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Bend It Like Beckham (2002)

Beoordeling 6.1
Foto van een scholier
  • Filmverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 844 woorden
  • 8 januari 2005
  • 67 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.1
67 keer beoordeeld

Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

Misschien is de studie Politicologie wel wat voor jou! Tijdens deze bachelor ga je aan de slag met grote en kleine vraagstukken en bestudeer je politieke machtsverhoudingen. Wil jij erachter komen of deze studie bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan student Wouter. 

Meer informatie
Titel van het programma: Bend it like Beckham
Uitzenddatum: 3 januari 2005
Gezien op zender: BBC 1
Duur: 1 uur en 3 kwartier. Onderwerp: voetbal en verschil tussen de engelse en Indiase cultuur. Sprekers: Jess, haar ouders, haar zus (Pinky), haar vriend (Mike), haar vriendin (Jules) & haar trainer (Joe) Soort programma: film
Hoofdzaken: - Jess wil voetbal spelen, maar mag dat niet. - Jess en Jules zijn allebei verliefd op Joe. - De bruiloft van Pinky kan niet door gaan omdat de ouders van haar vriend denken dat Jess heeft gezoend met een jongen. Dit was slechts een knuffel met Jules. Korte eigen Mening (plus/min punten): Ik vond het niet zo moeilijk om te volgen. Het verhaal was duidelijk en er werden niet veel moeilijke woorden gebruikt. Het verhaal was ook leuk. Je leert een beetje hoe de Indiase cultuur in elkaar zit. Er waren meerdere problemen in de film en dat maakte het niet saai. Er zat ook wel humor in. Jess en haar familie hadden wel een beetje een accent en vooral als ze dan snel praatte als ze boos waren bijvoorbeeld. Was het wel moeilijk ze te verstaan. Jess (actually it’s jasmine) is an Indian girl who loves to play football. She is a big fan of Beckham. She doesn’t want to study in the future but she wants to be a famous footballer. Her parents doesn’t allow her to play because they are very traditional. When her new friend Jules said that Jess is an excellent football player and asks her to join the team. Jess really want to go but her parents want her to be a perfect Indian girl. She have to learn how to cook and marry a fine Indian boy in the future. Like her big sister. Jess don’t want to and say to her parents that she has a new job. The truth is she hasn’t a job but instate of that she goes to the soccer team. She went to a match in Germany but her parents find out when they find a picture of her in the newspaper. Jess can’t play any more. A other problem begun when she were in Germany. Jules saw Jess and the trainer almost kissing on a party. The problem is that Jules is also in love with the football trainer (joe). So she is very angry on Jess. Jess can’t have a relationship with Joe because her parents only accept Indian boys. She try to explain this to Jules. Jules’s mother heard them arguing ‘you broke my heart Jess!!!’ and thinks her daughter is a lesbian. Jess doesn’t come to the training’s and Joe asks Jules why. Jules tells him the truth about Jess here parent. That they didn’t know Jess was joining a football team and that they find out after the match in Germany. Joe want to talk with Jess her parents. He tells them that Jess is the best football player from the team and that they have to give her a chance. But Jess is still not allowed to play. When Jess walks with Joe back to his car he say to her. Your parents don’t always know what’s the best for you. Jess thinks about it and decide to go to the team behind her parents back. She sneaks out to play again. Her parents discover the truth again. Just before a very important and big match. This time it’s Jules who talks to Jess. She tells her that there will be a scout on the match to select players for the United States. Jess really want to go but the match is on the same day as her sisters wedding. Her father say to her that she is not allowed to go because her sister needs her that day. This time Jess listening to him and don’t go. On the wedding a friend of her say to Jess she have to go and that he will bring her. Jess doesn’t want to go but then her father come to her. He say to her that he didn’t laugh at her sisters wedding and if football is the only way to make her laugh that day she can go to the match. Jess went to the game and is on time for the second heft. She played great and the scout say she can come to the United States. Joe wants to kiss her but Jess doesn’t want to. It wouldn’t work out any way wen you are in the US Joe say. Jess is afraid to tell her parents that she can go to the US but her father said it was ok to go. On the day she leaves Joe asks her. If you weren’t an Indian girl and you wasn’t that far I might be your boyfriend. Do I have a chance. Jess said yes and the kiss. Here parents accept it and together with Jules she went to the United States.




Omg. dankjewel! ik moest een filmverslag maken over dat film in het engels. Gelukkig ik heb van hier gecopieerd. x) dank jewel. en ik had 8,5 x)

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