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Oliver Twist door Charles Dickens

Beoordeling 5.5
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Oliver Twist
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 569 woorden
  • 14 augustus 2007
  • 23 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.5
23 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist door Charles Dickens
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Meer informatie
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist is a nineteenth century story about an orphan of the same name. His mother broke down in front of a workhouse and there she gave birth to a son who was almost immediately orphaned. After a series of unfortunate events he ends up on the street where he meets Sikes, a friend of Fagin and they take him to a house where an old man and many children his age live. But he discovers the old man doesn’t just provide those children with food and a place to live, he trains them to be pickpockets and keeps all the profits for himself. When two other boys rob an old, rich and friendly man, Oliver was thought to have done it. The old man was the first ever to stand up for Oliver and he took him in his house. But Oliver got kidnapped by the pickpockets and returned to the awful situation. When trying to rob a house with those thieves, Oliver got shot. The girl and her aunt that lived in the house took care of him. Via friends, Oliver learns things about his past and inherits a great deal of money.

I think the main theme in Oliver Twist is that Dickens tells a story about a whole other side of a community which had not been published like this yet. The story is a satire. It is told “from above”, the story teller knows everything about the characters and events, and takes place in nineteenth century, London. The story follows Oliver and all the cruel things that went on around him, I felt there was a kind of sad feeling through most of the book. Oliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens in 1839. Among others he wrote “A Christmas Carol”, “Great Expectations” and “the Old Curiosity Shop”.

The main characters are, of course: Oliver Twist, and
Fagin: A cruel thief that set Oliver to stealing
Bill Sikes: one of Fagin’s companions
Nancy: Sikes’ girlfriend who turns out to be very helpful and nice to Oliver
Mr. Brownlow: the old man that took care of Oliver as if it were his son
Rose Maylie: the girl that takes care of Oliver after he was shot.

The intended audience are young adults to adults. In the story, Charles Dickens mentions prostitutes and thieves, which had never before been written about or spoken about in public. In that time it stirred the public up and Dickens was criticised. I think it fulfilled its purpose, it not only made the darker parts of society clearer but it is still a classic, a story that almost everybody knows.

I admire the way Charles Dickens wrote this story; the way he can describe things making you see the image right in front of you. But I didn’t like the nineteenth century language. Because the story drags on and on I couldn’t concentrate and therefore missed a lot of things. I don’t think you can agree or disagree with the main theme, it is just told how it is. I think Charles Dickens experienced things in his life that he used for this book; as a twelve year old he worked in a shoe polish factory 12 hours a day and he and his colleagues were treated very harshly. I think it is good that he told the story of how it really was in that time for some people.


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