The sisterhood of the traveling pants door Ann Brashares

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Boekcover The sisterhood of the traveling pants
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 2281 woorden
  • 19 januari 2010
  • 9 keer beoordeeld
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Boekcover The sisterhood of the traveling pants
The sisterhood of the traveling pants door Ann Brashares
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General information
Title of the book is The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants. The Author is Ann Brashares.
Year of publication is 2001 and he book has 384 pages.

The book takes place at several locations. Tibby stays in her hometown in America. Lena stays in Greece with her grandparents, Bridget stays at a soccer camp in Loreto and Carmen goes to south Carolina to her father. At the end of the book they reunite and are all back in Washington D.C.

The book is very recent but they don’t name a year in the book. It’s not about the past, it’s about now. The setting of time in the book is a period of about 8 to 10 weeks, because the story is about the summer holiday.

In this book are four important characters. All the characters are round characters, because all four of the characters are described very well. The four characters are all girls and they are best friends.

Tibby is a rebel girl who looks like she don’t care about the rest of the world. She meets a little girl called Bailey. Tibby is making a documentary during the holiday and Bailey wants to help her. Tibby doesn’t want this because she thinks Bailey is annoying. But then she finds out Bailey has cancer. This makes her realize she shouldn’t be so sarcastic all the time and enjoy life to the fullest.

Lena is a very beautiful and a shy girl. She goes in the summer to Greece and meets a boy named Kostos. First she doesn’t want anything from Kostos but then she falls in love with him. Then her grandparents won’t let her hang out with him because they think that Kostos has hurting Lena very much. But they fall in love and Lena learns to show her emotions and not be so shy all the time.

Carmen is a pretty, but chubby Puerto Rican girl who has a Puerto Rican mother and a white father. She doesn’t see her father often. Carmen spends the summer with her father and his new wife who already has 2 children. Carmen is shocked by this news. she feels like she does not fit into this family because she is different. Because she hates it so much there, she goes back after a few weeks to her mother.

Bridget is a pretty and athletic girl who goes to a soccer camp in Mexico . She is one of the best players there and is very competitive. She falls in love with her coach Eric. On a night she seduced him to sleeps with her, that was her first time. He doesn’t want a relationship with her, so she’s very hurt by that. Bridget learns that she shouldn’t be so competitive. Bridget lives alone with her father but, she cannot really talk with her father about her feelings.

The main theme of the book is friendship, because that’s what it is all about in this book.
Other themes that come forward in this book are death and love.


Sisterhood of the travelling pants is about four friends, Tibby, Lena, Carmen and Bridget. They know each other their whole lives. Their mothers did pregnancy gymnastics in the same gym class during their pregnancy. The four friends hang out with each other every day, but this is the first summer that they are separated from each other. One of the girls, Carmen finds a pair of pants in a second hand store. She ignores the pants and was already forgotten that she had him. On the last day before the holiday the four girls went to Carmen’s place and they all try the pants on. They think that the pants are magical because, although all 4 of the girls are differently shaped, the pants fits every one of them.

The girls meet each other in the gym on the last day before the holidays. Bridget considers that they are the sisters of the pants. And they decided to send the pants to each other during the holydays. The girls made some rules about the pants, the most important are : 1. You can never wash the pants. 2. You cannot think that you are fat, when you wearing the pants. 3. Boys are not allowed to remove the pants from your body. 4. You may not pick in your nose when you’re wearing the pants. 5. You must writing your sister during the whole summer. Even when you’re having fun without them. 6. You must send the pants according to the sisterhood rules. So every girl gets the pants twice.

Lena is the First one with the pants , she goes to Oia in Greece. Her grandmother wants that Lena and Kostos , a boy who lives there, fall in love with each other. But Lena doesn’t wants to know anything about Kostos. She spends her time painting of the beautiful area in Oia. On a morning she walks to al little lake to paint there. She also decided to go swimming there. She has no swimming clothes with her so she swims naked. But then she sees Kostos standing between the woods. She gets out of the water and put her clothes on, she does it so quickly that she puts them wrong on. Her grandmother said to her that Kostos is a bad because Lena was crying when she came home. Her grandmother thought that Lena was reaped by Kostos and Lena’s grandfather beats Kostos grandfather up. Lena is to afraid to tell the truth. She sends the pants to Tibby and she hopes that it brings Tibby more luck. Lena went to go painting at same lake where she was before, but then she sees Kostos swimming there. She realized that Kostos didn’t followed her but he always swims there. Then Lena goes to her grandparents an tells everything that happened. After that she goes to Kostos and explains everything to him. And then Lena and Kostos are kissing.

Tibby was staying the whole summer at home. She lives with her parents, her little brother Nicky and her guinea-pig Mimi. Tibby has a holiday prepare at the local supermarket Wallman.
Tibby does everything wrong according to her boss. One day when Tibby is working there is a girl called bailey and she passes out on the floor in the next aisle. Tibby calls immediately 911.
Tibby look in the purse of the girl, to look of her name is in it. Somebody thing that Tibby is stealing from Bailey so Tibby goes to the hospital to talk with the girl. Tibby realized that she still has the purse from bailey so she goes to baileys house. Bailey thinks that Tibby stole her money. They don’t like each other so bailey leaves to her room. Then baileys mother tells Tibby that Bailey has leukaemia. The illness is a reason why Tibby is trying to be nice to Bailey. After a while they become friends an Tibby sends the pants to Carmen.
Tibby is making a documentary during the holiday and Bailey wants to help her. At first Tibby doesn’t want this because she thinks Bailey is annoying. But after she finds out Bailey has cancer. She agrees with it and they are working together on the documentary This makes her realize she shouldn’t be so sarcastic all the time and enjoy life.

Carmen’s plans for the summer was staying with her father in his apartment. But when her father picks her up from the airport he takes her to a strange house with his new family. The woman has 2 children from her first marriage. He tells Carmen in the car that his is getting married with Lydia, ‘the perfect woman’. Her children look also ‘perfect’. Carmen doesn’t like Lydia and her children. Carmen’s father doesn’t listen to Carmen so she can’t talk about her feelings. Carmen hates the situation there so she put the pants on and she run away. After a few hours she goes to the house to find out if they are looking for her, but then she finds out that they didn’t and that they just have their dinner. Carmen gets so angry that she throws a rock through the window and she goes to her home in Washington. Tibby sends the pants to Bridget.

Bridget who lives alone with her father went to a soccer camp in Loreto in Mexico. Bridget is very good in playing soccer. When she is on the camp she sees the handsome coach, Eric. She falls in love with him but that is against the rules. Eric holds his strict at the rules. Bridget doesn’t care about all the rules and does what she wants. Bridget and Eric become friends and are spending a lot of time with each other. Bridget goes with some friends from the camp to the club where all the coaches are. It is against the rule to go out at night. The next days are there very important games and Bridget is playing very fierce. The coaches find that she is playing too hard. The next night she went to the cabin from Eric. He follows her to the beach. That is the first time that Bridget has sex. The couple of next day’s Bridget doesn’t play any games en she stays a whole day in bed. She sends the pants to Carmen.

Carmen gets the pants and she is leaving to her father again. She goes to the wedding from her father and Lydia. She send the pants to Tibby and then she is going home.

Tibby came home from work and she finds her guinea-pig dead in his cage. She is very sad and stays the whole day in her room. The phone ring but she doesn’t answer the phone. It is a call from Baileys mother, she tells Tibby on the answer machine that Bailey was taken up in the hospital. Tibby was scared and she wants to stay with the dead Mimi. When Carmen came back she persuade Tibby to get her ass over to the hospital. The next day Bailey passed away. When Bailey was buried Tibby went to her grave and buried Mimi next to Bailey. Tibby sends the pants to Lena.

The last days of the holidays are there and Lena has said goodbye to Kostos.

When Lena is on the airplane she reads some letters from Bridget. Then Lena find out that Bridget is not ok because of Eric. Her airplane makes a stop and then Lena takes a airplane to Bridget. She comforts Bridget and talks with her. Bridget tells everything and she feels relieved. They go together to Washington

On the last day of the holidays the reunite at the gym, and tell all the stories of their summer.

Vraag/ opdracht 1.

Het boek sprak mij aan erg aan omdat het een begrijpelijk verhaal is over gevoelens, gedachtes en keuzes waar de vier vriendinnen voor komen te staan. In het boek worden de gevoelens en gedachtes goed beschreven, daardoor begrijp je hun keuzes ook goed. Wat ik mooi aan dit boek vond was waren de keuzes die ze samen moesten maken en hoe hun vriendschap sterk blijft terwijl ze een hele zomer niet bij elkaar zijn. Het mooie van het boek is dat de meisjes echt denken dat de broek hun bij elkaar houd maar ze beseffen nog niet dat ze dat eigenlijk allemaal zelf in de hand hebben.

Vraag/ opdracht 2.

Ik vind de 4 hoofdpersonen in het boek leuke meisjes. Ze verschillen heel veel van elkaar en zijn niet zo standaard groepje meiden. Ik vind Tibby leuk en eigenwijs meisje. Ze verandert in de loop van het boek en dat is juist leuk want ze leert een beetje meer genieten van het leven.
Lena is aardig en geloofwaardig. Ik zou haar heel snel vertrouwen en ook vrienden met haar kunnen zijn. Carmen is druk en lief. Ze heeft veel moeite met dingen maar je ziet haar groeien in de loop van het boek. Bridget is aardig en sportief. Wanneer bridget iets wil zorgt ze ook dat ze het krijgt. Ik zou met alle 4 de meisje wel vrienden willen zijn want, ik ben het ook eens met hun normen en waarden.

Vraag/ opdracht 3.

Het boek heeft mij een beetje geleerd over de kijk op het leven vanuit de ogen van andere mensen. Veel onderwerpen die in dit boek zitten heb ik zelf al meegemaakt zoals scheiding, liefde en dood. Het boek heeft mij wel een beetje aan het denken gezet over hoe ik naar mijn leven kijk en dat ik niet de enigste ben die ook die dingen mee maak. Ik kijk nu niet echt anders tegen de dingen in het leven aan, maar ik denk wel langer na over de dingen die ik mee maak.
Het boek heeft mij laten nadenken over de inhoud van vriendschap en wanneer een vriend een echte vriend is.

Vraag/ opdracht 4.

De reden waarom ik vind dat andere mensen, ongeacht hun leeftijd, dit boek moeten lezen is omdat het een leuk, spannend en gezellig boek is. Het leuke aan dit boek is de omgang van de meisjes met elkaar. Ik vind dat iedereen dit boek kan lezen, omdat het over een algemene onderwerpen gaat. Het boek gaat natuurlijk over tieners, maar ik denk dat het ook goed is voor volwassenen om een boek te lezen over hoe jongeren zich met dingen bezighouden. Het boek is in het algemeen fijn voor jongeren want jongeren krijgen dan een andere kijk op de dingen in het leven.


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