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Skellig door David Almond

Beoordeling 5.6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Skellig
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 2e klas tto vwo | 417 woorden
  • 3 juli 2006
  • 154 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.6
154 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Skellig
Skellig door David Almond
Book review Micheal, is a boy from around the 10 years old. They just moved to a new house, and he gets a babisister, she is born to early, so she has to stay in the hospital. In the garden of the new house is an old garage. When Michael took a look in the garage, he founds an old man. Micheal stays visiting the old man, en he recognises that he has 2 strange things on his shoulder-blades. He also mets Mina, his new neighbour. She knows a lot about nature, and doesn’t go to school. He decides to tell Mina about the man in the garage. They visited him very often en gave him food.The man tells his name is Skellig, Mina and Micheal see he’s very stiff, so they decide to bring him somewhere else. Mina knew an old house, where he could ‘live’. So they brought them to that house and put him in a chambre. They discovered he had wings, when they distributed his blouse. The baby is still not very healthy, she is going to get an heart-operation. Michael is very afraid something worse is going to happen to her. One night he goes to the house where Skellig is, Mina is already waiting for him. When they searched for a while, they found Skellig. They gripped each other's hand, like a dream, and they took-off, and they were getting wing too. When it was over, they were laying on the ground. Later, when they wanted to visit him again, they looked everywhere but they couln’t find him. If Micheal wanted, he could feel the heart-beat of his sister, but now he can’t, he thinks she’s dead. Sad they went home, and they waited till Micheal father came home. When he comes home he tells it’s over, everything’s all’right. Michael’s mother tells she had a strange dream, about an ugly man with black dirty clothes, the man grapped the baby, and they began to spin around, like dancing. It was just like the baby was getting wings. Exactly what was happened to Mina and Michael. Michael and Mina visited him one’s more, and they stood in a cirkel, and they turned around while they were flying. That was their last meeting with Skellig. A few days later Michael’s mother came home with his babysister. She was ok and the doctors knew she was going to be allright. They called her ‘Joy’.




Er zitten echt teveel fouten in :l

12 jaar geleden



perfect voor mijn mondeling examen ;p

11 jaar geleden



Wauw jij bent echt fakking slim xD

11 jaar geleden



ben je dyslectisch of ben je gewoon slecht in engels?

11 jaar geleden



wie zijn de hoofdpersonen?:s
kan imande me helpen?

11 jaar geleden



echt veel spellings fouten maar dat maakt niks uit dit helpt me wel ^^

11 jaar geleden



pfff echt te veel basisfouten voor 2 tto..

11 jaar geleden



Staat ook niks in van Leakey en Coot.

11 jaar geleden



Dankjewel dit had ik nodig voor een engelse openboek toets

10 jaar geleden

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