Hatchet door Gary Paulsen

Beoordeling 5
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Hatchet
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 1116 woorden
  • 12 juni 2007
  • 9 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5
9 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Hatchet
Hatchet door Gary Paulsen
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Meer informatie
What is the meaning of the title:
The title is Hatchet. The hatchet is the only thing Brain has when he survives the crash and thanks to the hatchet he survives. He makes fire with it, he kills animals with it to eat , he makes tools with it and he opens the plane with it at the end. Without the hatchet he couldn’t survive.

Brian’s parents are divorced. This summer he is going to spend with his dad. His father lives in Canada so he has to go there by plane. On the way over there the pilot gets an heart attack and dies. The plane crashes. Brian now stays on an island.
The first night on the island he can’t sleep because the mosquitoes sting him. The next morning he has got bumps everywhere. He has got bumps on his head and his leg is wounded.

He found a cave that he calls home.
He is getting water from the lake and he eats all kinds of things like eggs from a turtle and berries.
He also has got to make a fire. He tries everything but nothing seems to work. One night he wakes up because of a strange noise. He feels something on his leg. To scare the animal he throws his hatchet to the wall. He noticed the hatchet giving sparks. Next morning he tries to make a fire with his hatchet. I finally works. He is very happy that he has got a fire to keep him warm.
He has got to find something else to eat. The berries and eggs are running out. He is going to catch some fish. He makes a spear. It works.
He feels he has changed because of his staying on the island. He has become stronger, but also changed mentally.
One day he hears a plane and quickly tries to make a fire. When he finally has a fire the plane is gone. He is very sad. He thinks no one is ever going to find him.
He now is the new Brian for 47 days. He calls himself like this because he has changed enormously since he crashed.
He now also catches birds for food with his bow, and a rabbit. When it finally goes well, he is being attacked by a moose. He falls in the lake and get hurt to his chest.
That night a tornado comes along. It blows away all his tools, food and his fire.
A good thing is that it also pulls the plane out of the lake. Brian goes to the plane to get food and the survival kit. He finds a radio in it. He switches it on, but thinks it is broken. But then, al of a sudden a plane landed right in front of Brian. The pilot was surprised to see that Brian survived after two long months.

The time the story takes place in:
It could be now, it could be twenty years ago. But it won’t be long ago.

I think that because his father works at the oilfields, he flies in an aeroplane and he gets things out of the plane at the end that are of this time, or at least not longer then 20 years ago or so. Also is the use of language of this time.

The main character:
Brian Robeson is 13 years old. His parents are divorced. He lived with his mother who had left his father for another man. His father worked in the Canadian forests. He was on his way to his dad when the plane crashed and he found himself alone in the woods.
He is a very round character because during the story you get to know everything about him an you become to know exactly the way he thinks. Brian also changes in the book. He was a city boy and he becomes a person who can survive in the wilderness.
He has got an great willpower that saves him. While he is trying to survive in the forest, Brian changes into a more complete human being than he was before the crash.

Other main characters:
There are no other important characters, only Brian is important. Although the nature can be seen as another main character.

A passage:

Unbelievable riches. He could not believe the contents of the survival pack.
The night before he was so numb with exhaustion he couldn’t do anything but sleep. All day in the water had tired him so much that, in the end, he had fallen asleep in front of the doorway, oblivious even to the mosquitoes, to the night, to everything. But with false grey dawn he had awakened, instantly, and began to dig in the pack – to find amazing, wonderful things.
There was a sleeping bag – which he hung to dry over his shelter roof on the outside – and foam sleeping pad. An aluminium cooking set with four little pots and two frying pans; it actually even had a fork and knife and spoon. A waterproof container with matches and two small butane lighters. A sheath knife with a compass in the handle. As if a compass would help him, he thought, smiling. A fist-aid kit with bandages and tubes of antiseptic paste and small scissors. A cap that said CESSNA across the front in large letters. Why a cap, he wondered. It was adjustable and he put it on immediately. A fishing kit with four coils of line, a dozen small lures, and hooks and sinkers.
Incredible wealth. It was like all the holidays in the world, all the birthdays there were. He sat in the sun by the doorway where he had dropped the night before and pulled the presents – as he thought of them – out one at a time to examine them, turns them in the light, touch them and feel them with his hands and eyes.

My opinion:
I think this is a very good book. I like the style it’s written in and the tension that he will or won’t survive. The writer keeps the tension by getting Brain in difficult situations over and over again. It also wasn’t hard to read, almost all words I didn’t know where in the back. I like the subject of the story because I like nature and it’s great to see Brian making all the tools to survive. Humans are really smart. There are 3 more books following on this one, I’ve read only two of them.

There is also a movie of this book. I haven’t seen it but I’m going to find it somewhere or download it.


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