The fault in our stars door John Green

Beoordeling 6.2
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The fault in our stars
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 1771 woorden
  • 9 januari 2016
  • 11 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.2
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Boekcover The fault in our stars

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernietigt, dat ieder godsblij maakt dat hij lééft. 

Hazel werd drie jaar geleden opgegeven, maar een nieuw medicijn rekt haar leven voor nog onbekende tijd. Gen…

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernieti…

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernietigt, dat ieder godsblij maakt dat hij lééft. 

Hazel werd drie jaar geleden opgegeven, maar een nieuw medicijn rekt haar leven voor nog onbekende tijd. Genoeg om een studie op te pakken en vooral niet als zieke behandeld te worden. Augustus, Gus, heeft kanker overleefd - ten koste van een been. Vanaf het moment dat Hazel en Gus elkaar ontmoeten, lijkt er geen ontsnappen aan de zinderende wederzijdse aantrekkingskracht. Maar Hazel wil niet iemands tijdbom zijn.

Hazel laat Gus kennismaken met haar lievelingsboek: An Imperial Affliction van Peter Van Houten, een roman over een ziek meisje, die midden in een zin eindigt. Samen besluiten ze op zoek te gaan naar Peter Van Houten om hem te vragen hoe het de personages vergaat nadat het boek is opgehouden. De tocht leidt hen naar Amsterdam, waar de schrijver als een kluizenaar leeft. Hij is in niets wat ze zich van hem hebben voorgesteld. En hun leven neemt een wending die ze zich niet hadden kunnen indenken.

'Ik bezing de tijd die versluiert en onthult, de tijd die je met de doden herenigt, de tijd die als water alles vernietigt wat hij voedt.'
Peter Van Houten, An Imperial Affliction

The fault in our stars door John Green

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Meer informatie

The fault in our stars, by John Green (2012).


The story of the book begins in the United States of America in het present time.  One of the main characters, Hazel Grace Lancaster, who lives in America, really wants to go to Amsterdam (the Netherlands) because her favorite writer lives there. Her friend, Augustus Walter, arranges that Hazel Grace together with him and her mother can go to Amsterdam for a couple of days. There, in Amsterdam, the most important part of the book takes place. After their stay in Amsterdam, the three of them return to America, where the story ends.

(Main) Characters

Hazel Grace Lancaster. Hazel Grace is 16 years old and lives in America, Indianapolis. She has a strange way of humor and knows exactly what she wants and doesn’t want. Hazel Grace has suffered from cancer since she can remember. She has thyroid cancer with a metastasis to her lungs. She always carries an oxygen tank with her, so she’s never out of breath. Probably Hazel Grace won’t heal from cancer and her life expectancy isn’t high. She likes to read books, especially the book ‘An imperial affliction’ by Van Houten. This book is about a girl called Anna who also suffers from cancer and will die soon. Hazel Grace feels connected to Anna and reads this book over and over again. This is one of the reasons her mother thinks Hazel Grace is depressed. Her mother sends her to a support group. Although Hazel Grace doesn’t want to go, she nevertheless goes to support group to make her parents happy. It looks like Hazel Grace has already given up the hope on herself.

Augustus Walter. Augustus (Gus) is 18 years old and lives in the same city as hazel Grace. Although he is a cool and smooth boy, he has got a good heart and is really sincere. Just like Hazel Grace he has suffered from cancer, although but has got cured. Because of his cancer, he misses a half leg and wears prosthesis. Augustus is also going to support group to support his best friend, Isaac. Isaac has suffered from eye cancer. He misses one eye. With the other he only sees a little bit and about time he will lose his other eye as well. Augustus is afraid that when he dies no-one will remember him. He fears oblivion.


Hazel Grace goes to support group, because her mother wants her to go. One time during support group when she sits on a chair and listens to other people’s stories, a boy is watching her all the time. Hazel gets really nervous and is asking herself why he’s watching her. As soon as support group finished, Hazel walks to the boy and asks him why he was watching her all the time. The boy, Augustus, tells her she is really beautiful and says he likes to watch beautiful people. Then Augustus invites her to come over to his house. The both of them share their stories about their diseases. Hazel tells him about the book An imperial affliction. He decides to read the book for her. They discuss the book and Hazel Grace tells him she doesn’t like the end of the book, because it ends in the middle of a sentence. She really wants to know what happened to the cancer patient, Anna, but the book doesn’t tell.

Augustus contacts by e-mail the secretary of the author Van Houten, Liedewij. He asks her what the end of the book will be. Liedewij replies his e-mail and says that she can’t tell the end of the story by mail.  However she invites them to come to Amsterdam to get the answers on their questions about the book. Hazel Grace really wants to go to Amsterdam but there is one problem; it is almost impossible to go by plane due to her disease. Augustus makes an arrangement with the organization ‘Do a Wish’ which enables her to go to Amsterdam. One month before they go to Amsterdam, something terrible happens to Hazel. She gets a pleural effusion and finds herself on IC. Their trip to Amsterdam seems gone, but with a lot of begging and dealing they manage to go to Amsterdam. On their way to the airport Hazel Grace and her mother stop by the home of Augustus to pick him up. When they arrive, they hear Augustus arguing with his mother. When the arguing stops, the three of them drive to the airport and fly to Amsterdam. Landed in Amsterdam, Augustus and Hazel go to the house of Van Houten to get answers about the end of the book. Liedewij opens the door and let them in. They see Van Houten and he looks like a malicious drunkard. Van Houten refuses to tell how the book ends and Hazel is really disappointed. Liedewij decides to show them the Anne Frank house. In the Anne Frank house are no elevators, so Hazel has to climb all the stairs by herself. When Augustus and Hazel finally get upstairs they kiss each other.

The next day Augustus admits to Hazel Grace that he has had a PET-scan. It says his cancer is back, but now all over his body, which means he’ll die soon. When they are back in Indianapolis, Augustus’ health is deteriorating very fast. He knows he’ll die soon, so he invites Isaac and Hazel Grace to come to his pre-funeral. During this pre-funeral Hazel Grace tells in her grave step how much she loves him. She speaks about math and infinities; that she and Augustus are having an infinity which will, of course, never end. Eight days later Augustus dies. On the funeral of Augustus, Van Houten suddenly appears and tells Hazel Augustus wrote him an e-mail. In this e-mail Augustus forces Van Houten to make things up with her. Van Houten explains to Hazel that the book is based on his daughter Anna, who died at the age of eight. He tries to answer the questions Hazel asked him the first time they’ve met, but Hazel doesn’t wants to listen to him. She wants him to leave the funeral. Van Houten gives Hazel a letter, but she crumples it. A few days later Hazel Grace goes to visit Isaac, who is blind now. Isaac asks her about the letter Augustus wrote her. Hazel Grace doesn’t understand what he is talking about, until she realizes it must be the letter Van Houten gave to her the other day. She finds the letter and reads it. The book ends with her reading the letter.

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The next day Augustus admits to Hazel Grace that he has had a PET-scan. It says his cancer is back, but now all over his body, which means he’ll die soon. When they are back in Indianapolis, Augustus’ health is deteriorating very fast. He knows he’ll die soon, so he invites Isaac and Hazel Grace to come to his pre-funeral. During this pre-funeral Hazel Grace tells in her grave step how much she loves him. She speaks about math and infinities; that she and Augustus are having an infinity which will, of course, never end. Eight days later Augustus dies. On the funeral of Augustus, Van Houten suddenly appears and tells Hazel Augustus wrote him an e-mail. In this e-mail Augustus forces Van Houten to make things up with her. Van Houten explains to Hazel that the book is based on his daughter Anna, who died at the age of eight. He tries to answer the questions Hazel asked him the first time they’ve met, but Hazel doesn’t wants to listen to him. She wants him to leave the funeral. Van Houten gives Hazel a letter, but she crumples it. A few days later Hazel Grace goes to visit Isaac, who is blind now. Isaac asks her about the letter Augustus wrote her. Hazel Grace doesn’t understand what he is talking about, until she realizes it must be the letter Van Houten gave to her the other day. She finds the letter and reads it. The book ends with her reading the letter.

Narrator/way the book was written

The style of writing I really liked, because it was quite understandable. It is written in the present time about a common subject and the author avoids long sentences. Hazel Grace Lancaster is the narrator; it is written in the I-form. You experience the story by the he eyes of Hazel Grace. You get to know her thoughts and what drives her in life; it made me cry. There aren’t any flashbacks. Once Hazel Grace was thinking about the first time she got a pleural effusion, it could be considered as a flashback. Nevertheless don’t consider it as a flashback, because it is a very short thought. At the end of the book Augustus dies and Hazel Grace reads his letter. The book doesn’t leave any open ends.


I think the reason why the book has been written is to show how it is to live with a terrible disease as cancer and that life is short You have to enjoy every single minute of your life because you’ll never know when it ends. The book also shows you can live your life with someone who has cancer, like the parents of Hazel Grace. The parents of Hazel Grace decide to tell other people about their experience how they’ve dealt  with the disease of their daughter It makes Hazel Grace happy that her parents can continue  their life when she will be gone. The Theme of the book is living with a terrible disease which kills you and still be able to love other people.


“But it is the nature of stars to cross, and never was Shakespeare more wrong than when he has Cassius note, ‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves.” Hazel and Augustus both have had cancer. So there is a fault in their genes, in their stars. Because of this ´fault´ they won´t be able to live a full long life.  So it is not the ‘fault’ in themselves, but a fault in their stars.

“I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up," he said. "And it is my privilege and my responsibility to ride all the way up with you," I said.” This quote shows how the book is written. It is written very positive, although the story is really sad.

“I'll fight it. I'll fight it for you. Don't you worry about me, Hazel Grace. I'm okay. I'll find a way to hang around and annoy you for a long time.” The key-point in this book is when Augustus tells Hazel Grace about his cancer returning and hell die soon. Hazel Grace always thought she was the one who would die first. She describes herself as a grenade which will explode at once and hurts everyone around her. Therefore she wants to hurt as little people around her as possible. This is the reason why she didn’t want Augustus to be her boyfriend. But suddenly Augustus tells her that he will die very soon; so now it is Hazel Grace who stays behind

“The world," he said, "is not a wish-granting factory.” This quote I like the most, because it is really true. Augustus is right that the world is not a wish-granting factory. You can’t always get what you want. This is something I also see in my own life: I wish a lot of things, but most of them don’t come true. I know I have to be grateful and enjoy my life as it is.



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