Ben jij 16 jaar of ouder? Doe dan mee aan dit leuke testje voor het CBR. In een paar minuten moet je steeds kiezen tussen 2 personen.


Stepping stones Engels antwoorden

Beoordeling 4.6
Foto van een scholier
  • Antwoorden door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 387 woorden
  • 14 oktober 2012
  • 27 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.6
27 keer beoordeeld

Overweeg jij om Politicologie te gaan studeren? Meld je nu aan vóór 1 mei!

Misschien is de studie Politicologie wel wat voor jou! Tijdens deze bachelor ga je aan de slag met grote en kleine vraagstukken en bestudeer je politieke machtsverhoudingen. Wil jij erachter komen of deze studie bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan student Wouter. 

Meer informatie

Leesopdracht versie A

1 Because he thought that he was the one who pulled the chair out from under him.
2 - She only talked about people and situations Bethany was not familiar with.
- She ignored Bethany.
3 She felt left out.
4 When they had to do a project together.
5 Because of her support when Livia had a problem.
6 That most people answered that their best friend made a bad first impression on them.
7 That she was always busy with her make-up, even in class.

1 How does that salesman come across?
2 How would you describe the candidate?
3 What's your teacher like?
4 They are really generous.
5 The film was not as exciting as we thought it would be.
6 I'm pleasantly surprised by the results.
7 The con artist is rather convincing.
8 She has great qualifications.
9 He comes across as quite nervous.
10 She seems disappointed.

1 She looked / appeared to be rather insecure, a bit pale too
2 He looked quite self assured
3 He didn't appeal to me, he came across as rather arrogant in his three piece suit
4 They wore worn-out jeans
5 his attitude gave us the wrong impression
6 has a very pleasant personality
7 he gives me the creeps

Leesopdracht  Versie B
1 Because she gives them bad grades
2 His clothes, his glasses and his hair.
3 He treats them like equals / friends.
4 He thinks she is too old for fashion.
5 Because she is the only French teacher in school.
6 Because he talks in a funny way to help them remember what they learn.
7 Because one day she started shouting at students and made them stay after school.

1 What is that actor like?
2 How does the applicant appear?
3 How would you describe his appearance?
4 They are really nervous.
5 Her attitude gives me the creeps.
6 He seems quite insecure.
7 The director appears to be / looks rather self-assured.
8 She has a pleasant personality.
9 She comes across as quite generous.
10 The trailer was not as exciting / interesting as they had led us to believe.

1 He had great qualifications, and he was rather convincing.
2 How would you describe him?
3 He wore a worn-out three piece suit.
4 He came across as quite trustworthy / reliable.
5 He didn't impress me at all.
6 maybe his attitude gave you the wrong impression.
7 he is not as interesting / exciting as you thought he would be.



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