The great Gatsby door Francis Scott Fitzgerald

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Boekcover The great Gatsby
  • Antwoorden door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 1776 woorden
  • 19 november 2014
  • 42 keer beoordeeld
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Boekcover The great Gatsby

Jay Gatsby is de man die alles heeft. Iedereen die iets voorstelt wordt gezien op zijn feestjes. Zijn landgoed op Long Island zindert van de jonge mensen die drinken, dansen en over de mysterieuze Gatsby praten. Want Gatsby - jong, knap en verschrikkelijk rijk - lijkt altijd een eenling tussen de menigte, kijkend en in afwachting, hoewel niemand weet waarvan. Onder de…

Jay Gatsby is de man die alles heeft. Iedereen die iets voorstelt wordt gezien op zijn feestjes. Zijn landgoed op Long Island zindert van de jonge mensen die drinken, dansen en ove…

Jay Gatsby is de man die alles heeft. Iedereen die iets voorstelt wordt gezien op zijn feestjes. Zijn landgoed op Long Island zindert van de jonge mensen die drinken, dansen en over de mysterieuze Gatsby praten. Want Gatsby - jong, knap en verschrikkelijk rijk - lijkt altijd een eenling tussen de menigte, kijkend en in afwachting, hoewel niemand weet waarvan. Onder de broeierige oppervlakte van zijn leven schuilt een geheim: een stil, onmogelijk verlangen naar Daisy Buchanan. En deze destructieve obsessie dreigt alles te vernietigen.

The great Gatsby door Francis Scott Fitzgerald

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Meer informatie

Chapter 1

  1. Who is the narrator? Where is he from?

Nick Carraway is the narrator. He is from Minnesota


  1. How does Nick know Daisy? Tom?

Nick is Daisy’s second cousin, once removed. Nick knew Tom at Yale.


  1. What is the name of the book Tom is reading? What does this show us about him?

The name of the book that Tom is reading is “The Rise of the Colored Empire.” This might indicate that he is a racist.


  1. Who is Jordan Baker?

Jordan Baker is a golf pro and friend of Daisy Buchanan


  1. Who is Gatsby?

Gatsby is Nick’s neighbor in West Egg.


Chapter 2

  1. What and where is the “Valley of Ashes”?

The Valley of Ashes is half way between New York City and West Egg. It is a place where ashes are dumped.


  1. Who is George Wilson? What is his wife’s name?

George Wilson owns a garage in the Valley of Ashes. Myrtle Wilson is George’s wife,


  1. What is the relationship between Myrtle Wilson and Tom Buchanan?

Myrtle and Tom are having an affair.

  1. Does Nick feel comfortable at the party in the apartment?

Nick does not feel comfortable at the party. He tries to leave but is prevented from leaving.


  1. How does Myrtle’s nose end up broken?

Myrtle’s nose ends up broken by Tom. She would not stop saying Daisy’s name, and so he hit her.


Chapter 3

  1. Explain the invitation process for Gatsby’s parties.

People just showed up at Gatsby’s party. Nick received an invitation form Gatsby’s chauffeur.


  1. Give a minimum of 3 details about Gatsby’s parties.
  • There were many celebrities
  • There was a lot of food and drink
  • A full orchestra played music at the party.



  1. Who is the “owl-eyed man” and what does he do while the party is going on?

The owl eyed man is the man that Jordan and Nick meet in Gatsby’s library. He is looking at the books in the library.


  1. Does Gatsby get involved in the festivities of his parties? Give examples in your answers.

Gatsby stands apart from the festivities at his party.  He tells Nick that he does not drink,


  1. Is Jordan an honest person? Give examples

Jordan is not an honest person. There is rumor going around that she cheated in her first golf tournament.



Chapter 4

  1. Who is known as “the boarder”?

The boarder is man named Klipspringer who stays at Gatsby’s house.


  1. Who is Meyer Wolfsheim?

Meyer Wolfsheim is a business associate of Gatsbys’s who supposedly fixed the 1919 World Series;


  1. List 3 facts Gatsby provides about his background.
  • He was educated at Oxford
  • His parents died and left him wealthy
  • He lived like a young Rajah in the capitals of Europe.


  1. What do we learn about the history of Gatsby and Daisy?

Gatsby and Daisy were in love once. He went off to war and she met Tom.


  1. What is interesting about Gatsby’s appraisal (opinion) of Jordan?

What is interesting about Gatsby opinion of Jordan is that he trusts her when everyone else seems not to trust Jordan.




Chapter 5

  1. Why does Gatsby want to have Nick’s lawn cut?

Gatsby wants to have Nick’s lawn cut in repayment for agreeing to ask Daisy over. He also may be a little embarrassed about the way it looks.


  1. Why does Gatsby say he’s going to go home right before the lunch at Nick’s?

Gatsby is about to leave because he is nervous and he does not think she is going to come.


  1. Why do they end up going to Gatsby’s house later?

Gatsby wants to show Daisy his house to let her know that he can take care of her now.


  1. What does Gatsby say about his wealth that contradicts what he had previously told Nick?


Gatsby told Nick that he inherited all his wealth, but then says that he had to work three years to get the money to pay off the house.


  1. What does Gatsby throw in front of Daisy and Nick? What does this scene tell us about Gatsby (thing about material possessions)?

Gatsby throws fine shirts in front of Daisy and Nick This shows us that he is willing to use material things to impress others.


Chapter 6

  1. What is Gatsby’s real history?  Where is he from and what is his name?

Gatsby’s real name is Jay Gatz. He is a farm biy from North Dakota. He grew up poor.


  1. What did Dan Cody do for Gatsby?  What did Gatsby learn from him?

Gatsby was Dan Cody’s personal assistant. He took him away from poverty and showed him how the wealthy lived.


  1. What is Daisy’s opinion of Gatsby’s party?  How does this affect him?

Daisy doesn’t like the party. Gatsby decides he will not have any more parties because Daisy doesn’t like them.

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Daisy doesn’t like the party. Gatsby decides he will not have any more parties because Daisy doesn’t like them.



  1. How does Gatsby act when the visiting trio (including Tom Buchanan) comes to visit?  How do they act toward him?

Gatsby tries to act polite, but he seems clueless to the fact that they do not want him to join them. They look down on Gatsby as “new” rich.


  1. Why does Tom immediately sense that Gatsby is a bootlegger?

Gatsby senses that Gatsby is a bootlegger because a lot of the people at the party were “new” money. At the time that was the main way people got rich quick.


Chapter 7  - Part 1

  1. What has changed at Gatsby’s house? What reason does Gatsby give for these changes?

Gatsby fired all the servants. He did not want them gossiping when Daisy came over.



  1. What does Gatsby decide he is going to do the day he goes over to Tom and Daisy’s house?

Gatsby is going over the house to lay his cards on the table and tell Tom that Daisy loves him alone.



  1. Why does Gatsby look at Daisy’s daughter Pammy with surprise?

Gatsby can’t believe that Daisy ever loved Tom. Pammy is a symbol of their love.


  1. What reasons does George give for wanting to move away?

George says that he , or his wife, always wanted to move away.


  1. Who is looking out the window above George’s garage? Why is he/she jealous?

Myrtle is looking out the window of the garage, She is jealous because she thinks that Jordan ( who is sitting next to Tom) is Toms’ wife.



Chapter 7  - Part 2


  1. Why is Gatsby surprised when Daisy says, “I did love him [Tom] once - but I loved you too”?

Gatsby never believed that she loved anyone else but him.

  1. Who is killed? How is he/she killed?

Myrtle Wilson is killed when she is run over by Gatsby’s car. She tries to stop the car because she thinks that Tom is in the car. Daisy is surprised and runs her over by accident.


  1. Why does Tom say, “That yellow car I was driving this afternoon wasn’t mine---do you hear?  I haven’t seen it all afternoon”? What are his potential motives?

He does not want he police to connect the car to him. He does not want George to connect him and Myrtle.


  1. Whose birthday is it? How old is he/she turning?

Nick Carraway is turning thirty on this day.


  1. What is the tone/mood of the scene where Daisy and Tom ate at the kitchen table?

Tom and Daisy are having a simple intimate moment.


Chapter 8

  1. How does Gatsby’s house seem to Nick during his visit?

Gatsby’s house seems big, empty and dirty. There were no people around.


  1. Why does Gatsby feel “married” to Daisy?

Gatsby feels married to Daisy because she represents the past and his ideal ( dream.) He also feels responsibility for he rand is willing to take the blame for the accident.


  1. What attracts Daisy to Tom Buchanan?

Daisy is first attracted to Tom because of his “bulkiness” but also his confidence and the fact that her parent approve of him.


  1. Why does Nick say, “They’re a rotten crowd…You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together”?  Why is it good that he chose this moment to say this to Gatsby?

Nick says this to Gatsby at a low moment for Gatsby because it will make him feel better. Gatsby has been trying all along to show them that he is their equal. Nick goes further by saying he is better than all of them. It is fortunate that he chose this moment to say this because it would be the last time he would see Gatsby alive.


  1. What ultimately happens to Gatsby?   What happens to George Wilson?

Gatsby is killed in his swimming pool by George Wilson. Wilson turns the gun on himself after killing Gatsby.


Chapter 9

  1. Why does Nick feel he is responsible for taking care of the situation?

Nick feels like he is the only one who really knew Gatsby, plus no one else is willing to organize a funeral.


  1. What is the father’s perception of his son and his son’s life?

Gatsby’s father is proud of his son. He thinks he would have been a great man someday.

  1. Why isn’t Klipspringer going to attend the funeral?

Klipspringer makes an excuse to get out of going to the funeral. He says he ahs to attend a picnic in Connecticut.


  1. Why is it significant that the man with owl-eyed glasses is the only other person to come to Gatsby’s funeral?

The Owl –eyed man, just like the eues on the signe for T.J. Eckleburg represents God.

  1. Why does Nick say that Tom and Daisy are “careless people”?

Nick says that Tom and Daisy are careless people because they used their wealth to leave. They didn’t take responsibility for Myrtle, Gatsby or George’s deaths even though they were involved.



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