The girl with the pearl earring door Tracy Chevalier

Beoordeling 3.7
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The girl with the pearl earring
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vmbo | 331 woorden
  • 9 maart 2013
  • 6 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 3.7
6 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The girl with the pearl earring

De zestienjarige Griet treedt als dienstmeisje in dienst bij de vermaarde schilder Johannes Vermeer. Het beeldschone, protestantse meisje weet al snel haar plek te veroveren binnen de katholieke familie. De kunstenaar raakt steeds meer gecharmeerd van haar schoonheid, en besluit haar te schilderen. De groeiende intimiteit tussen Johannes en Griet veroorzaakt ergernis …

De zestienjarige Griet treedt als dienstmeisje in dienst bij de vermaarde schilder Johannes Vermeer. Het beeldschone, protestantse meisje weet al snel haar plek te veroveren binnen…

De zestienjarige Griet treedt als dienstmeisje in dienst bij de vermaarde schilder Johannes Vermeer. Het beeldschone, protestantse meisje weet al snel haar plek te veroveren binnen de katholieke familie. De kunstenaar raakt steeds meer gecharmeerd van haar schoonheid, en besluit haar te schilderen. De groeiende intimiteit tussen Johannes en Griet veroorzaakt ergernis bij Vermeers eigenzinnige vrouw Catharina.

The girl with the pearl earring door Tracy Chevalier

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Meer informatie

The story is about a boy named Matthew.

He wants to go camp out alone; his parents allow himto do that.

He bikes to the camping place. He sees drawings on the rocks. He wants te search for more drawings.

He gets lost and falles asleep near a tree.

He has spent the night withoutr water, bread and clean clothings and shelter.

An Aboriginal girl with no name finds him next morning

An aboriginal is an original inhabitant of Australia.

She takes him to her camp. Then she tells him the road to his home,

Matthew tells the story of the adventure to his parents. They get very angry.

She discriminated the aboriginals; Matthew was astonishes about this.

He thougt to be terrible that his parents discriminated the aboriginals.

He lost respect for his parents. He did not know anymore what to do and wend back to the girl. He wants to stay with the girl.

His parents did not want Matthew to do this but they decided that Mattew could make his own decisions.

Mathhew went with his school into the wilderness just like the girl with no name.

The made a lot  of fun underneath the starts.

They stayed for a weekend.

This howerver did not improve the relation with his parents.

Matthew was still angry obout his parents because they discriminated the aboriginals.

Matthew wanted to know more about the aboriginals and went more often to the caves where he had found the drawings on the rocks.

Mattwew learns to defend himself and to live independently.

He has learned a lot of this weekend alone in the wilderness.

He liked this adventure very much because he has learned a lot of the girl with no name.

She has learned to cope with nature and about what is healthy and what is not.

And how to survive and those kind of things.

He alse learnes that one should not discriminate because everybody is the same, inside.



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