Romeo and Juliet door William Shakespeare

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Boekcover Romeo and Juliet
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 997 woorden
  • 17 mei 2005
  • 19 keer beoordeeld
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Boekcover Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet door William Shakespeare
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Meer informatie
2. The Book Title: Romeo and Juliet
Publisher; city; jear: Longman group ltd; Essex; 1965
First Edition: 1595
Edition used: 1985
Pages: 204 3. Information About the Author William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1564 in England. Shakespeare went to the free grammar school in Stratford. It was a good school where he learned even Greek and Latin. William Shakespeare did not go to college that's why people think hasn't write his own work. At age 18 he married Anna Hathaway which gave him 3 children Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. He started getting famous in 1592. He showed his great talent in London. In 1594 he was acting, writing and he was managing the Lord Chamberlain's Men. This group was the most famous group of their time. He wrote in London some famous musicals: As you like it, Hamlet, King Lear, Mac Beth, The Merchant of Venice, Much ado about nothing, Orthello, Richard IV and of course Romeo And Juliet. Shakespeare was very famous but he wasn't very wealthy, he was able to buy a house, retire and live in comfort in 1611. He died in on April 23, 1616 ( his birthday). 4. First reaction I’ve choosen this book because I had seen the movie and the play before and I thought it would be intrusting to read the book and compare it with the play and the movie. My first reaction after reading the book was positive. I thought it was a nice book and a lot of difficult word were translated and it thanks to translation it was a lot eassier to read.
5. Go into the book Summary Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet meet eachother during a party and it's love at first sight. But they can't be in love in public, because the two families have been rivals for a couple of centuries, so they keep it a secret. They also marry in secret. When the best friend of Romeo, Mercutio, get's killed in a fight between the Capulets and the Montaques, Romeo wants to take revenge and he kills Juliet's cousin Tybalt. Because of this murder, Romeo is banished from the city. When Juliet's parents want her to get married to Paris, she and Priest Laurance come up with an idea: she must take some sort of sleeping poison, so that it will look like like she is dead, but after a certain time she will wake up and she can run with Romeo. But he doesn't get her letter that explains everything, so he also believes she's dead. He can't life without Juliet, so he buys a strong poison and takes it at Juliet's grave. At his moment of dying, she wakes up, she sees his dead body and she decides to take his sort and kill herself too. Characters Romeo Montague: In the beginning he is down and doesn't want to speak to others, because he's disappointed in a woman who dislikes
Romeo. But when he meets Juliet, he forgets everything and wants to share the rest of his live with her, despite the fact that she is a Capulet. He is very passioned about her, that's why they marry very soon and he decides to kill himself when she appears to be death. But he is also a proud man who can't leave the death of his friend to be unrevanged. Juliet Capulet: She’s a fourteen-year-old girl, but a very strong woman. She is in love with Romeo and she must keep it a secret because of her and his parents. She is very cautious about their relationship. But when Romeo is banished from Verona and her parents have decided that she must marry to Paris, she decides she wants to leave the family of Capulets and wants to stay with Romeo. Mr and Ms Capulet: We do not get to know these characters very well but I can say that MS Capulet's relation ship with Juliet is not a " normal" one. Juliet's mother in the play is actually her nurse who has raised her. Juliet trusts the nurse even with her secret of loving a Montague. Mr Capulet just wants to give his daughter a proper life with her suitor Count Paris. Mr and Ms Montague: Are also characters in the play, which we know little about. Like the Capulet's they seem more understanding towards the relationship of Romeo and Juliet at the end of the play. Mercurtio and Benvolio: They are Romeo's loyal friends. During the play they even get into fights for him. Romeo's friendship with Mercurtio is a very deep one as Romeo kills Tybalt to avenge Mercurtio's death. Friar Lauwrence: He’s a important character in the play too, he give Romeo a lot of information and helps him with a lot of things. He also marries Romeo and Juliet in secret and keeps it a secret too. Perspective The perspective of the book is seen from the writer, which is Shakespear. Setting You can’t say a precise time if you have read the story, it isn’t mentioned in the book, but I think it’s a long time ago. I think it takes place in the time that it’s written, 1591. The places were the play is settled are Montau and Verona in Italy. Climax Tybalt wants to punish Romeo for sneaking into the party. He and Romeo Quarrel and Tybalt kills Mercutio. Romeo avenges his friend's death by killing Tybalt. Prince Escalus banishes Romeo from Verona. Romeo leaves for Mantua after spending Monday night with Juliet. Theme Love and hate because of the feud between the Montague and Capulet Family it is impossible for Romeo and Juliet to have a relationship.
Explanation of the title Romeo and Juliet are the main characters in this play. 6. Review I liked the book very much, it was easy to read and the characters were intrusting. It had my attention because it is a famous play and everyne heard about it. It was my first book of Shakespear and I thought it was a good book.


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