8 Ghost Stories door S.H. Burton

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Boekcover 8 Ghost Stories
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 1e klas aso | 665 woorden
  • 22 april 2011
  • 15 keer beoordeeld
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Boekcover 8 Ghost Stories
8 Ghost Stories door S.H. Burton
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I like scary things so this book was something for me. The title of this book is Ghost Stories so there is just more than 1 story, actually there are 8 stories. In the first story, a man called Mr Robinson lives in a castle all alone. He likes reading so he has a lot of books. He also likes walking so he walks every day. He walks every day so he knows every road but on 1 day, he discovers a new road. It is a bit strange because he lives in Dunpool all his life and he never seen this road before. He decide to take this road. It lead him to a hill with a small house on the top. When he reach the top, he falls asleep and when he wakes up, it is almost evening. He is worried because it is a bit dark and he want to be him before it is really dark. But when he walks back to his house, it feels of someone looks at him. He turns around but he sees nothing. When he is home, he thinks all the time what is happened that day. The next day, he takes again this road. He is a bit scary but keeps walking. When he reach the top, he is careful because he doesn’t know if there is somebody or something. And suddenly, a bullet hits his head and he is dead. A constable of Dunpool find him the next morning but he never find out who or what killed Mr Robinson. It is a he-narrator. The story was exciting but the end was stupid. If the book described how the person looks like who killed Mr Robinson and why he did it, then it was a real good story. If that ghost also killed the constable, then it was really exciting and also really scary but it wasn’t, so the end is lame.

Another good and scary story is “The doctor’s last visit”. It has actually nothing to do with a doctor so it is a bit strange to me. In the begin of the story, a constable walks in Rayner Street. It is a regular street in this town. The name of the constable is Mitford. This night, he has his first shift alone as a constable. His shift is almost done when something strange happened. He sees a man who leaves a house which is not the man his own house. He start running away from the house. Mitford yells that he must stop but the man keeps running. Mitford runs after him and he is just a little faster but when Mitford want to catch the man, the man disappear like a ghost. Mitford goes back to the house. He is scared but he must do his job. He enters the house and there is nothing strange. But when he takes the stairs he hears a woman scream. He runs as fast as he can but when he enters the room, there is no murderer. The woman who screamed lies dead in the room. Mitford is too scared and he runs out of the house and he warns the police. The strange thing of this story is that the woman screamed after the man who ran away killed her. In my opinion is this the scariest story of this book. It is again a he-narrator. They could make it a lot more scary if the ghost attack the constable and lock him in the basement. Then it was also a lot more scary for the other constables who must enter the house to save their colleague. It was a very good story but if you are very quick scared then you must not read it at night at home when you are all alone.

Some of this stories were not so scary and interesting than the others. But it was a very good book if you don’t like to read books.


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