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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone door J.K. Rowling

Beoordeling 7.6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 1654 woorden
  • 16 november 2010
  • 75 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.6
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Boekcover Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy. He lives with Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley, who make him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs. Then Harry starts receiving mysterious letters and his life is changed for ever. He is whisked away by a beetly-eyed giant of a man and enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchscraft and Wizardry. The reason: Harry Potte…

Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy. He lives with Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley, who make him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs. Then Harry starts receivin…

Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy. He lives with Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley, who make him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs. Then Harry starts receiving mysterious letters and his life is changed for ever. He is whisked away by a beetly-eyed giant of a man and enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchscraft and Wizardry. The reason: Harry Potter is a wizard!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone door J.K. Rowling

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Title: Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone
Author: J.K. Rowling
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB
Copyright: 1997
Genre: Fantasy and adventure

(Dutch summary)

Harry Potter is een elf jarige jongen met een ronde glazen bril en heeft donker haar, hij woont bij zijn oom Vernon en tante Petunia en hun zoon Dudley, de dikke neef van Harry. Zijn leven is niet zo leuk, hij moet slapen in de bezemkast onder de trap, zijn oom en tante zijn nooit tevreden met hem en Dudley pest hem altijd. Op een dag ontvangt Harry brieven met een dikke rode stempel erop, en is dagen later gered door een grote brede man, zijn naam is Hagrid en hij is de poortwachter bij Zweinstein. Harry komt erachter dat zijn ouders zijn vermoord door Voldemort, een duister tovenaar, en dat Harry zelf erg bekend is in de magische wereld, omdat hij de vloek van Voldemort heeft overleeft. Harry snapt nu waar hij die litteken op zijn voorhoofd vandaan heeft.

Harry Potter gaat naar Zweinstein, een school voor toverij en toverkunst dat ergens in Groot-Brittannië is. Hij gaat daarheen per trein, speciaal voor tovenaars en heksen waar hij nieuwe vrienden ontmoet, Ron en Hermoine, maar ook een vijand genaamd Draco. Ron is een grappig iemand maar heeft een dapper hart, hij houdt niet echt van school. Hermoine is een intelligente meid en is een kei in puzzels oplossen, ze staat in de top van alle klassen. Draco is een schuwe, gemene jongen en is puur van toverbloed en hij houdt er van om Harry en zijn vrienden in de problemen te zien. Harry, Ron en Hermoine zijn geplaatst in Griffindor en Draco in Slytherin.

In het begin van het jaar zijn alle studenten in Zweinstein verteld door Dumbledore(schoolhoofd) dat je niet naar de derde verdieping mag, tenzij je wenst voor een pijnlijke dood. Als de jaar langzaam voorbijgaat komt Harry erachter dat de Steen der wijzen, een magische steen dat in staat is alles in goud te laten veranderen en een verlengende leven, verborgen ligt in een kamer onder het kasteel. Hij komt er ook achter dat iemand het probeert te stelen.

In de maanden van het schooljaar leert hij veel over magie en hoe hij spreuken moet produceren met zijn toverstok. Hij doet ook de sport Zwerkbal, waar je op een bezemsteel vliegt en moet gaan scoren door een bal door een ring te gooien. Harry is er super goed in, hij is zelfs de eerste student die in het eerste leerjaar zit die in een team komt. Hij is ook de zoeker van team Griffoendor, dat betekent dat je een vliegende, kleine gouden bal moet gaan zoeken en als je het vindt en pakt krijg je honderdvijftig punten. Harry heeft een paar keer wedstrijden gedaan tegen andere teams van Zweinstein, inclusief Slytherin.

Na veel onderzoek met hulp van Harry’s vrienden weet hij nu veel over de steen en waarom Voldemort het wil stelen. Harry gaat met Ron en Hermoine naar de kamer waar de steen zit. Nadat ze langs de drie-koppige-hond, Duivelstrik, de juiste sleutel vinden en het levende schaakspel komt Harry eindelijk bij De Spiegel van Erised. Professor Quirrel wachtte al op hem. Hij liet zijn achterhoofd zien en het gezicht van Voldemort zat erop. Harry ziet in de spiegel dat de steen in zijn broekzak zit, want alleen diegene die de steen voor het goede wil ziet en krijgt de steen. Quirrel attacks maar wordt verslagen door het gebruik van de steen door Harry. De professor verandert in stof en as, maar de ziel gaat door Harry heen en dan valt hij flauw. In de ziekenzaal wordt hij wakker en praat met Dumbledore waarbij hij zegt dat de steen is vernietigd voor het grotere goed.

(English summary)

Harry Potter is an eleven year old boy with round glasses and dark hair, who lives with his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia and their son Dudley, the fat nephew of Harry. His life isn’t that fun, he has to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs, his Uncle and Aunt are never satisfied with him, and Dudley always bullies him. One day Harry starts receiving letters with a red stamp on it, and is later rescued by a giant man, his name is Hagrid and is the gate keeper at Hoghwarts. Harry discovers that his parents were killed by Voldemort, a dark wizard, and that Harry is a very famous boy in the wizard world because he survived the curse that Voldemort spelled on him. But Voldemort lost his power after that incident. Harry knows now where he got the scar on his forehead from.

Harry Potter goes to Hoghwarts, a school for Witchcraft and Wizardry that is somewhere in Great Britain. He goes there by train, specially for wizards where he meets new friends, Ron and Hermione, but also an enemy called Draco. Ron is a funny guy who but has a brave heart, he is not really into school. Hermione is a very smart girl and is good at solving puzzles, she is in the top of all classes. Draco is a sly, mean guy and is pure of wizard blood and loves to get Harry and his best friends in trouble. Harry, Ron and Hermione are being placed in Griffindor and Draco in Slytherin.

In the beginning of the year all the students at Hogwarts are told by Professor Dumbledore (the headmaster) not to enter the third floor corridor, unless they wish to “die a very painful death”. As the year proceeds Harry finds that the Philosopher’s Stone, a magical stone which is capable of turning anything into gold and prolonging life, is stored behind this corridor. He also discovers someone is trying to steal it.

In the months of the school year he learns a lot of magic and how to produce spells with his wand. He also does the sport Quidditch, where you ride on flying broomsticks. Harry is very good at it, he is even the first one that comes in a team, while he’s in the thirst year of school. Her is also the seeker of team Griffindor, that means you have to search for a little flying golden ball, and if you catch it you get one-hundred and fifty points. Harry played a couple of matches against other teams of Hogwarts, including Slytherin.

After a lot of research with help of his friends he knows a lot of things about the stone and why Voldemort wants to steal it. Harry goes with Ron and Hermione to the corridor. After the three headed giant dog, the Debil’s Snare, finding the right flying key and living Chess Harry finally gets to The Mirror of Erised. Professor Quirrel was waiting for him. He shows his back of his head and you can see the front face of Voldemort. Harry sees in the mirror that the stone is in his pocket, because only the one that want the stone for itself and not for its power gets the stone. Quirrel attacks but gets defeated by the use of the stone by Harry. The professor changes into dust, but the soul of Voldemort goes through Harry and then he faints.

In the hospital he wakes up and has a chat with Dumbledore where he said that the stone is destroyed for the greater good.


Title: the whole story is about getting the stone to stop Voldemort getting his power back.

Situations: in every situation there is a need of courage.

Feelings of Harry Potter: proud and happy but sometimes sad and eventually finds the courage to go on.

Ending: it ends well, sort of happily ever after.

Courage: To cross the barriers and face his worst enemy Voldemort Harry needs to be very courageous. Harry was also placed in the school house of Gryffindor because of the courage he possesses.

Structure of the story

Tell position: it is told in the third-person, you read the thoughts and feelings of Harry Potter.

Chronological: it is chronological.

Difference between telling time and narrative time: there were a few time slips as an example ‘’the winter went by’’ but there was more narrative time because the whole book was exciting, so narrative time is higher than telling time.

Tension: The whole book is full of tension, the tension is build by feelings and thoughts of Harry and the happenings of the surrounding, for example in the forbidden forest where it’s dark and quiet.


Other books that are written by the same writer

-Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

-Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

-Harry Potter and the goblet of fire

-Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix

-Harry Potter and the half blood prince

-Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

J.K. Rowling is one of the famous writers of the world. She sold millions of Harry Potter books all over the world, and it is still selling.

My Opinion

I chose this book because everyone knows Harry Potter and it’s very popular so that means it’s a very good book. Furthermore it’s easy reading and it’s a big adventure and I like books with action, good thinking and adventure.

I really liked the book, it’s the perfect book for me, I already read all seven of them so I can’t really complain. But in this book there is everything that I need to read the book with joy like excitement, tension, fun, adventure, action, fantasy , a lot of secrets to solve to come to the very end and the book really reads like a train.

After I read the first book I immediately wanted to read the next book of Harry Potter and so on with the rest of the books. So I definitely wanted to read more of this theme and writer.

Het boekverslag gaat verder na deze boodschap.

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Gids Eindexamens

Alles wat je moet weten over de eindexamens

Harry Potter is an eleven year old boy with round glasses and dark hair, who lives with his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia and their son Dudley, the fat nephew of Harry. His life isn’t that fun, he has to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs, his Uncle and Aunt are never satisfied with him, and Dudley always bullies him. One day Harry starts receiving letters with a red stamp on it, and is later rescued by a giant man, his name is Hagrid and is the gate keeper at Hoghwarts. Harry discovers that his parents were killed by Voldemort, a dark wizard, and that Harry is a very famous boy in the wizard world because he survived the curse that Voldemort spelled on him. But Voldemort lost his power after that incident. Harry knows now where he got the scar on his forehead from.

Harry Potter goes to Hoghwarts, a school for Witchcraft and Wizardry that is somewhere in Great Britain. He goes there by train, specially for wizards where he meets new friends, Ron and Hermione, but also an enemy called Draco. Ron is a funny guy who but has a brave heart, he is not really into school. Hermione is a very smart girl and is good at solving puzzles, she is in the top of all classes. Draco is a sly, mean guy and is pure of wizard blood and loves to get Harry and his best friends in trouble. Harry, Ron and Hermione are being placed in Griffindor and Draco in Slytherin.

In the beginning of the year all the students at Hogwarts are told by Professor Dumbledore (the headmaster) not to enter the third floor corridor, unless they wish to “die a very painful death”. As the year proceeds Harry finds that the Philosopher’s Stone, a magical stone which is capable of turning anything into gold and prolonging life, is stored behind this corridor. He also discovers someone is trying to steal it.

In the months of the school year he learns a lot of magic and how to produce spells with his wand. He also does the sport Quidditch, where you ride on flying broomsticks. Harry is very good at it, he is even the first one that comes in a team, while he’s in the thirst year of school. Her is also the seeker of team Griffindor, that means you have to search for a little flying golden ball, and if you catch it you get one-hundred and fifty points. Harry played a couple of matches against other teams of Hogwarts, including Slytherin.

After a lot of research with help of his friends he knows a lot of things about the stone and why Voldemort wants to steal it. Harry goes with Ron and Hermione to the corridor. After the three headed giant dog, the Debil’s Snare, finding the right flying key and living Chess Harry finally gets to The Mirror of Erised. Professor Quirrel was waiting for him. He shows his back of his head and you can see the front face of Voldemort. Harry sees in the mirror that the stone is in his pocket, because only the one that want the stone for itself and not for its power gets the stone. Quirrel attacks but gets defeated by the use of the stone by Harry. The professor changes into dust, but the soul of Voldemort goes through Harry and then he faints.

In the hospital he wakes up and has a chat with Dumbledore where he said that the stone is destroyed for the greater good.


Title: the whole story is about getting the stone to stop Voldemort getting his power back.

Situations: in every situation there is a need of courage.

Feelings of Harry Potter: proud and happy but sometimes sad and eventually finds the courage to go on.

Ending: it ends well, sort of happily ever after.

Courage: To cross the barriers and face his worst enemy Voldemort Harry needs to be very courageous. Harry was also placed in the school house of Gryffindor because of the courage he possesses.

Structure of the story

Tell position: it is told in the third-person, you read the thoughts and feelings of Harry Potter.

Chronological: it is chronological.

Difference between telling time and narrative time: there were a few time slips as an example ‘’the winter went by’’ but there was more narrative time because the whole book was exciting, so narrative time is higher than telling time.

Tension: The whole book is full of tension, the tension is build by feelings and thoughts of Harry and the happenings of the surrounding, for example in the forbidden forest where it’s dark and quiet.


Other books that are written by the same writer

-Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

-Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

-Harry Potter and the goblet of fire

-Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix

-Harry Potter and the half blood prince

-Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

J.K. Rowling is one of the famous writers of the world. She sold millions of Harry Potter books all over the world, and it is still selling.

My Opinion

I chose this book because everyone knows Harry Potter and it’s very popular so that means it’s a very good book. Furthermore it’s easy reading and it’s a big adventure and I like books with action, good thinking and adventure.

I really liked the book, it’s the perfect book for me, I already read all seven of them so I can’t really complain. But in this book there is everything that I need to read the book with joy like excitement, tension, fun, adventure, action, fantasy , a lot of secrets to solve to come to the very end and the book really reads like a train.

After I read the first book I immediately wanted to read the next book of Harry Potter and so on with the rest of the books. So I definitely wanted to read more of this theme and writer.





12 jaar geleden



Niks 10 punten! Je bent dat stuk over snapes flessen vergeten. Dit is ook een stage net als levend schaak spel etc. Dit is duidelijk gebaseerd op de film, en dus niet op het boek.
Heel jammer dit.

12 jaar geleden



veel spelfouten en een niet samenlopend verhaal, bovendien herinner ik het verhaal anders, zoals het houten huis, de wegisweg, harrys uil en toverstok, dat harry rijk blijkt te zijn, allemaal info die later in de vervolgen belangrijk is

9 jaar geleden

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