Are you experienced? door William Sutcliffe

Beoordeling 5.2
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Boekcover Are you experienced?
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 867 woorden
  • 8 juni 2009
  • 5 keer beoordeeld
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Boekcover Are you experienced?
Are you experienced? door William Sutcliffe
Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

Misschien is de studie Politicologie wel wat voor jou! Tijdens deze bachelor ga je aan de slag met grote en kleine vraagstukken en bestudeer je politieke machtsverhoudingen. Wil jij erachter komen of deze studie bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan student Wouter. 

Meer informatie
Are you experienced?

Are you experienced by William Sutclife.
First published by Hamish Hamilton 1997.
Degree 11.

The story
David meets the girlfriend of his best friend James. The girl is named Liz and David likes her from the first time. They all had summer holiday, so all their friends decided to go on vacation and travel around in Asia or Africa. Only Liz and David are not going to travel, but because they’re both alone they decide to call each other. Liz and David see each other a lot and they also have sometimes sex, after a while they decide to go travel in India.
Once they’ve arrived in India Liz and David has got a lot of conflicts. The only reason of David to go travel in India is that he can fuck Liz there a lot and the only reason of Liz to go travel in India is that she wants to find her ‘real me.’ David irritates Liz, because of his touristy mentality and Liz irritates David, because of her  ‘I-want-to-find-the-real-me-mentality’. After a while they go travel separate because they’d a big conflict. In the begin David feels himself really fucked up, but after a while he sees a other traveller who he have met before on his journey. This guy Ranj has got a lot of money so they stay in a big hotel and do expensive things. On the beach he talks to two girls who can tell him that Liz had fucked a tutor somewhere in India and these two friends of Liz are really angry on her and David is also.

After three months of travelling in India he flies back to England and when he has an appointment with James and Liz and David tells that Liz had fucked other guys and James doesn’t believe him and became angry on David. After that David has lost all his friends, but he doesn’t mind, because he wants to start a new life, on his new study, and he wants to show the real new him.

David is 19 years old and is graduated. He is very kind, but can also use people, for example Liz, for the sex. He doesn’t really know what he wants, but he is not going to change for someone, he just can’t, although he wants to. David is also not very self-confident. The adventurous type is David not really, but still he’s going to travel in India (just for Liz). David feels himself a little bit lonely always and also rejected but although that he is very sarcastic. Maybe is that to hide his loneliness. Especially in the beginning David behaved himself very sarcastic, he never takes something serious and just can’t think positive about the travelling. Until Liz and he goes another way, his only goal was to go to bed with Liz, but after that he also wants to find the real David and he can think positive about travelling and India. At the end of the book David is much more grown-up and his way of thinking is really changed. The reason of this changing in the story is because of the lonely travelling in India, and talking to some people who have said very useful things to him.

Liz is also 19 years old and graduated. She is very handsome and everybody knows that, including herself. She’s got a boyfriend but is not really loyal to him. This is someone who use what she can use. In this situation she can use David to travel to India. Although Liz does volunteer work and she is the adventurous type to go travel, sleep on hard beds, see some culture and that kind of things. Liz can really be a bitch. At the and she is almost the same as in the begin. She is the same bitch, and uses persons and can’t be really honest.

In this story are airplanes and cars so this story takes place somewhere between 1930 and today.

This story takes place in India, where the young people travel around.

The story is almost complete chronologic, except for a couple of flashbacks.

Point of view
The story is told in the I-perspective, David tells the whole story.

The title ‘Are you experienced’ relates to the experience in their lives. They both don’t have much experience and you see that in their behaviour, but after the travelling in India they are more experienced and are more grown-up.

The theme of this book is finding the real me and being yourself, don’t let anything depend on something or someone else.

Although some chapters were a little bit boring, some were full of action and respectful thoughts. Because the book has got an unexpected turning-point it was very nice to read and see how David deal with some situations. I’ve never read about travelling in India it also was interesting and this were very interesting personality’s.
In the book where some parts which were unnecessary and don’t give any addition. That created the book a little bit dull, but written out of that it was a good book to read.


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