Jonathan Livingston Seagull door Richard Bach

Beoordeling 6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Jonathan Livingston Seagull
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 484 woorden
  • 3 juli 2001
  • 57 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6
57 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Jonathan Livingston Seagull door Richard Bach
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Meer informatie
1.Author: Richard Bach: a writer and pilot, author of three books on the mystique of flying. During the past decade or so, he has edited a flying magazine, and written more than a hundred articles and stories. A former US Air Force pilot, he's now seldom without an airplane. This declares why he writes about flying. 2. Title: the title is the name of the main character. 3. The story takes place in this time, mostly at coasts but sometimes also on another planet for a short time. 4. Jonathan Livingston Seagull: a seagull who was different from the other seagulls; he didn't like eating but flying and he wanted to discover the meaning of life. He wanted to achieve this by flying.
5. Narrator: The all-knowing narrator is telling the story. 6.The story tells us, human, how we should look at our lifes and that we must keep learning to accomplish something (The Seagull accomplished his life by flying). 7. It's about an outcast seagull, Jonathan, who likes to fly. But as you know; gulls don't fly, they eat and take care that they should live long. But this is not the way Jonathan wants to live; he wants to fly high, fast and happy. This is why his family asks him to leave the group because of his behavior he dishonored them. So he flew away and learned things about flying by him self. He started practicing in flying and he even brook records, like the record of speed. He keeps on flying and meets other outcasts. With them he learns how to fly better and they teach him that you can go wherever you want, just by thinking of that place. When the outcasts have taught each other everything they know they decide that it's time to return to their group and family, because they believed that their 'sendaway' was based on a misunderstanding. When Jonathan returns to his group he tried to teach them that life is more than just eating bread and fish and staying alive. And step by step he convinced members of his group. He taught them how to fly well and expand their horizons. The group is so delighted that they want Jonathan to be their leader. 8. Theme: How human should live and how he, Jonathan, became the symbol of desire of men to unlimited freedom. 9. Comparison: - 10. Opinion: I think the book is very good, because the story is really about men and their desire to unlimited freedom. Jonathan tells us and shows us how we can accomplish that mission. And what I also liked was a text in the book: 'To the real Jonathan Seagull who lives within us all'. This shows that anybody could be like Jonathan, do the things you want to do or achieve, if he stands up for his ideas. It's only a great story if you understand and compare it with your own life.




kheb der egt heel veel aan gehad dankjewel!!!

kuz judith

22 jaar geleden



goed gedaan,

ik kreeg er een 8 voor!!!

dank je...

21 jaar geleden

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