A Christmas carol door Charles Dickens

Beoordeling 6.2
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Boekcover A Christmas carol
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 813 woorden
  • 26 maart 2008
  • 17 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.2
17 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover A Christmas carol
Ebenezer Scrooge is a mean, miserable, bitter old man with no friends. One cold Christmas Eve, three ghosts take him on a scary journey to show him the error of his nasty ways. By visiting his past, present and future, Scrooge learns to love Christmas and the people all around him.
Ebenezer Scrooge is a mean, miserable, bitter old man with no friends. One cold Christmas Eve, three ghosts take him on a scary journey to show him the error of his nasty ways. By …
Ebenezer Scrooge is a mean, miserable, bitter old man with no friends. One cold Christmas Eve, three ghosts take him on a scary journey to show him the error of his nasty ways. By visiting his past, present and future, Scrooge learns to love Christmas and the people all around him.
A Christmas carol door Charles Dickens

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A Christmas carol

On a very cold Christmas Eve, a man with a heart colder than the weather outside is still working and his clerk too. The man is called Scrooge. He has a company with a friend who died 7 year before: Marley.
Scrooge wants to work on and hates Christmas. Than his nephew comes in and wants to invite Scrooge for a Christmas meal with his wife. But Scrooge calls it 'Humbug' and finally his nephew leaves.
Than two men come in and they want to ask Scrooge for money for some charity, but Scrooge won't give some. The men leave.

When Scrooge goes home and stands before his front door, he sees the face of Marley in the knocker. But is disappears. When Scrooge is in his living room, he things about the face, and suddenly he hears chains and than Marley comes right through the door, which was locked. Marley explains Scrooge that he is paying for all the bad things he had done in his live. He has to walk the earth for very long. He warns Scrooge that there will come 3 ghosts to him and that Scrooge will get the same punishment as Marley got, if he doesn't starts to care about the people around him. Than he leaves and Scrooge goes to sleep.
At midnight the first ghosts comes into Scrooge room and he is the ghosts of Christmas past, he can show the previous Christmases Scrooge has had. Scrooge was always bullied and alone at Christmas time, so now he doesn't like Christmas anymore.
The Ghost takes him to some Christmases before and Scrooge sees his younger Sister Frannie who dies and left a son: The nephew. He sees his old employer too, who was so happy because of his good employees what gave Scrooge always a nice feeling. And a girlfriend who left him because of his love for money and not for her. He feels very sorry at that moment and wants to go home, but the ghost wants to show some more. He sees his lost love and her husband telling how lonely Scrooge should be. Than he can go home and is back in his bed.
At one o'clock the next ghost comes: the ghost of Christmas present. He takes Scrooge to town and shows all the happy people. Than the ghost takes him to the home of his employee: Bob Cratchit. There Scrooge sees the son of Bob, Tim, who is very ill.
Bob wants him to get better, but at the moment he says that, it is clearly that Tim will not get better. At that breakfast, Bob wants to toast on Scrooge health. Scrooge asks the ghost whether Tim will get better or not, and the ghost says he won't. Than they go to the party of Fred, his nephew. There all people talk about Scrooge and Fred tells them that he will invite Scrooge every year. Scrooge is having a great time because he forgets that he is not really there. Than ghost and Scrooge leave. They go to a home for people who are dying and the ghost shows two kids to Scrooge called Want and Ignorance. The ghost tells Scrooge he has only 24 hours to live on earth and after he introduced the children, the ghost fades.
Than another ghost comes to Scrooge and it is the Ghost of Christmas yet to come. He takes Scrooge to a group of people who are talking about a man who died and that none of them will go to the funeral. At first Scrooge can't understand what is has to do with him, but than he sees thieves with his things and he understands that he is being warned.
The ghost shows Scrooge a woman who is happy that he died. And he shows him also Bob's house, and Tim had just died. Bob is very sad and cries.
Than Scrooge asks the ghost who that man was, but the ghost can't speak. He begins to understand that is was him who had died.
He asks the ghost, but he shows Scrooge his own grave and than fades away.
The next morning Scrooge wakes up and really wants change his life. He buys a big turkey and goes to his nephew where he
Joins the party he had seen with the ghost. And he enjoys it very much.
The next day, he wanted Bob to come to work, but he is late. Scrooge pretends to be very angry and says that he will raise Bob's salary as punishment. Bob thinks Scrooge is getting crazy, for a moment. But then he explains he wants to help Bob and his family as well as he can.
Tim did not die, because Scrooge paid the surgery, and they all lived happy ever after.

Bron: http://www.bookrags.com/notes/xmas/PART1.html


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