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Of mice and men door John Steinbeck

Beoordeling 5.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Of mice and men
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 1095 woorden
  • 3 oktober 2007
  • 11 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.4
11 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Of mice and men

George en Lennie, arme sloebers die het land afreizen op zoek naar werk, dromen ervan ooit hun eigen stukje land te hebben, hun eigen stukje vrijheid, en niet langer afhankelijk te zijn van grillige omstandigheden en onbetrouwbare bazen. Die hoop wordt de bodem ingeslagen als ze op een ranch in Californië werk vinden en daar in een onontwarbare keten van gebeur…

George en Lennie, arme sloebers die het land afreizen op zoek naar werk, dromen ervan ooit hun eigen stukje land te hebben, hun eigen stukje vrijheid, en niet langer afhankelijk …

George en Lennie, arme sloebers die het land afreizen op zoek naar werk, dromen ervan ooit hun eigen stukje land te hebben, hun eigen stukje vrijheid, en niet langer afhankelijk te zijn van grillige omstandigheden en onbetrouwbare bazen. Die hoop wordt de bodem ingeslagen als ze op een ranch in Californië werk vinden en daar in een onontwarbare keten van gebeurtenissen terechtkomen waarin misverstand, wreedheid, jaloezie en moord de boventoon voeren. De verwording leidt er zelfs toe dat George zijn kameraad doodt.
Wat begon als een bescheiden visioen eindigt als een verschrikkelijke nachtmerrie. Zoals in veel van zijn boeken geeft John Steinbeck hier een stem aan eenzame kansarme mensen uit de Amerikaanse samenleving. Zulke romans werden en worden in het land the brave and the free niet overal verwelkomd. Tot op vandaag wordt van muizen en mensen geboycot op scholen en in bibliotheken.

Of mice and men door John Steinbeck

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Meer informatie
English, Book report Of Mice and Men:

1. John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1965. First published in: 1937. Number of pages: 113.
2. The book was done as class work. I didn’t actually choose it, I had to read it for school.
3. The simple-minded Lennie travels, together with his friend George, from ranch to ranch to get work. Lennie likes to pet soft things like mice and puppies. On their new address it’s different in the beginning. Lennie isn’t smart but he can take orders and works very hard. George told Lennie that they’re going to get a little house with some land and cows, pigs and rabbits. George also told Lennie that he could pet those rabbits, but only if he didn’t do wrong things. Curley, the son of the boss, an unpleasant man, comes along to look for his wife and talks to the newcomers. George told Lennie not to say a word and leave the talking to him. Curley doesn’t like that: He wants to be obeyed by the people at the farm exactly as he says. Curley’s wife, who gives the eye to everybody, also comes along looking for her husband. On Saturday night most of the men, including George, go into town. Lennie enters the room of Crooks. Curley’s wife comes along as well and makes clear to the Negro that he has no rights. On Sunday afternoon most men are outside enjoying themselves. As he sits there, Curley’s wife comes along and during their talk Lennie can touch her hair. Lennie does so, but too rough and Curley’s wife get frightened. Lennie panics and Curley’s wife breaks her neck. Lennie goes to the place near the river where he sat when he did something wrong. The other men soon discover the dead body. They all understand that Lennie killed her and they want get revenge. George finds Lennie near the river and while talking about their new house George shoot Lennie in his neck. The other men consider George as a courageous man who captured an armed killer.
4. I think the climax of the story is when Lennie breaks Curley’s wife’s neck. I could see this coming when his grip gets tighter, just like the incident with the girl’s dress.

5. The title is linked to a Robert Burns poem called ‘to a mouse’. In this poem a mouse has built a nest in which it can survive in winter. The farmer destroys the nest. Just like Lennie’s plans for the future. The quotation which the title comes from: “The best laid schemes o’ mice and men
Gang aft agley
And leave us nought but grief and pain
For promised joy”.

You can also say that the title is about the relationship between the man (Lennie) and the mice (the animals who are killed by Lennie).
6. Lennie: Simple-minded, big and strong guy who likes to pet soft things. But because he’s so strong he always kills them. If Lennie panics while grabbing something, he grabs it more tied. That’s how he killed Curley’s wife. George is the man who always takes care of him.
George: He’s a small, quick and clever man. He’s always protecting Lennie. He cares about Lennie and always keeps him out of trouble. He tells Lennie what to do and what not. He wanted to buy a house together with Lennie and have cows and rabbits.
Crooks: This is the only Negro in the story. He works in the stables and also lives there. He’s a lonely man. He is also a very poor man. Curley and his wife always tell Crooks what to do and what not; they says Crooks has no rights.
7. I think there are more themes on this story / novel:
- The American Dream (George and Lennie having their own farm);
- Social and political protest (Crooks);
- Loneliness (Crooks who lives very lonely in a stable);
- Destiny (Lennie’s destiny was apparently to be killed by his best friend)

8. John Steinbeck was born on 27 February 1902 in Salinas, California. His parents owned a considerable amount of land. He graduated from Salinas High School in 1919. He went to Stanford University to study Marine Biology. To pay this study, he had to earn money. Steinbeck loved horses and dogs. To earn money he worked on a ranch and wrote the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’. Steinbeck has always been a lonely, but financially successful man. He also knew 3 American Presidents very well: Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson and John F. Kennedy. Steinbeck died in1968 of a heart disease.
9. My personal experience:
- I most remember the moment that George shoots Lennie in his neck. I didn’t really expect it. They were such good friends and had such great plans for the future.
- Curley reminds me of a person I know. I won’t say his name because he’s in my class. Curley is a man who thinks he’s the best in the world and I know someone who thinks that too.
- The future plans from Lennie and George remind me of plans from me and a friend. We have plans that if he became a carpenter he would build my house and if I was an architect I would design his house.
10. I really like this novel. I don’t read very much but I still like this book. The beginning was quite boring but the tension was built up. Although some classmates found the text quite difficult, I didn’t see very many difficult words. Also the vernacular wasn’t very difficult. I was a quite understandable novel to me.
11. D: [Main characters: Lennie, George and Crooks] I like Lennie. Maybe he’s not very smart but he can’t help that. His intentions are always good. I don’t really like George. In the beginning he’s nice to Lennie by protecting him and keeping him out of trouble. But I don’t actually understand why he shoots Lennie in the end. I don’t know Crooks as well as Lennie and George but he seems a really nice men. Lonely, but nice to other people and visitors.
F: Three days: from Thursday evening to Sunday evening.
G: I think it’s an social and political novel. A lot adventurous things happen in the story like often on a ranch. It presents a small group on a small area (a few helpers on a ranch).


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