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Bridget Jones's diary door Helen Fielding

Beoordeling 6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Bridget Jones's diary
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 488 woorden
  • 23 augustus 2007
  • 12 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6
12 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Bridget Jones's diary

A dazzling urban satire of modern human relations? An ironic, tragic insight into the demise of the nuclear family? or the confused ramblings of a pissed thirty-something?

A dazzling urban satire of modern human relations? An ironic, tragic insight into the demise of the nuclear family? or the confused ramblings of a pissed thirty-something?

A dazzling urban satire of modern human relations? An ironic, tragic insight into the demise of the nuclear family? or the confused ramblings of a pissed thirty-something?

Bridget Jones's diary door Helen Fielding

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Meer informatie
Book Report / leesverslag


Bridget Jones’s Diary

Helen Fielding
Year of birth / Geboortejaar
February 1958
(Year of death / sterfjaar)

Biographical data/biografische gegevens van de schrijver
Helen Fielding graduated at Oxford with an English degree and first worked in television journalism. She had columns The Independent and The Daily Telegraph and based on those columns she made the book Bridget Jones’s Diary. Her first novel was Cause Celeb.
In 2004 she gave birth to her first child and in 2006 to her second child.


Title/titel: Bridget jones’s diary
Year of first publication/jaar eerste druk: 1996
Explanation of the title/titelverklaring: It is the diary of Bridget Jones

Genre/genre, soort boek
A diary

Short description of the main character(s)
Korte beschrijving van de hoofdpersoon/personen

Bridget Jones: The diary belongs to her. She’s in her 30s, a smoker, likes to drink alcohol and says everything that pops up in her head, but she can’t speak in public.
Daniel Cleaver: He’s Bridget's boss and her first lover in this book
Mark Darcy: A successful lawyer who is Bridget's second lover in the book

Jude, Shazzer and Tom: Bridget's three best friends.

Plot/fabel - korte samenvatting (maximaal 150 woorden!)
Bridget is in her 30s and she’s still single. At a new years buffet, she meets Mark Darcy but they don’t like each other. At work she flirts with her boss Daniel and they end up in bed. When there’s a Tarts and Vicars party, she goes to it but she’s the only one who’s dressed like a tart. Later, when she goes to Daniel, she finds him in bed with a woman.
Then something terrible happens: her mother leaves her father. But then she meets Mark again and they become friends and later they fall in love, and Mark asks Bridget to marry him.
Everything ends up well because Bridget's parents come back together and Bridget is happy.

Narrative structure: chronology, flashbacks; point of view; time span
Structuur: chronologie, flashbacks; perspectief; tijd

The book is told in the first person narrator. There are no flashbacks so the book is told in chronological order. The time span is exactly one year.

A woman who’s searching for love.

Opinion/mening, waardering
I like the book because it is so realistic and not realistic at the same time. It’s like you become Bridget and it is funny because she gets herself in such idiotic situations. The end is nice but you know that there is going to happen a lot more because there is a second book. The theme is interesting because I think that many women can find themselves in Bridget. What I like about it is that you think I want to live the same life as Bridget does, but if you take a closer look, you see that her life is definitely not that great: her parents separate, her ‘boyfriend’ cheats on her, etc.


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