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The boys from Brazil door Ira Levin

Beoordeling 6.5
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The boys from Brazil
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 645 woorden
  • 18 februari 2008
  • 10 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.5
10 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The boys from Brazil

In this classic thriller, Ira Levin imagines Dr Josef Mengele's nightmarish plot to restore the Third Reich. Alive and hiding in South America, thirty years after the end of the Second World War, Mengele gathers a group of former colleagues for a sinister project - the creation of the Fourth Reich. Ageing Nazi hunter Yakov Lieberman is informed of the plot but bef…

In this classic thriller, Ira Levin imagines Dr Josef Mengele's nightmarish plot to restore the Third Reich. Alive and hiding in South America, thirty years after the end of th…

In this classic thriller, Ira Levin imagines Dr Josef Mengele's nightmarish plot to restore the Third Reich. Alive and hiding in South America, thirty years after the end of the Second World War, Mengele gathers a group of former colleagues for a sinister project - the creation of the Fourth Reich. Ageing Nazi hunter Yakov Lieberman is informed of the plot but before he hears the evidence, his source is killed...

Spanning continents and inspired by true events, what follows is on...

The boys from Brazil door Ira Levin
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Meer informatie
Algemene informatie:
Titel: The Boys from Brazil
Auteur: Ira Levin
Jaar van verschijning: eerste druk: 1991 (als boek van de literaire reeks Blackbirds voor scholieren)
Uitgeverij: Wolters Noordhoff bv (uitgeverij Blackbirds)
Aantal pagina’s: 55

Titel verklaring:

Joseph Mengele heeft 94 klonen van Hitler “gecreëerd” met de bedoeling om een nieuwe leider te vinden, om te heersen over het nieuwe vierde Duitse rijk. Die klonen zijn geboren in Brazilië, bij Braziliaanse vrouwen, die bereid waren tegen een flinke vergoeding draagmoeder te zijn. Vandaar de naam “The boys from Brazil”.

Karakter beschrijvingen:
Yakov Liebermann (main character)
Most of the book is written from his view. It wasn't difficult for me to feel empathy for him. He is definitely a round character. For example, at the end of the book he doesn't want to kill little Hitler-boys because he doesn't want to be a child killer (like Dr. Mengele).

He's the sick doctor, who did cruel experiments on twins. After the Second World War, people like Mengele moved to South-America, mainly Brazil. In the story, he used his knowledge to make new Hitlers.

Barry Koehler

The student, who started the whole thing. He got to know something, about the nazis, and taped the conversation between them. He has been killed.

Klaus Von Palmen
A very intelligent young man, whose parents where nazis. He offered his help, and risked his life, for a clear conscience, he didn't have to earn something.

Rabbi Gorin
Based on Rabbi Meir Kahane, leader of the militant Jewish Defense League. In the story, he leads the Young Jewish Defenders. They have, both, in the book and for real, been very much in the news, for their extreme ideas, and violent actions.

Mijn favoriet:
My favorite is Klaus Von Palmen because he is a very intelligent man but, his parents were Nazis. He helped everyone. He is a german man who has very nice grey hairs. He is always happy.

Korte samenvatting:

“The boys from Brazil” gaat over een Joodse man genaamd Liebermann, die erachter komt dat er een aantal figuren uitgestuurd zijn onder leiding van Doctor Mengele* met een opdracht. Die opdracht luidt: 94 mannen in de leeftijd van 65 jaar,verspreidt over verschillende landen, te vermoorden. Liebermann zoekt dit uit, en probeert met alle middelen het moorden te voorkomen. Later ontdekt hij dat achter de moorden een verschrikkelijk experiment schuilt, namelijk het creëren van een nieuwe Hitler die moet regeren over het 4e Duitse rijk.

*Joseph Mengele ofterwel “De Engel des doods”, die in Auswitsch o.a experimenten uitvoerde op Joodse tweelingen.

The book made me think, because the writer took a number of well-known events. If everything would have happened the way the writer describes, all these things could have happened in real life.
I can imagine some people can learn something from this book, because it contains many social questions, some of them are even recent, even though the book was written in the seventies. But I already had an opinion about these questions. I think violence is the last thing to use, and cloning can be used if it helps people (medical care), but not for food or the pleasure of people.
Reading the book took me about 6 hours. I really liked reading the book.

Secretary - secetaresse
He called Esther his secretary and helper.
Dictionaries - woordenboeken
I need some dictionaries.
Excitedly - opgewonden
Oh yes! Döring agreed excitedly.
Certain - zeker
‘Oh, yes, it certainly will!’

Uncomfortable - niet comfortabel
‘Which you must carry in the uncomfortable way.’
Responsible - verantwoordelijk
They’re men with families and responsible jobs.
Sausage - worst
He was cutting the thick sausage on his plate.
Investigated - onderzocht

‘We’ve only investigated four of the eleven.’
Spoil - verpesten
He had been afraid that Liebermann would spoil the whole plan.
Screamed - scheeuwde
A woman screamed: people round to look.
Kitchen - Keuken
He said: ‘Excuse me’, and left the kitchen.
Servant - bediende


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