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Of mice and men door John Steinbeck

Beoordeling 7.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Of mice and men
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 1920 woorden
  • 19 oktober 2013
  • 5 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.3
5 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Of mice and men

George en Lennie, arme sloebers die het land afreizen op zoek naar werk, dromen ervan ooit hun eigen stukje land te hebben, hun eigen stukje vrijheid, en niet langer afhankelijk te zijn van grillige omstandigheden en onbetrouwbare bazen. Die hoop wordt de bodem ingeslagen als ze op een ranch in Californië werk vinden en daar in een onontwarbare keten van gebeur…

George en Lennie, arme sloebers die het land afreizen op zoek naar werk, dromen ervan ooit hun eigen stukje land te hebben, hun eigen stukje vrijheid, en niet langer afhankelijk …

George en Lennie, arme sloebers die het land afreizen op zoek naar werk, dromen ervan ooit hun eigen stukje land te hebben, hun eigen stukje vrijheid, en niet langer afhankelijk te zijn van grillige omstandigheden en onbetrouwbare bazen. Die hoop wordt de bodem ingeslagen als ze op een ranch in Californië werk vinden en daar in een onontwarbare keten van gebeurtenissen terechtkomen waarin misverstand, wreedheid, jaloezie en moord de boventoon voeren. De verwording leidt er zelfs toe dat George zijn kameraad doodt.
Wat begon als een bescheiden visioen eindigt als een verschrikkelijke nachtmerrie. Zoals in veel van zijn boeken geeft John Steinbeck hier een stem aan eenzame kansarme mensen uit de Amerikaanse samenleving. Zulke romans werden en worden in het land the brave and the free niet overal verwelkomd. Tot op vandaag wordt van muizen en mensen geboycot op scholen en in bibliotheken.

Of mice and men door John Steinbeck

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Meer informatie


Lenny and George are the main characters.
Lenny: he is a simple-minded guy, he has the mind of a little kid. He’s also very tall. He doesn’t know how strong he is and that is very dangerous. He is always in trouble.He's very strong but he doesn’t  want to hurt anyone, Lenny is actually very nice. He loves to touch soft things like a rabbit or a mice. Lenny is very strong so he can kill animals by accident because he is simple minded.
George: he’s smart and small, and he always helps Lenny out of his problems. He is a lot smarter than Lenny, and he is the one who tells Lenny what to do. George is a very nice person and he is very patient, but he can sometimes lose his temper.



Lennie and George travel from ranch to ranch to get work. They are on a route to a ranch in Weed, after they had to leave by an accident in another village: Soledad. Here they want to earn enough money to make their dream come true: buy a farm, life of their food and keep a few animals for Lennie. On their way to the next ranch they pass a river where they take a sleep and choose it as a place to hide in case that might be necessary.

Lennie loves animals, because they are soft as he strokes them. Unfortunately he makes them all dead, because he is very huge and has an enormous strength. George says that he has no more rabbits allowed to keep, if they have the farm once, if he gets into trouble. However, if he gets into trouble, he had to hide in the bushes near the river.

At the farm, Lennie and George meet some people: Candy, Carlson, Slim and Curley. At their new address it is different in the beginning. Lennie isn't smart, but he can take orders and works very hard.
Slim has a dog who has given birth of 9 puppies, but he has drowned 4 puppies, so there remained about 5. Lennie would like to have a puppy and sleeps very often with the puppies. Slim talks a lot with George about Lennie and their dreams, that ensures that Slim and George get a greater band.

Candy has a very old dog that stinks. They want that dog dies and that he takes a puppy of Slim. The dog is shot by Carlson. Candy decide to go into the dream of George and Lennie and has $350 resolved. They decide to continue working for a month, then they will have enough money for the farm (which costs $600).

Curley hates Lennie, because he's small and Lennie is big. Curley hits Lennie in his face, but he grabs Curley's fist and shattered him. It was agreed that Curley had an accident with a machine, which shattered his hand. In this way, George and Lennie aren’t fired. Curley was brought to a doctor.

Curley's wife goes to the barn where Lennie was playing with his dog. He accidentally killed him, and he is afraid that he isn’t allowed to keep rabbits in their own farm (that’s what George told him). Curley's wife want to talk to someone, but the other men were going to the city. Lennie is afraid that he's getting a fight with George, because he said that he may not talk to Curley's wife. But she managed to convince him that there's nothing wrong with it, and that he is getting a new puppy when she saw that Lennie's puppy died. Curley's wife talks about her childhood (she was told that she could manage with actors) and Lennie talks about his dream. Then she says that her hair was very smooth because she brush it a lot. Lennie 'pets' her hair, but at a point he didn’t let her go, so she screamed. Lennie, who is afraid that anyone can hear her, pressed his hand on her mouth and shook her. He was doing that so hard that he broke her neck. He places the corpse in the straw and walks to the bush.

Candy and George came back and found the dead body of Curley's wife. They have agreed that Candy informs the rest of the people, because otherwise George can also be suspect. They began a quest, but Carlson's gun is away… The thinks that Lennie has it.

George takes Carlson's Luger gun but tells nobody, so that the others think Lennie has stolen the gun before leaving the ranch. He went to the bush, because he knew that Lennie was there. When he found him, George was not angry, but he told Lennie to look to the other side and that he must imagine the farm. George took Carlson's gun and shot Lennie trough his head. When the rest of the men arrived, he said he had the gun from Lennie, and shot him.


  • Lenny: he’s a simple-minded guy, and he’s very tall. He doesn’t know how strong he is and that is very dangerous. He is always in trouble.He's very strong but he doesn’t  want to hurt anyone, Lenny is actually very nice. Lenny loves to touch soft things like a rabbit or a mice. Lennie is very strong so he can kill animals by accident because he is simple minded.
  • George: he’s smart and small, and he always gets Lennie out of his problems. George is a lot smarter than Lenny, and he is the one who tells Lenny what to do. George is a very nice person and he is very patient, but he can sometimes lose his temper.
  • Candy: he's an old man. He misses one hand. He's the boss of the ranch.
  • Slim: he's a skinner.
  • Carlson:he's another worker on the ranch.
  • Curley: he's a boxer, he's the son of the boss, and he is very aggressive.

Het boekverslag gaat verder na deze boodschap.

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Alles wat je moet weten over de eindexamens


  • Lenny: he’s a simple-minded guy, and he’s very tall. He doesn’t know how strong he is and that is very dangerous. He is always in trouble.He's very strong but he doesn’t  want to hurt anyone, Lenny is actually very nice. Lenny loves to touch soft things like a rabbit or a mice. Lennie is very strong so he can kill animals by accident because he is simple minded.
  • George: he’s smart and small, and he always gets Lennie out of his problems. George is a lot smarter than Lenny, and he is the one who tells Lenny what to do. George is a very nice person and he is very patient, but he can sometimes lose his temper.
  • Candy: he's an old man. He misses one hand. He's the boss of the ranch.
  • Slim: he's a skinner.
  • Carlson:he's another worker on the ranch.
  • Curley: he's a boxer, he's the son of the boss, and he is very aggressive.

I like George the most, because he is smart and doesn’t do stupid things. Before he do something, he thinks about it, that's why I like him.
I dislike Curley, because he is not nice and very aggressive. I don't like that sort of people.

Explain the title
The title is linked to a Robert Burns poem, 'to a mouse'. In this poem a mouse has built a nest in which it can survive the winter. But the farmer destroys it. The same is the case with Lennie's plans for his future.

The theme is love and friendship. George and Lennie have been friends for a long time. You can tell that because George shoots Lennie. You have to be real friend when you're able to do that for the other's own best. This is an important theme for our ages. This is realistic in our time now.

Turning points
- When Lennie is just a kid, he gets kicked by a horse. This event causes Lennie to be very slow and dumb.
- When George and Lennie worked on a ranch in Weed, Lennie saw a women in a red dress and he wanted to touch it. The women accuses him of sexual abuse and George and Lennie have to flee.
- When they arrive in Soledad, at the ranch, you get to know the other workers. When Curley sees Lennie, he threatens him. Candy tells them that Curley is always out to fight men whom he dislikes. At dinner, they meet Slim, a skinner, and Carlson. He tells about Slim’s young pups. Lennie is very excited and wants one, so Slim gives one to him.
- Later, in the evening, Carlson tells Candy that his old dog is not used anymore and is only a burden and that the dog ought to be shot. After a while, Candy agrees on it, and Carlson shoots his dog. This refers to later events, and is therefore important.
- When George, Lennie and Candy are alone in the bunk, Lennie wants to tell George about their future. Candy is interested and tells them he has some money to let this come true. He says he could do the easy work (he is missing one hand). George can’t refuse the money.
- That same evening Curley comes in. He thought that Slim was with his wife, but he wasn’t. Candy starts teasing him. Lennie is still smiling about his future. Curley thinks he is laughing at him and starts a fight. Lennie doesn’t know what to do, so George says he must defend himself. Lennie shattered Curley’s hand.
- The next evening, all but Crooks (the negro stable buck), Candy, and Lennie have gone to the city. They have a talk together, what is unusual, because normally nobody wants to talk with Crooks, because he’s black. Lennie doesn’t care and Candy was also lonely. When Curley’s wife enters Crooks’ bunk, she asks them if they’d seen Curley. Candy answers her. They tell her if she will not leave, they’d tell Curley she was there.
- Next afternoon, Lennie is in the barn with his dead puppy. He accidentally crushed it. Then Curley’s wife came along. Lennie explains that he likes to pet soft things, and she says he can stroke her hair. When he strokes to hard, she tells him to stop. Lennie gets scared and breaks her neck. He realizes that he’d done a bad thing and flees to the river.
- The men find out when they came back. Curley goes for his shotgun and Carlson for his gun, but it is missing. They think that Lennie took it, but it was George. They go looking for Lennie. Of course George knows where Lennie is. Lennie sits by the river.
- Finally George comes. He tells Lennie to look across the lake. He starts telling about their dream. Then he aims for Lennie’s neck. At first he can’t shoot, but when he hears the others coming, he shoots. This is also a very important scene, because this is the place where the story begins and ends, it is kind of a short summary of the whole book. 
- Slim tells the others that Lennie indeed had the gun, that he took it from him and shot. Slim feels sympathy for him and invites George for a drink. Carlson and Curley are left , they do not understand.

My opinion
I have read this book with pleasure. There are more than one meanings behind this story, it isn't only about dumb Lenny and smart George. The story also tells about racism the difference between black and white, Crooks the Negro has to sleep apart in his own shed next to the bunkhouse, away from the other men, because he is black. I really loved this book not only for the simplicity of the language of George and Lenny but also for the different meanings behind the story. The way the author has written it, that wasn't so hard. I have read it without much trouble.


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