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The Hunger Games door Suzanne Collins

Beoordeling 8.2
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The Hunger Games
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 1380 woorden
  • 7 mei 2020
  • 32 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 8.2
32 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The Hunger Games

Katniss Everdeen woont in het 12e en armste district van Panem, het land dat ooit bekend stond als Noord-Amerika. Met haar moeder en haar zusje Prim leidt ze een armoedig leven, getekend door het keiharde regime van het welvarende Capitool. Jaarlijks worden de Hongerspelen uitgevaardigd: 24 door loting aangewezen tributen, een jongen en een meisje uit elk district, ga…

Katniss Everdeen woont in het 12e en armste district van Panem, het land dat ooit bekend stond als Noord-Amerika. Met haar moeder en haar zusje Prim leidt ze een armoedig leven, ge…

Katniss Everdeen woont in het 12e en armste district van Panem, het land dat ooit bekend stond als Noord-Amerika. Met haar moeder en haar zusje Prim leidt ze een armoedig leven, getekend door het keiharde regime van het welvarende Capitool. Jaarlijks worden de Hongerspelen uitgevaardigd: 24 door loting aangewezen tributen, een jongen en een meisje uit elk district, gaan een strijd op leven en dood met elkaar aan. En dit jaar wordt Prim uitgeloot...

Katniss weet dat de Hongerspelen een doodvonnis voor haar jonge zusje betekenen en besluit haar plek in te nemen. Onder het oog van de hele bevolking van Panem, die de strijd als bron van vermaak volgt, begeeft ze zich in de gemanipuleerde arena. Gevangen in een meedogenloos web van bruut geweld, gemanipuleerde tv-beelden en corrupte politici komt Katniss voor de keus te staan: hoe ver zal ze gaan om te overleven? 

The Hunger Games door Suzanne Collins

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The book is written by Suzanne Collins. The hunger games books are a series with 3 books. I’ve read part one, two and three now. The hunger games have 439 pages and it was published at September 1 2009 by Scholastic Press. Three genres of the book are. Adventure, Dystopian and Science fiction.


The title of the book is the hunger games. The has been called the hunger games because the main thing that happens in the book is the game called the hunger games. In the hunger games 24 tributes have to survive till one tribute is left. In the arena is no food. So, called the hunger games. The subtitle Catching fire is because the main character Katniss Everdeen is called the girl on fire.


There are three main themes of the book. Dystopian which mean that the world is a big disaster. The book takes place in the future after ‘the end of the world’. In the book Panem is ruled by president snow, a dictator who doesn’t care about his population. He lives in the rich capitol. In the districts -where are the normal people live- they are really poor and a lot of people from district, 9,10,11 and 12 die off starvation.

Adventure is also a theme of the book. That’s because in the book there is a game called the hunger games. This year is the quarter quell. This hunger games. The 24 tributes are chosen from the remaining victors who already won the games. The 24 tributes have to survive. They survive by killing the other tributes and trying to find food.

The last main theme is science fiction. That is because the book probably takes place in the future and that is because there are really advanced tv’s. Weird weapons and the roof of the area is electronic and we in 2020 can’t do that.


Katniss Everdeen is the main character. In the book you can read her mind and see from her perspective. Katniss is a sixteen-year-old girl from the poorest district. District twelve. Katniss has dark brown hair, grey eyes and an olive skin color. These are traits of the people that live in the Seam. The poorest part of district twelve. Katniss is very good with a bow, she has learned that from her father. When Katniss was twelve years old he father died during an explosion in the mines. Katniss has a sister, Primrose (Prim), she is 12 years old and during her first reaping she gets drafted. But Katniss got really scared and volunteered for Prim. She is the first volunteer for district twelve. She won the first hunger games with Peeta Mellark. Now she gets drafted for the second hunger games

Peeta Mellark is the baker’s son. He is brave and loyal and do whatever it takes for Katniss to survive. When they were younger he saved Katniss from starvation by giving her a burned bread. Peeta has blond hair and is described as being medium height, strong and big built. Peeta get also drafted for the 74th hunger games. He confesses his feelings for Katniss during his interview. During the games he joins the career pack. With Katniss he wins the 74th hunger games. During the victory tour he and Katniss have to pretend they are in love. Peeta still likes Katniss. He spread rumors that Katniss is pregnant. After the 75th hunger games he gets captured by the capital.

Cinna is Katniss stylist for the games. He is very clever. Cinna doesn’t like the games, which is weird if you compare him with someone from the capital. Cinna is not dressed as the people of the capital. The only thing about Cinna is that he has a small line of gold eyeliner. Cinna helps Katniss with her dresses and making sure the crowd likes her. Cinna is for Katniss the most important person she met during the adventure. For the interviews he makes a dress that transforms to a mokingjay. Right before the launch of Katniss in the arena. Cinna gets killed.

Effie Trinket is district twelve escort. She is always really happy and bubbly. She is originally from the capital. She thinks that manners are really important. Effie always argues with Haymitch. Effie is very proper and hate it when people don’t proper etiquette. Effie gives Haymitch and Peeta a gift. She gives Haymitch a golden bracelet and Peeta a golden medallion with picture of Katniss loved ones.

Haymitch Abernathy is the winner of the 50th Hunger games. Now he is the mentor of the tributes of district twelve. Most of the time he is drunk. He drinks to forget what happened in the hunger games. Haymitch and Peeta are the only victors of district 12. When Haymitch get picked to participate in the games, Peeta volunteers. This means Haymitch is Katniss and Peeta’s mentor. Haymitch gives Finnick the bracelet he got from Effie to make sure that Katniss knows in the games that they are allies.

Finnick Odair is the winner of the 65th hunger games. He is the youngest victor ever. He was 14 years old when he won. He is from district 4. He is in love with Annie Cresta, the winner of the 70th hunger games. Annie gets insane because she saw he district partner being beheaded. Finnick teams up with Mags, Katniss and Peeta. Later in the games they meet Johanna, Beetee and Wiress. They form an alliance.

Johanna Mason is de victor of the 71st hunger games. She is from district 7. She is the only living female victor from district 7. District 7 is known for lumber. Johanna is very good with an axe. After the tribute parade Johanna gets in the elevator with Katniss, Peet a and Haymitch. She gets completely naked and is pissed off because she was dressed as a tree. Like every year. During the interviews she gets really mad and starts to curse.

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Johanna Mason is de victor of the 71st hunger games. She is from district 7. She is the only living female victor from district 7. District 7 is known for lumber. Johanna is very good with an axe. After the tribute parade Johanna gets in the elevator with Katniss, Peet a and Haymitch. She gets completely naked and is pissed off because she was dressed as a tree. Like every year. During the interviews she gets really mad and starts to curse.

Mags is the victor of the 11th hunger games. She was 16 when she won. She is from district 4. She is very good at making fish hooks. When Annie gets picked to participate Mags volunteers for Annie.


Like I said earlier, the book is in first person. In the book you see from Katniss her eyes. You read what she thinks and sees. I prefer this kind of perspective because it gives a lot of information.


The story takes place in the future, that’s because there are really advanced tv’s. Weird weapons and the roof of the area is electronic. There are flashbacks about Katniss her life. There are no flashforwards because she doesn’t know what will happen in the future


The story takes place in the country Panem. Panem is established after a series of ecological disasters. Panem is primarily in North America. Panem in divided in the capital, the place where all the rich people live, and thirteen districts. All the districts have their own supplies they make for the capital. District one, two and four and the richest districts. This is because during the rebellion 74 years ago they were loyal to the capital. District nine, ten, eleven and twelve are the poorest. District 13 has been bombed during the rebellion.


Suzanne Collins has a nice writing style to read. The sentences are not too long and there are not a lot of hard words. She uses a lot of adjectives. But the writing style is simple because it is viewed through Katniss her eyes.


I love this book. This is one of my favorite books I ever read. I love the excitement and the love story between Peeta and Katniss. Even though Katniss is more into Gale. Before I’ve read the book, I have seen the movie so I knew the story. But I like the book more because its much detailed. The story is every interesting for me because I love the future and stories about dystopian. I think that if this would be real it won’t be really cool or nice to live, but I would actually like to participate in the hunger games. Of course, I want to win.


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