We all fall down door Robert Cormier

Beoordeling 6.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover We all fall down
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 600 woorden
  • 3 augustus 2004
  • 65 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.4
65 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover We all fall down
We all fall down door Robert Cormier
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Meer informatie
State author… Robert Cormier, We all fall down, Delacorte, 1994, first published in: 1994, number of pages 193. . The reason(s) why you chose this book. The book had an interesting front and an odd title, so I read the back of the book. It was a little bit mysterious what the book was about, but the things that were told, were interesting to me. The book was about things that happen in the lives of people of my age. 3. What is the plot of your novel in your own words? On one evening, four young boys, trash the house of a family, because the boys are drunk. They rape one of the children, who came home early. She falls down the stairs and she gets in a coma. The whole family is very sad when this happened, so is Jane. She is one of the two daughters of the family Jerome. Until she meets Buddy in the mall. Buddy is one of the thrashers, but Jane doesn’t know that. They fall in love and get a relationship. At the same time, there is a guy who calls himself the Avenger. He was in the house when the thrasher trashed the house. He kills a boy, who is a bully on school. And later he kills his grandfather too. But when the daughter of the family Jerome comes out of the coma, he kidnaps Jane. He tells her that Buddy is one of the thrashers. When Jane hears this she is very angry at Buddy. Buddy try’s everything to stay with Jane but Jane doesn’t accept Buddy’s apologies. And that’s when the book ends.
What is the climax of the story? The climax is when the Avenger tells Jane, that Buddy is one of the thrashers. The reader knows that from the beginning of the book, but Jane doesn’t 5. What is the meaning of the title? The title is “we all fall down”. That is the title because the sister of Jane falls down the stairs. Also because all the people in the story fall down, but not literally. The family Jerome, because their house is trashed and one of the daughters is in a coma. Buddy, because he is an alcoholic and loses Jane. And Jane because she hears that Buddy is one of the thrashers. 6. Who are the main characters? Give a brief description of them. Buddy: he is one of thrashers and he is also an alcoholic. Jane: her house is thrashed and her sister is in coma. She and Buddy fall in love. The Avenger: he saw everything what happened in the house of the family Jerome. He also kills al bully from school and his grandfather. 7. What is the theme of this novel? The theme is sadness. To everybody in the book happens something, that makes them sad. Jane’s house is thrashed and her sister is in a coma and Buddy’s parents are divorced. 8. Choose at least one from A up to and including G below. F. How much time does the story cover? The story covers about two months, I think. 9. Personal experience. - The description of the trashing was very striking, because the writer told everything that happends. - Buddy’s parents are divorced and that has also happened to one of my friends recently - The trashing looks like the violence that is done to innocent people. 10. Your opinion and appreciation of the novel. I liked this book, because it is very striking what happens in the book. These things can happen to everyone, so it i




Je zegt dat de trashers Karen hebben verkracht wat nooit is gebeurd. Ze kon net op tijd weg vluchten en toen is ze van de trap afgeduwd door Harry.

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