward that the wolves will not do anything to her and Edward gives her the permission to see Jacob after a long time.


Edward begins to be worry about the safety of Bella, because Alice had seen Victoria again in the town. A few days after that Bella had the permission to go to Jacob asks Edward to marry with Bella. Bella would not really marry with him but she said still yes. She does this because she knows that Edward will change her in a vampire if she marries him. She would be a vampire.


The Cullens are increasingly finding that the murders in Seattle are committed by an army of young vampires, who are led by Victoria. Victoria wants to kill Bella because Edward had killed James. Edward did not want that Bella found out that Victoria is here. But Jacob told her. The werewolves and the Cullens close a deal to combat this danger. If everyone joins in the fight Edward and Bella go camping in the mountains, in order to protect Bella.


In the morning, hears Jacob about the engagement of Bella and Edward, and he gets very frustrated. Jacob is threatening to fight, so it can be slain, but Bella would of course not. Bella kisses Jacob and realizes that she is in love with him. Victoria smells the scent of Edward and gets near Bella. Edward is forced to fight and he wins. After the young vampires and Victoria are slain, tells Bella to Jacob that she loves him, but she feels more for Edward.





Edward thinks that he needs to invite Jacob also to their wedding. He sends him an invitation. When Jacob sees that, he disappears in a werewolf form to his pain processing. He is angry with Bella, because she decided to change into a vampire.




7. A. The film Twilight

7. A.1 The content




7. B. The film New Moon

7. B.1 The content




7. C. The film Eclipse

7. C.1 The content











8. Comparing the books and the films

8.1 Twilight

The book

The film

Stephenie Meyer is the author of the book.

Stephenie Meyer makes a cameo appearance at the diner in the movie.

When Bella goes to meet the family Cullens were Emmet and Rosalie not there.

At the scene where they prepare Bella's Italian dish Rosalie and Emmett are present.

Bella’s first day at the forks High School is on 18 January.

In the film is it in March.

She uses a CD player.

She uses an iPod.

Charlie told her about the truck.

She knows when Billy en Jacob deliver to her house.

Jacob told to her the legends and that the family Cullens is vampire.

Jacob told a part of the story she found the rest in the book and on the Internet.

She has an old desktop computer.

She has an Apple laptop.

She meets Jacob first time on the beach.

She meets Jacob when they came to her house.

She communicated with e-mail with her mother.

She communicated with a phone with her mother.


8.2 New Moon

The book

The film

Bella wears a light blue shirt in her party.

Bella wears a green dress and a black cover-up to her birthday party.

Bella hears the voice of Edward, when she is in dangerous situation.

Bella sees a ghostly vision of Edward, when she is in danger.

Jacob turns into a wolf and "fights" Paul

when Paul talks about Bella.

Paul turns into a wolf and Jacob sees, jumps off his porch, over a creek, over Bella , turns into a wolf in midair, and then "fights" Paul .

At the beginning of the book, only Alice comes to greet Bella and Edward because Jasper is not at school, but in college with Rosalie and Emmett.

In the movie both Jasper and Alice come to greet Bella and Edward at school on her birthday, also giving her an unwanted present.

In the book, Bella works at Mrs. Newton's sports hardware store.

In the movie, Bella doesn’t work.



8.3 Eclipse

The book

The film

The first page is a note from Jacob to Bella.

The first scene is Riley Biers.

Jacob tells to Charlie that he kissed Bella in the living room.

Jacob tells to Charlie that he kissed Bella in front of the house.

Jasper tells Bella his life story when they realize that someone is creating an army to destroy them.

Jasper tells Bella his story after their first training with the wolves.

Bella visits Jacob two days after the battle.

Bella visits Jacob right after Carlisle's surgery on him, on the same day of the battle.

Edward gives Bella college applications for her to fill out.

It happened never.

Bella calls Edward and tells him about Jacob kissing her. He arrives at her home after.

Edward arrives at her home at the same time with Jacob and Bella. He already knows about the kissing.

Jacob received a wedding invitation for Bella and Edward's wedding and ran away furious.

It is not happened in Eclipse.






9. Conclusion

Generally we can say that there are many differences between the books and de movies. In a book you can  make a fantasy in your mind. You can self imagine de place of the event. You can know the feelings of the characters. You can know the thoughts of the characters. To conclude, the books are written in more detail.

The film is actually a translation of the book. The main lines remain the same, but the director chooses the moments they think are important. It is not like the writer sees it, the characters are not the same. You can not feel the feelings of a character. A movie influenced also by camera effects and background songs.


10. References



-         http://www.virtualsalt.com/gothic.htm

(geraadpleegd op 2011-11-18)


-         http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/gothic/gothic.html

(geraadpleegd op 2012-01-08)


-         http://cai.ucdavis.edu/waters-sites/gothicnovel/155breport.html

(geraadpleegd op 2011-11-20)


-         http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/l/literature/gothic/index.html

(geraadpleegd op 2011-11-18)


-         http://jessica_beesley.tripod.com/jessicabeesley/id2.html

(geraadpleegd op 2012-01-08)


-         http://nl.wikibooks.org/wiki/Gothic_novel/Introductie

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-         http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Gothic_Fiction_(Bookshelf)

(geraadpleegd op 2012-01-03)


-         http://www.writework.com/essay/elements-gothic-literature-describes-most-important-elemen

-         http://www.writework.com/essay/elements-gothic-literature-describes-most-important-elemen

(geraadpleegd op 2012-01-18)






























































































-                                                                                      http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_(serie) 

(geraadpleegd op 2012-01-01)


-                                                                                      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/stephenie_meyer

(geraadpleegd op 2012-01-11)


-                                                                                      http://www.scholieren.com/werkstukken/39699

(geraadpleegd op 2012-01-11)


-                                                                                      http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/index.html

(geraadpleegd op 2012-01-21)


-                                                                                      www. biography.com

(geraadpleegd op 2012-01-19)




-                                                                                      MEYER, S., Eclipse. Deel III. USA, Little Brown and Company, 2010, 139 p.


-                                                                                      MEYER, S., New Moon. Deel II. USA, Little Brown and Company, 2007, 559 p.


-                                                                                      MEYER, S., Twilight. Deel I. USA, Little Brown and Company, 2005, 383 p.




-         Meyer, S., The Twilight saga Eclipse. [dvd]. Summit Entertainment, 2010


-         Meyer, S., The Twilight Saga New Moon. [dvd]. Summit Entertainment, 2010


-         Meyer, S., Twilight. [dvd]. Summit Entertainment, 2009


[1] http://cai.ucdavis.edu/waters-sites/gothicnovel/155breport.html (2011-11-20)

[2] http://cai.ucdavis.edu/waters-sites/gothicnovel/155breport.html (2011-11-20)

[3] http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/l/literature/gothic/index.html (2011-11-18)

  http://uk.ask.com/question/what-was-the-first-gothic-novel-written (2012-05-23)

[4] http://www.writework.com/essay/elements-gothic-literature-describes-most-important-elemen (2012-01-18)

[5] http://www.writework.com/essay/elements-gothic-literature-describes-most-important-elemen (2012-01-18)

[6] http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/gothic/gothic.html (2012-01-08)

[7] http://www.virtualsalt.com/gothic.htm (2011-11-18)

[8] http://www.virtualsalt.com/gothic.htm (2011-11-08)




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