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Heart of darkness door Joseph Conrad

Beoordeling 5.9
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Heart of darkness
  • Spreekbeurt door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 502 woorden
  • 3 maart 2009
  • 6 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.9
6 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Heart of darkness
Heart of darkness door Joseph Conrad
Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

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Meer informatie
Heart of darkness
I Introduction
II contents
III conclusion

I Heart of darkness
Joseph Conrad, 1857-1924
Ukraine, Polish patriot parents, exile, sailor at 17. Known for his sea stories. Became British in 1886, went to Belgian Congo in 1890.
Other books include “The Nigger of the Narcissus” (1897), “Lord Jim” (1900)
Conrad is one of the most influential 1900-1920 writers, difficult English.
Attacks colonization in general. In those times better than used to be (Romans).

II Contents
Setting: boat on the Thames, Africa.
Content: Conrad was in 1890 in Africa, it are his own experiences.
Marlow wanted to go to Africa.
Connections, so he became captain of a steamship.

1 When he gets in Africa, Marlow goes to his station.
2 Quite some time -> message he has to go to Kurtz. Goes up the river to find him, he finds him, but they were attacked underway. Kurtz ordered the attack.
3 Kurtz dies, Marlow goes back to Britain

Title, when they go into the jungle with their boat, they enter the heart of darkness. When they go up the Thames, they enter the heart of darkness too.

Characters Marlow:
He tells the entire story.
“I always went my own road on my own legs where I had a mind to go” independent, intelligent because he won’t let himself be fooled by the company.


He is first described as how the white people wanted to be seen. ‘“He is a prodigy” he said at last “He is an emissary of pity, and science, and progress, and devil knows what else.”’
“He drew men towards him by what was best in them.” He was very charismatic.

“He informed me it was Kurtz who had ordered the attack to be made on the steamer.” “He hated sometimes the idea of being taken away”, Kurtz also made an alliance with one group of natives to get ivory and rid of another. It shows Kurtz is corrupt, evil and wants to be a dictator.


Novel, short story.
4 chapters
1) Why and how he got in Africa, steamship
2) How he went up the river
3) How he went down the river
4) Conclusion, life went on

1st person, you read from the perspective of a listener to Marlow’s story, so it seems 1st person from Marlow’s point of view.

Main thought throughout the book:
Who is Mr. Kurtz? In finding out, many adventures are made.

The story is in fact one big flashback.

III Conclusion
The difficult English. Written 100 years ago, the words are very different than I’m used to. “He alluded constantly to Europe, to the people I was supposed to know there- putting leading questions as to my as to my acquaintances in the sepulchral city, and so on.”

In general I liked it.
I thought it was not a very difficult story. The language was more difficult, and also there were many other things which looked a bit ‘stream of conscience’-like, that is due to Marlow who tells everything, so he tells the story and all the feelings it evokes in him.


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