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The life of Pi door Yann Martel

Beoordeling 7.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The life of Pi
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 651 woorden
  • 13 april 2016
  • 31 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.3
31 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The life of Pi

Het leven van Pi vertelt het ongelooflijke verhaal van Piscine Patel (Pi), een zestienjarige Indiase jongen, wiens vader een dierentuin in India heeft. Wanneer de familie besluit het lan te verlaten wordt de gele dierentuin ingescheept. Maar het schip vergaat en de enige overlevenden zijn Pi, een hyena, een zebra met een gebroken been en een tijger van 200 kilo. Een m…

Het leven van Pi vertelt het ongelooflijke verhaal van Piscine Patel (Pi), een zestienjarige Indiase jongen, wiens vader een dierentuin in India heeft. Wanneer de familie besluit h…

Het leven van Pi vertelt het ongelooflijke verhaal van Piscine Patel (Pi), een zestienjarige Indiase jongen, wiens vader een dierentuin in India heeft. Wanneer de familie besluit het lan te verlaten wordt de gele dierentuin ingescheept. Maar het schip vergaat en de enige overlevenden zijn Pi, een hyena, een zebra met een gebroken been en een tijger van 200 kilo. Een magistraal boek waarvan alleen in Nederland al meer dan 100.000 exemplaren zijn verkocht.

Deze bijzondere roman is nu verfilmd door de wereldberoemde regisseur Ang Lee, bekend van Brokeback Mountain en Sense and Sensebility, en belooft nu al dé bioscoop hit van deze winter te worden.

The life of Pi door Yann Martel

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Meer informatie

Main characters.

Piscine Molitor Patel is the main character of the book. He’s better known as Pi. He was bullied at school, because of his name. When he becomes a teenager he got interested about all different religions. People thought it was weird, because everyone usually just has one religion that they follow. He has a very strong character and likes to learn new stuff.

Richard Parker is a Royal Bengai Tiger. In the beginning he is an aggressive 450-pound tiger, but at the end he is a weak and skinny animal.  He doesn't attack Pi, because he was the one who fed him at the Pondicherry Zoo.


The story first takes place in Pondicherry in India. Piscine’s father is the owner of the Pondicherry Zoo, so there are some parts of the book that take place in the zoo. After leaving India the rest of the story takes place on the Pacific Ocean where Pi lives in a boat. The last part of the story takes place in Tomatlán, Mexico.


The story takes place around 1977, because on June 21st, 1977 the family leaves India.


The story is been told like Pi is telling the story as he is older. Like the main story is one big flashback.


The theme of the book is survival, because Pi has to survive the sinking ship and the days without food and water in the lifeboat.

Explanation of Title.

The title Life of Pi is because it is about Pi's life. The story is about Pi growing up, his beliefs, and his journey on the ocean where he struggles to survive.

Favourite scene.

I liked the last part of the story the most. First I tought it was just a fairy tale about surviving, but in the last part comes clear that the lesson of the book is that it doesn't matter what you believe or what is true.

The end.

At the end Pi is telling his two stories too the Japanese writers. They liked the one with the animals more, so they wrote that one. As reader you don't know what the real story is and that's why the story stuck in your head for a while.

Who I would like to be.

I would like to be Pi, because he has a very strong character and he survives. I like the way he thinks about religions.


In the beginning of the book you read about Pi’s childhood. He was bullied at school because of his name. (Piscine is the French word for pool) His family owns a zoo in India. As teenager Pi thinks much about religions. He doesn't believe just one religion, he believes them al. Then his family decides to immigrate to Canada. The ship sinks during a storm. Pi ends up in a lifeboat with a zebra, hyena and an orangutan named orange juice. The tiger, Richard Parker, is hiding outside the boat. When the hyena got hungry he eats the zebra and Orange Juice. Then the hyena goes after Pi, but Richard appears and eats the hyena. Now the only survivors on the lifeboat are Pi and Richard. They survive 227 days at the sea together. Pi learns how to fish and he build an extra raft to stay out of the territory from Richard. At the end they make it to Mexico, Richard Parker leaves Pi and runs into the jungle. Pi goes to a hospital. There he is visited by two Japanese officials. He tells them the story, but they don’t believe him. Then he tells another story, where the hyena is the cook, Orange Juice is his mother and the zebra is a sailor. The Japanese officials liked the story with the animals more and Pi moved to Canada and lived his life normally.


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