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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix door J.K. Rowling

Beoordeling 7.6
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Boekcover Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas havo | 6953 woorden
  • 22 november 2003
  • 216 keer beoordeeld
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Boekcover Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is desperate to return to Hogwarts and find out why his friends, Ron and Hermione, have been so secretive all summer. But before he even gets to school, Harry survives a terrifying encounter with two Dementors, attends a court hearing at the Ministry of Magic and is escorted …

Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is desperate to return to Hogwarts and find out why his friends, Ron and Hermione, hav…

Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is desperate to return to Hogwarts and find out why his friends, Ron and Hermione, have been so secretive all summer. But before he even gets to school, Harry survives a terrifying encounter with two Dementors, attends a court hearing at the Ministry of Magic and is escorted on a nighttime broomstick ride to the secret headquarters of a mysterious group called the Order of the Phoenix...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix door J.K. Rowling

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Meer informatie
Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Author: J.K. Rowling
Version: first print, 2003
Number of pages: 766

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a fantasy novel, because it’s about a school for wizards and witches and of course a complete magical community.


Harry Potter:
Harry has changed over the years. He has turned from the shy little boy he was when Hagrid came to pick him up at the Dursley’s to a young adult with a fast rising temper. His best friends are still Ron and Hermione. He really likes Cho Chang and he does manage to go out with her on Valentines Day, but he totally messes that up. But this year he’s found a new friend, Luna Lovegood, and if you look for speculations for Harry Potter part six, you will find that most people think something is brewing between them.

Ronald Weasley

Ron is as Hermione called him ‘an insensitive wart’ he totally doesn’t understand girls but he’s a great friend Harry can always count on. Ron’s been made a Prefect in this part and he can’t cope with the responsibility. He also makes the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a keeper and he’s quite good at it except when everybody’s watching.

Hermione Granger
Hermione is a, as Ron always calls her, ‘a know it all’. She’s a very smart girl who is obsessed with the welfare of House Elves. Harry and Ron think she’s being stupid but personally I think she has a good point. She’s also made a Prefect but she can cope with the pressure.

Albus Dumbledore
Albus Dumbledore is head master of Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry, member of the International Confederation of wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and holder of the Order of Merlin first class. He’s a kind old man with a great vision and he usually knows when someone’s up to. He’s also the leader of the Order of the Phoenix. And he’s one of the most powerful wizards alive.

Sirius Black
Sirius is a man who likes action. He’s not the type who can sit at home and way for it al to blow over. He also has a great dislike for the Black family. He’s Harry’s godfather and he’s very protective of him. His best living friend is Remus Lupin. Sirius is an Animagus this means he can turn into an animal:in his case he turns into a great black dog. He’s one of the most wanted men alive and he’s the only one who has ever escaped from Azkaban.

Remus Lupin
Lupin was Harry’s defence against the dark arts teacher in his 3rd year. And he was good at his job. He’s also the one who taught Harry how to summon his patronus. He’s a kind man and a great friend to Sirius. A bit of a downside is that every full moon he turns into a werewolf.

Rubeus Hagrid
Hagrid is a half giant. He’s one of Harry’s best friends and he’s also a teacher at Hogwarts he teaches care of magical creatures. He has a certain love for creatures who can defend themselves. This means that the entire magical community would rather not have them around.

Mrs Weasley

Mrs Weasley is an over-concerned mother. She’s a bit of a bossy woman. And she hates doing anything without magic.

Mr Weasley
Mr Weasley works at the ministry of magic in the misuse of muggle artefacts office.
He has a fascination for muggles and everything that has to do with them.

Nymphadora Tonks
Tonks as she prefers to be called is related to Sirius. She’s an auror, she’s also a Metamorphagus, and this means she can change her appearance she can do anything from changing the colour of her hair to redesigning her face and body. She’s really nice and very funny. I don’t think she can tip Fred and George but she can certainly try.

Dobby (the house elf)
Dobby used to Lucius Malfoy’s house elf but Harry tricked Malfoy into setting him free.
Dobby is an overexcited elf who is also a great friend to Harry. Although he’s very clumsy he did save Harry’s life once.

Minerva McGonagall
Professor McGonagall is Harry’s transfiguration teacher. She’s also head of Gryffindor House.
She’s very strict, but she also has a good sense of humour.

Severus Snape
Snape is Harry’s potion teacher. He’s a very dark character and he despises Harry because Harry’s Father, James, was his worst enemy.

Cornelius Fudge
Fudge is the minister of magic and he absolutely refuses to believe that Lord Voldemort has risen again. He therefore wants Harry expelled and Dumbledore thrown out of office.
He also put Professor Umbridge at Hogwarts and he ordered her to take over the place.

Delores Jane Umbridge
Professor Umbridge is a foul woman. She was the one that sent those Dementors after Harry. She gave him a lifetime ban of Quidditch and she took away his right to visit Hogsmeade.
She attempted to use the one of the unforgivable curses on Harry. She sacked Trelawney and Hagrid. And when Professor McGonagall ran out to defend Hagrid she ordered the aurors to send stunners at her, which almost killed her. And this is just a small taster of the things she has done.

Lord Voldemort
Voldemort is the most evil wizard of the century and he will stop at nothing to destroy Harry. He attempted to kill Harry when he was just one year old. But his mother sacrificed her life for him so Voldemort could not touch Harry. Voldemort fled the county and made several attempts to regain his power. And it worked. In Harry’s fourth year he manages to get all his powers back. So now he wanted to destroy Harry. Lord Voldemort has always said that the only wizard who counts is one of full blood, while he himself is not. His mother was a witch and his father a muggle. And he was given the name Tom Marvolo riddle.

Lucius Malfoy

Lucius is evil that just about describes his character. He’s married to Narcissa Malfoy, Sirius' sister. There is not much to say about Lucius except that his son Draco is Harry’s worst enemy at Hogwarts.

Draco Malfoy
Draco is Harry’s worst enemy at Hogwarts. They hated each other from the moment they laid eyes on one another. Draco has 2 good friends, or rather, minions: Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy has every aspect of becoming a Death Eater. His minions are so stupid they couldn’t recognise the front of a broom. But Malfoy’s pretty smart.

Before I start I have to tell you something about the prior Harry Potter books namely:
-Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

In the first book ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’, Harry first finds out that he is a wizard and that he defeated the most powerful dark wizard of that age, Lord Voldemort. He goes to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizary. Here he makes some good friends, Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger. They find out about the philosophers stone and they think that Snape, the potions teacher, is attempting to steal it. So they tray and protect it and when they got there they found out it’s there defence against the dark arts teacher that wants to steal the stone. He wanted the stone to bring back Lord Voldemort. Harry only just managed to stop him.

In part two ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’, Harry has to stop the younger version of Voldemort from killing Ginny Weasly, Ron’s younger sister, from being drained of life energy and passing that energy on to Voldemort. Here Harry find’s out that Voldemort’s real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. When you reorganise the letters of that name you get ‘I am Lord Voldemort’. To stop him he first has to defeat a basilisk; a snake that can kill you just by looking at you. When Harry defeats the basilisk and destroys the diary that Voldemort was using to regain his power, he defeated Voldemort for the third time in his life.

In Part three ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’, Sirius Black has escaped from the wizard prison Azkaban. This prison is guarded by creatures called Dementors. They suck all the happiness out of you and they can also suck your sole out through your mouth.
As Black supposedly killed 12 people with a single curse, the entire magical community lives in fear of another massacre. It is also known to a few people that Black is after Harry. So Dementors are placed all around Hogwarts, however Black does manage to get inside. And to make a very long but interesting story short: Harry finds out that there defence against the dark art teacher, Remus Lupin, is a werewolf and that Sirius Black is his godfather and that he was not after Harry but after Ron’s rat scrabers who turns out to be Peter Pettigrew a former friend of Harry’s father, James Potter, and to Sirius and Lupin. He was the Potters secrets keeper, he alone knew where they were, but he betrayed them to Voldemort. Sirius who was furious and went after Peter who was known to his former friends as Wormtail and when Sirius cornered Wormtail, Wormtail made a big explosion and he quickly transformed into a rat an left his index finger behind. Sirius was sent to Azkaban because everybody thought that he had killed those people in that street. And finally he had caught Wormtail and he was about to go to the Ministry of Magic and than he would be declared a free man. But Wormtail manages to escape, and Sirius also managed to escape with the help of Harry and Hermione.

In part four ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ Harry gets picked as one of the triwizard champions. In this is a tournament between three schools: Bordeaux college, Drumstang Institute and of course Hogwarts. Harry gets picked by accident because their new defence against the dark arts teacher Alastor ‘mad-eye’ Moody appears to be an impostor who has used the Polyjuice potion to take on Moody’s appearance, his real name is Barty Crouch, the son of the minister of magical cooperation. He puts Harry’s name in the Goblet of Fire, on orders of Lord Voldemort who also ordered him to get Harry true the Triwizard Tournament and get him to the Triwizard cup first. He also ordered him to turn the cup into a portkey that would transport the first person to touch it directly to Voldemort. So when Harry arrives there with Cedric Diggory he gets killed right after they go threw the portkey. Then Harry gets tried up by no other than wormtail and with a very old peace of dark magic, a potion, he is brought back, the main ingredient for this potion are ‘bones of a father unknowingly given, flesh of a servant willingly given and blood of an enemy forcibly taken’.
By this potion Voldemort gets his body and his old powers back and he can now touch Harry, something he could not do because Harry’s mother gave her life for Harry, and than the Death Eaters appear. And there is a duel between Harry and the Dark Lord. Harry only just manages to get away and takes Cedric’s body with him.

Potter and the Order of the Phoenix starts when Harry is with his aunt and uncle. He’s been living there ever since Voldemort killed his mother and father.
Harry, who did not like his aunt and uncle, was outside almost every day especially now that the sun was shining. When his cousin Dudley came home he was teasing him a bit and then 2 Dementors showed up. One of them attacked Dudley and the other went for Harry.
Harry got rid of that one by summoning his patronus (it’s the only thing you can use against Dementors) and when the silver stag (they take the shapes of animals) erupted out of Harry’s wand and charged the Dementor that was coming for him. The Dementor disappeared and Harry was safe, but Dudley wasn’t, the Dementor was lowering his hood to perform the kiss with which to suck out Dudley’s sole. But Harry was just in time to save him.
Well then Mrs Figg, who turns out to be a squib, (someone from a family of wizards and witches who can’t perform magic) helped Harry to get Dudley inside but when they arrive at the door Mrs Figg goes back to her own house. When Harry’s inside he gets a few letters the first one saying he’s expelled the second one is from Mrs Weasly saying he should at no cost surrender his wand. The third one saying that he is not expelled but he has to go to a hearing where there shall be decided if he’s going to be expelled.
While he’s reading these letters he also has to explain to his aunt and uncle what happened to Dudley. When his uncle has heard the entire story he wants to throw Harry out of the house.

But than his aunt gets a howler (a letter which screams it’s message out and if you don’t open it, it explodes) and then Harry can stay.
Then a couple of days later when his aunt, uncle and cousin are not at home. Harry is lying on his bed he hears people breaking into the house. Those people appear to be Remus Lupin, Moody (the real one) and a lot more people. They came to get him away from there. And one of them helped Harry pack his stuff unto his trunk. Then he took out his broom (a Firebolt, his pride and joy) and they flew to a street in London. There Moody showed Harry a piece of paper which said: Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. And before him appeared a house.

Hermione and Ron were already there and so where Mrs Weasley and Sirius Black.
At the time they arrived there was a meeting and Sirius, Mrs Weasley, Lupin, Moody and the rest of Harry’s escorts all had to go there. So Mrs Weasley took Harry to another room where Ron and Hermione were. When Harry got there, he Hermione and Ron were having an argument about not telling him anything because Dumbledore had made them promise they wouldn’t do that. When the meeting was over Mrs Weasley came to get them and there Harry asked for information about Voldemort. Sirius who was happy to give this to him wanted to tell Harry, but Mrs Weasley who thought Harry was too young to know didn’t want Sirius to tell Harry anything. But in the end she gave in and when she attempted to send Ron, Hermione and Fred and George to bed. Fred and George refused because they had their OWL’s (Ordinary Wizaring Levels), they where now considered adults in the wizaring world. And Harry would tell everything to Ron and Hermione anyway so the only one she could send to bed was Ginny. But Sirius explained that ‘the order of the phoenix’ as the anti Voldemort movement was called. He also explained that is house was their headquarters.
And that Voldemort was after a weapon something he did not have last time. But when this was revealed Mrs Weasley thought that they had heard enough. And so Harry, Hermione, Fred, George and Ron went to bed. The next day they where going to clean the house.
And Sirius explained that this house was his it because he was the last black. He showed hem a family tree and on that they could see the Black family line going back all the way back to the Middle Ages. He could also see that Sirius his sister was married to no other than Lucius Malfoy. Sirius also explained that he was also related to Mrs Weasley.
Than Harry had to go to a trail because he had used magic in the holidays when he got there Dumbledore was there to defend him. Harry was cleared of all charges in front to and complete jury.
When they had to go to school they were again accompanied by Moody, Lupin, Tronks and a few others. Including Sirius in his dog form and of course Mr and Mrs Weasley.
On the train the met Luna Lovegood and Harry also saw Cho Chang and of course to everyone’s great dislike Draco Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. When they had arrived at Hogsmeade they had to take a carriage to Hogwarts and he saw scary looking horses in front of them. Ron and Hermione could not see them but Luna Lovegood could.
When they arrived at Hogwarts they Sorting Hat sing its song. This song was different from any other song any of them had ever heard. It said that the Hogwarts houses had to stand united. When the song was over and the hat had completed the sorting of the new first years, Ron asked Nearly Headless Nick (the Gryffindor ghost) if the hat had done this before.

And Nick said that the hat sometimes gave advice to the school.
Then when Dumbledore had finished speaking and had introduced the new defence against the dark arts teacher (Dolores Jane Umbridge), she stood up and said a few words. Later in the Gryffindor common room Hermione explained that this meant that the ministry of magic had taken a hold on Hogwarts.
Than the next day the lessons began and they had defence against the dark arts. When they arrived there Umbridge said they had to put away there wands and they had to start reading their book.
A few months later she was appointed as High Inquisitor of Hogwarts and she visited all the teachers to see which of them were doing there job well and which ones weren’t.
Than Hermione came with the idea that they should start there own defence against the dark arts group. Al the students that were interested had to come to ‘the Hogshead’ (a pub in Hogsmeade). That day a lot of people showed up and they all agreed that his group was a great idea. So there names were written on a piece of paper and they would be informed about when the first meeting would take place. The next day a new form hang in the Gryffindor common room and it said that no student organisation was permitted to exist without permission from the High Inquisitor. So Quidditch teams were also forbidden until they had permission from Umbridge. But Harry decided that the defence against the dark arts group should continue even if they would never get permission from Umbridge. But there was one problem: where would they hold the meeting? Then Dobby (a house elf) came with the solution, he suggested the room of requiries. So everybody was informed and when the first meeting began they needed to have a name. Al kinds of silly names where shouted but than Hermione came with the suggestion defence association, DA for short but than Ginny said DA sounds great but let’s make it stand for Dumbledore’s Army. So everybody agreed on that and so they started practicing spells. Than a few days later it was at night and Harry was sleeping he dreamt that a snake was attacking Mr Weasley and the strange thing was that he saw everything through the eyes of the snake when he woke up his scar was hurting badly. And he knew that what he had just seen had really happened and he said that he needed to see Dumbledore. When Professor McGonagall had brought him to Dumbledore’s office, Harry explained the story to him and Dumbledore gave an order to one of the paintings to go and warn the right people. Than Dumbledore sent professor McGonagall to go and get Ron, Ginny, Fred and George. When they arrived there Dumbledore turned a cauldron into a portkey and that transported them to Sirius his house. There Harry had to explain everything all over again but he left out the part about that he saw everything through the eyes of the snake.
The next day they went to see Mr Weasley at St Mungo’s. He lay in an almost completely deserted ward the only one there except for him was a man who had been bitten by a werewolf. After the whole family had greeted Mr Weasley they started talking. And then the Weasley children including Harry left and Moody, Lupin and Tronks went in.
Then Fred pulled out a pair of extendable ears (something they invented, you can hear through closed doors with them). And they listened and Harry heard that they thought that Harry was being controlled by Voldemort. And when they got back to Sirius his house Harry exiled himself from the others. Only when Hermione got there and forced them to talk to one another and Ginny explained what it felt like to be possessed by Voldemort in her first year. Than Harry fount out that Voldemort did not possess him. And so they started the holidays and Sirius was extremely happy with all the company he had this Christmas. Then on Christmas day they went to see Mr Weasley again and Mrs Weasley saw that the bandages had been changed and she asked why. And Mr Weasley explained that they had attempted stitches but that they did not work. And Mrs Weasley, who did not know what stitches were, asked him and at that point everybody went to get a cup of tea and when they left the ward, they could just hear Mrs Weasley shriek ‘WHAT DO YOU MEAN. THAT’S THE GENERAL IDEA’ and they closed the ward as quickly as they could. When they went up they met Gilderoy Lockhart there defence against the dark arts teacher in there second year. They also met Neville who’s grandmother explained that Neville’s parents were here because they were driven insane by a few Voldemort supporters. A few days later Snape came to see Harry and told him that he was going to give him occlumency, a way to close your mind to external penetration. When they had to return to Hogwarts they took the Knight bus and they where escorted by Moody, Lupin and Tronks. When they arrived at Hogwarts the holidays were over and Harry had to start his extra lessons with Snape on the first day. It went quit well, only his scar was hurting more than usual.
As these lessons continued Harry had lots of homework. But the next Hogsmeade weekend was coming up and Harry finally had the guts to ask Cho Chang out.
Then Umbridge presented a new degree which stated that teacher where not allowed to give students any information if it wasn’t relevant to the subject they were teaching.
And so they went out on February the fourteenth, Valentines Day. And when they got there it started raining and they went into a pub and got a cup of coffee. They started talking and when they arrived at the events of last June and she wanted to know about how Cedric had died. Harry didn’t want to talk about that and Cho started crying, then she became angry and they decided that it would be best if they both paid for the coffee and left. So Harry went to look for Hermione and when he found her and Ron they where sitting at a table with Rita Skeeter an ex-reporter for the Daily Prophet. Hermione explained to Harry that he should give an interview about what happened in June last year. And Rita asked who was going to print it. Well my daddy will print it in the Quibbler he’s the editor. So they began with the interview. And when the interview was over they went back to Hogwarts. Lessons continued as usual and Harry was still doing occlumency and his scar still hurt after every lesson.
When the story was printed, the whole school had read it within a few days and Umbridge said that everyone in the possession of the Quibbler would be expelled. By doing this she made sure that everyone would read it.

The DA meeting continued as usual and they started practicing Patronesses and a lot of them actually did manage to do it. But then Dobby came running into the room telling Harry that Umbridge was on her way. Everyone ran out of there and hid. But Umbridge and a group of slitherins found them. They where brought up to Dumbledore’s office and when Harry got there he saw that Cornelius Fudge was there as well. Then Umbridge explained that she had caught them. Then Dumbledore attempted to prove that Harry was innocent. But than Umbridge pulled out a peace of parchment which said Dumbledore’s Army. Fudge looked at it with astonishment and his aurors pulled their wands and pointed them at Dumbledore. Than Fudge said that Dumbledore would never be able down to take all of them. Then Dumbledore said "Merlin’s beard no not unless you’re foolish enough to stay and stop me". Than Fudge yelled "take him". There was a loud bang and all the aurors Fudge and Umbridge where on the ground. Then Dumbledore said that Harry should continue his occlumency. Than he took all hold of Fawkes, his phoenix, his tail and disappeared with a flash of light. The next day there was a new piece op paper on the notice board which said that Umbridge had become headmistress of Hogwarts. They ran into Malfoy and his gang, who said that they were now able to dock points of Gryffindor and so he took of almost 50 points. When they returned to the common room they ran into Fred and George who had experienced the same thing but had but the one who was attempting to take away there point did not get the word out because Fred and George had put him in the vanishing cabinet.
The one they had put in there was the Slitherin Quidditch team captain. Filch came to get Harry to take him to Umbridge's office. When he got there he was offered a drink and he was questioned. When he was finally allowed to leave Umbridge, a noise was heard and she pulled out her wand and ran out of her office to look what it was. She saw that it was a lot of fireworks, he immediately knew that they where from Fred and George. When Harry arrived at his next extra lesson with Snape, Malfoy came running in and Snape had to leave. Harry who had been very curious what the memories where that Snape was hiding from him. So he put his hand in the basin where Snape had left them. And he was pulled in and he saw Snape while he was making his defence against the dark arts OWL. He also saw Sirius, his father James, Lupin and Wormtail. When they had finished he followed them out and he heard Sirius ask Lupin: Did you like question 10 Moony. Loved it Lupin replied. Name 5 way’s of recognising a werewolf. One: he’s sitting on my chair two: he’s wearing my clothes and three: his name’s Remus Lupin.
When they walked out James was playing with a snitch and when he put it away. He said he was bored. Than Sirius suddenly looked up and said a Snivellus and when Snape saw them he pulled out his wand but James was faster and he disarmed him. Then he froze him in midair. When everyone saw that they came to look and Lily Evans also came but she said that he should let Snape go. Than Snape said I don’t need any help form a mud blood. Than James got really angry he levitated Snape and hung him upside down. Then Harry felt something pull him out of there. It was the full grown Snape and he looked very angry.
He sent Harry out of his office and told him never to come there again. So Harry made his way back to the Gryffindor tower.
When he got there he talked to Fred, George, Ron, and Hermione and Fred and George where planning something big so when that was to take place that day so than Harry would have time to sneak into Umbridge her office and use her fir to contact Sirius. So Harry went there and he talked to Sirius. Sirius explained that his dad was young and stupid and that he did not mean it. So Harry had to take that as a satisfying answer. And when he made his way back to the entrance hall he saw a crowd. He went to see what was going on. Then he saw an enormous swamp covering the whole entrance hall and Fred and George were hovering above it with brooms. Than he heard Umbridge yell to them that they had to come down. Than Fred and George said something back and they went to the level where Peeves was hovering and said to him Peeves give her hell. And Peeves took of his hat and saluted them as they flew out of the school.
Than a few weeks later there OWL’s began and it all went very good for Harry. He even thought he got an ‘outstanding’ on his defence against the dark arts OWL. He did very well in transfiguration as well. When they had there astronomy exam in the northern tower at night it all went quite well, but when he had almost finished filling his star chart he heard something coming from Hagrid’s cabin. When the noise stopped he looked back at his chart, and when he bent over to make a correction he suddenly heard an explosion coming from Hagrid’s cabin he looked and he saw that a few people were attempting to use stunning spells on Hagrid but they just bounced of of him. Than they saw Professor McGonagall run out to them and she was shouting at the people that where attacking Hagrid. But then four stunners were sent to her and hit her and she passed out. Hagrid yelled cowards and he took Fang and ran for it. The next day Harry was doing his history of magic OWL and he fell asleep. He dreamt that Voldemort was torturing Sirius. When he woke up he was being dragged out of the classroom and his scar hurt. He pulled himself loose and he said that he could not continue with his test. When he got away he needed to see someone from ‘the Order’ so he went to the hospital wing to find professor McGonagall. When he got there he asked Madam Pomfrey, she said that she was at St Mungo’s because she had taken four stunners in the chest and that for someone at her age. She also said that none of them could have taken down Minerva McGonagall at bright day light. Harry was worried and he needed to get to the ministry. Than he ran into Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna and they could help Harry. Ron ran to Umbridge and told her that Peeves was messing up the transfiguration classroom.
Ginny and Luna were on the lookout. When Harry and Hermione were in there, they used the fire to contact Sirius. But he was not there and Kreacher (Sirius' house elf) told them that he had gone to the department of mysteries. Then suddenly Umbridge came in and her group of Slitherins were holding Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville very tightly. Umbridge asked them who they were talking to. She confessed there that she had been the one to send those Dementors after Harry. But she still wanted to know who Harry had been talking to so she wanted to use the Cruciatus Curse on him. But than Hermione said that they where looking for Dumbledore because ‘the weapon’ was ready. Than Hermione and Harry had to lead her there, and so they walked into the forbidden forest and they came a cross a few centaurs. Umbridge who was very disrespectful to them was attacked and Hermione and Harry managed to get away. When they returned to the castle they met Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Neville who were already outside. They apparently managed to free themselves. They took six Thestrals to get to London to the ministry of magic. When they got there they went directly for the department of mysteries. And they found Lucius Malfoy and a few other Death Eaters waiting for them.
They wanted the prophesy that Harry was holding in his hand. And so the started to talk and with a surprise attack Harry and the rest managed to get away.
But they were split up and when a few of the Death Eaters came their way Harry, Neville and Hermione used stunning spells to subdue them. When they got back together there was a big duel between them and when it looked like Harry was about to lose. Sirius, Lupin, Moody and a lot of other people came in there and they took over from Harry. Now Sirius ordered Harry to take Neville and go but when Sirius was fighting his own cousin who was also a Death Eater and then Sirius got hit in the chest he fell back true a veil and Harry yelled for him but Sirius did not come back out. Lupin told Harry that Sirius was dead and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Then Harry got really angry he pulled himself free and he went for Sirius his cousin and they started duelling than Harry used the Cruciatus Curse something he had never done before and the Death Eater screamed and fell back. But she stood up again as fast as she could. She explained to Harry that to use an effective unforgivable curse you really have to mean it ,you have to enjoy seeing that person suffer.
Then she said she wanted the prophesy and Harry said it got smashed and she did not believe it but when she used the summoning charm and it still did not come she sank on her knees and said forgive me master it was not my fault. Harry told her to stop screaming, he can’t hear you anyway. O can’t I said a voice behind him and Harry turned around and there he stood: the Dark Lord himself, Lord Voldemort. Than Voldemort said this was the last time you foiled my plan Potter and he shrieked Avada Kadavra. Suddenly the golden wizard statue from the fountain was in front of him and the curse deflected. Then he saw Dumbledore. And there was a duel between Lord Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore. When it looked like Voldemort was going to lose he disaperated and Dumbledore told Harry to stay back. Than suddenly Harry felt an immense pain so terrible that he wanted to be dead. Than a voice spoke true him: If death is nothing Dumbledore, then kill the boy and kill me with it. Than Harry thought yes kill us and get it over then I’ll see Sirius again. Then with a great relief the pain went away and he was himself again. Than Cornelius Fudge and a lot of aurors came in us well and he had seen Voldemort, now he believed Dumbledore and knew that everything he said had been true. Dumbledore turned something into a portkey and sent Harry back to his office. There Harry waited for about half an hour, then Dumbledore came in and he explained everything to Harry he also told him what the prophesy was that he smashed there. It was made by Professor Trelawney and it said:

The one who has the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies… and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not… And ether must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives… the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…
This was the prophesy and Harry is the one who can vanquish the Dark Lord.
Than Dumbledore explained why Harry had to stay at the Dursley’s because he could not be touched living in the house where his mother’s blood dwells.
After this was explained the school year was almost over and when the train had taken them back to London he went to the Dursley’s but he was halted by Lupin, Moody and Tronks. They had a little chat with the Dursley’s about when they mistreated Harry or if they did not hear from him for three days they would come and see how he was doing.

Place in history of literature:
Harry Potter and the Order of the phoenix is, as are all other Harry Potter book, a book loved by children and adults alike.

Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix is full of flash backs but because they fit in so well with the rest of the story you hardly even notice them.

Point of view:
You read this book from Harry’s perspective. So you only know what he’s thinking, feeling and dreaming. But to make you see other people’s thoughts Rowling uses a lot of facial expressions.

The biggest part of the story plays at Hogwarts, But also in Hogsmeade, Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, St Mungo’s, the ministry of magic, a train station and of course his aunt and uncle’s house.

About the author:
Harry Potter's magic has touched a huge audience of all ages all over the world. In America, there are nearly 80 million books in print, and each title has been on The New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. The fifth title, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, has already broken records with its first print run of 6.8 million copies and a second print run of an additional 1.7 million copies, a figure unprecedented for any book.

J. K. Rowling has won the Hugo Award, the Bram Stoker Award, the Whitbread Award for Best Children's Book, a special commendation for the Anne Spencer Lindbergh Prize, and a special certificate for being a three-year winner of the Smarties Prize, as well as many other honors. She has been a featured guest on "60 Minutes," "The Today Show," and "Larry King Live." Rowling has also been named an Officer of the British Empire.
Rowling first thought of Harry while riding a train back in 1990. "Harry just strolled into my head fully formed." She worked on the book for several years, finding quiet moments while her daughter napped. Several publishers turned down the finished manuscript before one took interest.
In 1998, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was published in the United States, kicking off Harry-mania. Suddenly, kids were reading again, and their parents wanted to read the same books! The second and third books were published in the spring and fall of 1999.
On July 8, 2000, the release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire became a major celebration, with bookstore events occurring at midnight nationwide. The book sold an unprecedented three million copies in the first 48 hours of release and according to Publishers Weekly is "the fastest-selling book in history."
Warner Bros. enjoys certain rights in respect to all the Harry Potter books and has exercised its option to create films on all of those that have been published to date. With over 170 million books sold, the books have been translated into 55 languages and distributed in over 200 countries. Each of the first four books are currently on bestseller lists in the United States, Britain, and around the globe.
Joanne Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury near Bristol, England. After she graduated from Exeter University, she found work as a secretary, and later spent time teaching English in Portugal before moving to Edinburgh, Scotland, with her daughter. She currently resides in Scotland with her husband and two children.
One of her quotes is:
"I am an extraordinarily lucky person, doing what I love best in the world. I'm sure that I will always be a writer. It was wonderful enough just to be published. The greatest reward is the enthusiasm of the readers."

My appreciations:
I think this is a great book, the best in the Harry Potter series. I don't like the chapter where Sirius dies, because he’s my favourite character. Before I started reading this book I never thought I’d feel sorry for Snape. And that there could be someone, that if she would be compared to Snape, you’d actually start liking him. I’m talking about Umbridge of course.
But nevertheless it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read.

The Book




i love Harry Potter

19 jaar geleden




19 jaar geleden



Wel een beetje lang pff....

19 jaar geleden



heel erg goed!!!!!!

6 jaar geleden

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