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Skyjack door Tim Vicary

Beoordeling 5.2
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Skyjack
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 2e klas havo/vwo | 732 woorden
  • 28 juli 2004
  • 28 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.2
28 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Skyjack
Skyjack door Tim Vicary
Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

Misschien is de studie Politicologie wel wat voor jou! Tijdens deze bachelor ga je aan de slag met grote en kleine vraagstukken en bestudeer je politieke machtsverhoudingen. Wil jij erachter komen of deze studie bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan student Wouter. 

Meer informatie
My book is about a hijacked plane (that explains the title) The airhostess smiled at Carl and said: 'welcome aboard sir', he looked at his ticket and he asked where their seats were. The airhostess said it was near the front of the plane, he put his bag under his seat and sat down. His friend Harald sat beside him, Harald was also there to protect him due his job as a policeman. The plane took off, as he layed down and closed his eyes. After a while he woke up and asked the airhostess for a cup of coffee. His friend was still asleep. He watched her bring the coffee, he asked: 'how long have you been an air hostess' and she answered: 'three months sir' and she finished the conversation with: 'have a nice flight' When Harald woke up he called the airhostess, because he wanted a cup of coffee too. The airhostess didn't come, she was talking to two young men. Suddenly,one of the young men walked with a bag into the pilot's cabin! The air hostess folowed him, Carl said: 'That's strange, what are they doing?' For one or two minutes nothing happened. Suddenly, they heard a bell
It was the captain, he said that they had to land at another airport. Suddenly, the air hostess came out of the cabin with a machine gun. Meanwhile, Helen Sandberg the Prime Minister got a call from the airport police

She arrived at the airport in a big black car. Back in the plane, Carl said in Harald's ear: 'I don't understand, why are we here' and Harald said: 'Don't ask me, ask them' And Carl whispered back: 'No thanks' The bell rang again, and a hijacker said that they were from the People's Liberation Army and that they hijacked the plane because they want to get their two
brothers out of jail, their brothers got thirty years because they were trying to put a bomb under a plane. Harald asked Carl for his passport, he putted it in his coffee by little pieces and ate them. Carl asked why he did that and Harald aswered: you'll see, but when they ask questions let me answer them OK? Carl agreed with him. Back at the control tower, Helen was looking at the plane with 3 other people, the chief of the airport police, colonel Carter and her secratery, Michael
Colonel Carter was from the Special Commando Section. Helen asked if the big plane on the tarmac was the plane and how many passengers there were on the plane, they said: twenty-nine Americans, fifteen British, two Brazilians, two Indians, one Chinese and 5 crew
Inspector Holm (the chief of the airport police) said that they will kill someone if the prisoners aren't there within two hours after that they want the plane refeuled. She looked at the list of people, and she frightened when she saw the name of her husband. Meanwhile, the American ambassador arrived. A hijacker asked for their passports. Harald said Carl was his prisoner. Carl was looking at the hijackers, and Harald said don't look at them. Suddenly, a hijacker picked an American out of his seat, they said he was a spy. They pushed him in the cabin, and the bell rang again and they said that he was the one who was going to die if they don't bring their brothers there at the decided time. Later, when it was time, the American stood in the door opening, he jumped and the hostess shot him and she kept shooting for ten minutes. they said that they will ask again in half an hour. Suddenly, Harald ran at the hijackers in attempt to grab their guns, but it didn't work. The hijackers cuffed Carl and Harald. SAS soldiers came to the airport, and the prisoners arrived they send one prisoner because that was the deal one prisoner for one-hundred passengers and the second after they gave the passengers the other one. Suddenly, the colonel putted some grenades in his pocket and he traveled along with the feul tanker. He waited till all the passengers were out, and he threw a grenade in the door opening and then the other two followed. The SAS soldiers came in and shot everybody, but the girl was still alive and when they saw that they shot her in the head.


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